
Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?
Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

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In less than 2 days, the playoff division round will begin. The league's strongest 8 teams are about to fight each other. Therefore, Xiaobian will do a game preview for everyone through three dimensions of "fateful grievances", "state morale", and "key alignment" to ensure that you do your homework before the game. Today, let's talk about Midland.

Buffalo Bill @ Kansas City Chief

Competition time: 1.24 (Mon) 7:30 a.m. (Beijing time)

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

Fateful grudges

Does anyone remember this scene? This is the scene when Beal star receiver Steven Diggs was after last season's American League final. And minutes before that scene, Beal had just lost 24-38 to the Chiefs on the road, missing out on a chance to reach the Super Bowl. Despite the game being over, Diggs remained on the pitch, reluctant to leave, watching the Chiefs celebrate recklessly. At this time, he swallowed all the pain as if he were a yue king, and this scene would always remind him: he must take back what he lost. Finally, Diggs waited for the opportunity. This time, it's still the Arrow Field, it's still the playoffs, can they succeed in their revenge?

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

But not only did Bill hate the Chief, but the Chief also had a grudge against Bill. Don't look at the current Chiefs, who are now in second place in the American League, sitting on home advantage, and anyone remembers what they looked like at the beginning of the season? They started the season with a 3-4 record, and when voting on whether the Chiefs could make the playoffs, 64 percent of fans thought they couldn't make the playoffs. One of the most memorable losses was the loss to Beal in Week 5. At that time, Josh Allen's cannonball arm and the receiver's connection pierced the chief's defensive second line. Now that the Chiefs' defensive group has regained their strength, can they withstand the pressure?

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

In addition, there is a trivia to tell you. The coaches of both teams, Andy Reid and Sean McDermott, have worked together for nearly 10 years. Prior to joining the Chiefs in 2013, Reed was the philadelphia Eagles' head coach from 1999 to 2012. In 1999, McDermott also joined the Hawks as a scout, and in 2001 joined Andy Reed's coaching staff. Over the next few years, McDermott served as a defensive second-tier and linebacker position coach, becoming a defensive coordinator in 2009 and leaving in 2011 to join the Panthers. This pair of old acquaintances for more than 20 years believe that the defensive thinking of the other side has been clearly understood.

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

State morale

Both teams have just experienced a big win and are arguably at their best of the season. After a mid-season slump, Beal locked up the East Championship with a four-game winning streak. Last week, they also beat their rival Patriots 47-17 at home and set several records. Against Belicek's team, each wave of offense has been touched, and Beal's offensive firepower is evident. Star quarterback Josh Allen advanced 308 yards on 21 of 25 passes, delivering five passes and 0 interceptions. There is no doubt that he has reached the peak of his career.

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

And the chieftains, their state is also amazingly better. Since week 8, they have achieved an impressive 10-1 record in 11 games, losing only one away to the Tigers. In these 10 wins, the biggest surprise is undoubtedly that their defense has finally gradually found rhythm, playing more and more smoothly, and rookie Nick Bolton has gradually grown into the team's defensive backbone. Absolute Core Mago has also adjusted to its best, just last week passing 404 yards and getting five touchdowns in 11 minutes. This game may be the pinnacle of the Best Cannonball Arm in the United States.

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

Key alignment

Chiefs pass offense vs Beal defend second line

Since the day Margo Holmes became the Chiefs' starting quarterback, passing offense has become the Chiefs' biggest advantage. The Chiefs also equipped him with two fast horses, Tyrick Hill and Mikel Hardman, to match his cannon arm. At the same time, DeMarcus Robinson and Byron Pringle were often able to support Mahomes. Don't forget the near-end striker Travis Kelsey. Although she is 32 years old, Kelsey's performance has not declined at all. This is the sixth consecutive season in which he has broken thousands of yards. He can even play a magical performance of 191 yards in a single game, setting a new career high. His performance in the next game will also determine the final outcome of the game.

