
The Beijing Olympic Park public area is ready

author:Beiqing Net

Original title: Beijing Olympic Park public area is ready

When people think of Winter Olympic venues, people often think of ice cubes, Winter Olympic villages, bird nests, etc. But did you know that there is also a very special Winter Olympic venue, with an area of 1.14 square kilometers and a perimeter of 6.2 kilometers, which is the Olympic Park public area in Chaoyang District.

Yesterday, before the closed-loop management of the public area, the reporter visited its preparations on the spot.

Coordinate the 4 venues without breaking the ring

"In accordance with the principle of 'less disturbance, more service' and service guarantee content, we have scientifically and reasonably delineated the scope of public areas, which is smaller than the 2008 Olympic Games." Yang Hongfu, deputy director and secretary general of logistics in the beijing Olympic Park public area, introduced that during the competition, it is expected to welcome more than 20,000 people every day.

The public area covers 4 venues, including the National Aquatics Center and the National Stadium, as well as two non-competition venues in the Bird's Nest and Beijing Awards Plaza.

Yang Hongfu introduced that the personnel and vehicles of the 4 venues all have to pass through the public area, so in accordance with the principle of "no cross of the streamline, no overlap of the area", the flow of people and vehicles is scientifically and reasonably set.

There are 4 large art landscapes

In terms of landscape layout, the public area of the Olympic Park mainly uses blue and white, green and green embellished with xiaguang red as the main color system, integrating the traditional culture of the central axis with the elements of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

It is worth mentioning that 4 large-scale art landscapes are set up in the public area.

"Beijing Olympic Park Public Area BOP" is the first art installation after entering the public area, and the blue waves that rise and fall hold up the theme slogan of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games "Together to the Future".

Heading north along the public area, the Fifth Winter Olympic Ring road on the west side of the Bird's Nest is in front of you. During the Winter Olympics, many heavyweight broadcasters around the world will use it as a broadcast background. "Five rings" will present two landscape effects day and night, "during the day, it is a colored five rings, after nightfall, it will become a soft white five rings, integrated with the surrounding environment, will not appear particularly bright, nor particularly dark." The relevant person in charge said.

In addition, there are brightly lit "snowmen" in the public areas, and the audience can touch them to make music, and the lights will change with the music. The fourth landscape art installation is a Winter Olympic-themed flower bed, and the cute ice pier is the protagonist.

Volunteers are proficient in seven skills

Among the Venues of the Winter Olympics, the public area of the Olympic Park has the largest number of volunteers, reaching 820 people. Previously, they have carried out seven practical exercises on sign language, guide dogs, wheelchair user support, image etiquette, audience guidance emergency drills, medical rescue CPR, and the use of venue communication clusters.

The public area is specially set up with volunteer homes, with rest areas, cultural and sports activities areas, study and discussion areas, psychological construction areas, cultural display areas and other distinctive functional partitions, decorated with Winter Olympic calendars, wish messages and so on.

The reporter then went to checkpoint 5 between Ice Cube and the National Stadium. "There are a total of 13 security checkpoints in the public area, of which No. 5 and No. 12 are large security gates for spectators because they are closest to the subway station." According to the relevant person in charge, a wide barrier-free security inspection channel is set up on the easternmost side of the No. 5 security checkpoint, and the security inspection door is cancelled and replaced by a combination of machine and hand inspection to facilitate the elderly and the disabled. (Zhu Songmei)

Source: Qianlong Network

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