
Animated movie "Invincible Little Flying Pig" to watch

author:Pacific Parent-Child Network

A few days ago, the first domestic children's animation live-action magic show to open the year drama "Invincible Little Flying Pig" released a trailer, compared to the world's premier magic live-action animation movie Harry Potter, "Invincible Little Flying Pig" is no less. Emerging director Song Zhantao focuses on children's magic reality animation show movies, with the work "Invincible Little Flying Pig" to meet the audience, according to him, with the child's perspective and innocent mentality, in order to do their own film.

Animated movie "Invincible Little Flying Pig" to watch

Tinker Bell: Synopsis of The Legend of the Never-Before-Beast

Tinker Bell's friend Fang Wen meets the powerful and mysterious Eternal Beast and becomes friends with it. But the other fairies did not approve of the Eternal Beast, how would Fang Wen solve this crisis of trust?

Highlight 1: Create a precedent for children's magic reality shows and open a new era of domestic animation

Compared with the world's premier magic live-action animation movie Harry Potter, "Invincible Flying Pig" is no less than the same, the piglet pig is fat and fat, the mana is boundless and the heart is righteous. If Harry Potter's growth path is tortuous and thrilling, then the plot of "Invincible Little Flying Pig" presents a more clear and upward, light and funny health theme, which is more suitable for Chinese small audiences to watch. Although "Little Flying Pig" is an animation model, the film gives it a lively and lively personality, labels it with a profound personality label, portrays the little flying pig as both lively and cute, slightly exaggerated performance full of joy, and the positive energy in the film is what is lacking in the process of domestic children's films to commercialization.

Highlight 2: Fantastic ideas have always been the creativity of the people's hearts

"Invincible Little Flying Pig" with its sophisticated production, strong sense of fashion, vivid and childlike lines, unique creativity is highly anticipated, this film inherits the comedic elements of traditional animation, making it laugh and fruit continuously; At the same time, in order to make the viewers gradually feel the dangerous alien threat in a relaxed atmosphere, the film breaks through the difficult to play in the domestic animation industry, creating a sense of movement without losing the charm of the visual art. Due to the audience's different preferences and aesthetic angles, this humorous comedy deliberately shows the scene design of a rich multi-scene, and the novel beauty of the bizarre world emphasized in the scene has a unique aesthetic characteristic, drawing on the structure of the world's leading fantasy production. One by one, a complete spatial scene is concisely displayed, leaving the audience with endless imagination space. From the perspective of picture design, such design is beneficial to the audience's understanding of the plot and highlights the theme expressed by the plot.

Highlight 3: Unique "old and young collocation", presenting a grand narrative space

Counting the more successful animation films in China, such as "Pleasant Goat and Gray Taro", "Bear Haunting", "Purcell" and other films, there are problems such as young age positioning and simple storyline. With the increasing number of domestic animations, in recent years, the audience's aesthetic and viewing requirements have become higher and higher. The upcoming "Invincible Little Flying Pig" is starred by real people, presenting a wonderful magical world. More plump and full of narrative, the story line is clear, this animation integrates traditional Chinese language arts and modern aesthetics combined with the fashion elements of modern animation, retains the traditional literary and artistic elements on the basis of innovation, and the addition of several first-class stars with international standards, further through the transformation of the perspective of "old and young" to convey the topic of growth and education, which is a gratifying beginning, and because of the positioning of its audience group, it has become a large-scale film with a positioning of "no age", no sense of age, and a wide audience.