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

Coincidentally, the Chiefs' rivals, The Beal, have the league's best pass defense this season. In the regular season, Beal averaged just 163 yards per game, and the average passing score per game for opposing quarterbacks was only 65.3. Defensive front-line Ed Oliver can often put a lot of pressure on opposing quarterbacks, and linebacker Matt Milano is arguably one of the best linebackers in the league to cover the ball. Although the number one corner, Werter Ravis White, was reimbursed for the injury season, but the substitute cornerbacks Talon Johnson and Levy Wallace played very surprisingly. Meanwhile, security guards Michael Hyde and Jordan Puyer sit in the security guards to act as the last insurers. In this game, this defensive group will also cause a lot of interference to Mahomes.

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

Irresponsible predictions

Xiaobian Chicken Rice: 28-21 Xiaobian Mop: 44-38

Kirby: 31-30 Master Ma: 24-27

Cincinnati Tigers @ Tennessee Titans

Competition time: 1.23 (Sun) 5:30 a.m. (Beijing time)

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

While most people know the Tigers just made their first playoff win in 31 years last week, do you know who they were against the last time they won? It was the Tennessee Titans, who were also called the Houston Oilmen at the time. And, in that game, the Tigers showed no mercy, crushing the Titans with a score of 41-14. At the same time as rewriting the history of the team, Liang Zi also ended it. Moreover, the Titans are not very accustomed to the position of number one in the United States. The last 2 times they've been 1st in the Regular Season (2000 & 2008), they've all traveled in one round and are sadly out. Will the Titans be able to break the spell while successfully taking revenge?

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

In addition, many people also know that Tigers quarterback Joe Burrow led Louisiana State University (LSU) to the championship; and the Tigers' rookie receiver Jamal Chase was a teammate of Burrow's college. In this game, they will also meet another old teammate, that is, Titan cornerback Christian Fulton. Fulton knows the roots of the "Bo Cai combination", can he intercept his former teammates this week?

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

The Tigers won their first playoff win in 31 years last week. For them, the current momentum is an unknown, because they have not reached this height for 31 years. However, Burrow is no stranger to these situations. As mentioned in yesterday's push, Burrow led the team to the first playoff victory and made history in high school, and in college, he also won the perfect season without being favored by the whole season. Burrow's natural leadership is undoubtedly moving forward with the team, and they are on the right path.

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

As for the Titans, the biggest good news for Titan fans this week is undoubtedly derrick Henry's recovery from injury. According to reports, Henry has begun to participate in confrontation training, and this game will most likely return. We all remember how Henry the Great carried the team on his shoulders at the beginning of the season, and the lead accumulated at the beginning of the season was also an important factor for the Titans to become the No. 1 in the American League regular season. The Titans, who ushered in the comeback of the Emperor, are full of wings and ready to go.

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

Joe Burrow vs Titans defend the front line

The Titans, who lost Henry the Great in the second half of the season, were still able to remain competitive, with the biggest credit being their defensive front. Defensive interceptor Jeffrey Simmons has taken the bench this season to be among the league's top infield defenders. Outside passer Harold Landry has also scored 12 tackles this season. They are bound to put a lot of pressure on Burrow this week.

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

As for Burrow, unfortunately, being killed several times this week seems inevitable. Burrow has been shot 53 times this season, the most in the league. This week, the encounter with the Titans made the already unprofitable offensive line even worse. However, the tiger's response is also clear. Choosing Chase from the time of draft can see the Tigers' strategy, abandoning the offensive line, adding excellent external connections, and shortening the time for Burrow to shoot to ensure the smoothness of the attack. The biggest attraction of this game is whether Burrow can find the vacant Chase, Higgins, and Boyd before Simmons and Landry arrive.

Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

Xiaobian Chicken Rice: 14-17 Xiaobian Mop: 27-24

Kirby: 24-20 Master Ma: 21-17

See here for this week's specific fixture schedule!

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Who can make it to the American League Finals? Chief Bill's Pinnacle Showdown! Henry the Great ushered in a comeback?

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