
Never budge! Chinese enterprises (small i robots) sued Apple for infringement, but were "warned and threatened" by the US media, and the Chinese company sued Apple for infringement but was written at the end by the US media "warning threat"

author:Chen Sijin

Source | Qingyuan Technology Talk

Apple is the world's most well-known mobile phone brand, but also a powerful technology giant, its self-developed A series processors and iOS systems, has always been regarded as a model in the industry. It is precisely because of these two core advantages that the iPhone can obtain considerable sales and bring huge revenue and profits to Apple every year.

Never budge! Chinese enterprises (small i robots) sued Apple for infringement, but were "warned and threatened" by the US media, and the Chinese company sued Apple for infringement but was written at the end by the US media "warning threat"

But for Apple, although the level of technology is relatively high, sometimes it is inevitable to use other people's patents, such as the patent litigation between it and Qualcomm, which finally ended in defeat after years of debate. According to the latest news, Apple is currently caught in a patent infringement case, this time suing it is a Chinese company.

Never budge! Chinese enterprises (small i robots) sued Apple for infringement, but were "warned and threatened" by the US media, and the Chinese company sued Apple for infringement but was written at the end by the US media "warning threat"

So what's going on here? What impact will Apple's infringement on Chinese companies have?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="41" > Chinese companies sue Apple for infringement</h1>

The cause of the incident is simple, a Chinese company called Little iBot (Shanghai Zhizhen Network Technology) sued Apple in court for infringing on its technology patent by the iPhone's Siri function. It is understood that as early as 2004, the small i robot applied for a patent technology on the intelligent chat system, and Apple's Siri was only born in 2011.

Never budge! Chinese enterprises (small i robots) sued Apple for infringement, but were "warned and threatened" by the US media, and the Chinese company sued Apple for infringement but was written at the end by the US media "warning threat"

Although the late appearance does not mean that Siri must have borrowed and imitated the chat system of the small i robot, it was later found after investigation and evidence collection that Apple did infringe the patent of the small i robot. To this end, the little i robot began a patent litigation journey against Apple, until now the case has not ushered in a clear outcome.

Many people may be thinking that the small i robot, an unknown company, launching a patent lawsuit against Apple is tantamount to hitting a pebble and not measuring its own strength. But the fact is that the small i robot wants to protect its legitimate rights and interests, as long as Apple really infringes its patented technology, the court will definitely make a fair judgment.

Never budge! Chinese enterprises (small i robots) sued Apple for infringement, but were "warned and threatened" by the US media, and the Chinese company sued Apple for infringement but was written at the end by the US media "warning threat"

In fact, in July last year, the small i robot's prosecution of Apple has already achieved a stage victory. At that time, the court recognized the validity of the patented technology of the small i robot, but did not punish Apple. In September this year, Xiao i Robot appealed again, demanding that Apple pay 10 billion yuan in damages and ban the sale of iPhones with Siri functions in China.

Obviously, this is definitely an unacceptable condition for Apple, if it is just compensation, then 10 billion yuan is not worth mentioning in Apple's eyes, but when it comes to banning the sale of iPhones, Apple is not calm. You know, Apple's annual sales in the Greater China region are an unimaginable number, and once the iPhone is banned, it will bring serious losses to it.

Never budge! Chinese enterprises (small i robots) sued Apple for infringement, but were "warned and threatened" by the US media, and the Chinese company sued Apple for infringement but was written at the end by the US media "warning threat"

In addition, because of the infringement of patented technology and facing the situation of banning the sale of iPhones, this spread out to damage Apple's reputation, so now Apple has not compromised, but is still holding on. But since the court recognized that the patent of the small i robot is valid, it means that Apple has indeed infringed on it to some extent, and what awaits it will only be defeated.

In this regard, it is estimated that Apple itself did not expect that when the iPhone 13 was about to be released, there would actually be such an incident, if it is not handled well, the iPhone phone may really be banned from sale in China. At the same time, many people are very admiring of the small i robot, and it also takes great courage to fight with technology giants such as Apple.

Never budge! Chinese enterprises (small i robots) sued Apple for infringement, but were "warned and threatened" by the US media, and the Chinese company sued Apple for infringement but was written at the end by the US media "warning threat"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" > was "threatened" by the US media</h1>

However, it is worth noting that the patent lawsuit against Apple on Xiaoyi Robot has not only caused a sensation in China, but also attracted the attention of the US media, after all, Apple is one of the representatives of American technology companies. And according to the US media statement, the small i robot's lawsuit against Apple is "out of nothing", if Apple is banned from sale, the United States will impose restrictions on China's semiconductor companies.

Never budge! Chinese enterprises (small i robots) sued Apple for infringement, but were "warned and threatened" by the US media, and the Chinese company sued Apple for infringement but was written at the end by the US media "warning threat"

This means that Chinese companies sued Apple for infringement, but they were "warned and threatened" by the US media, and they did not want to apologize and compensate, but were ready to take countermeasures. This is obviously not good news for the country, the semiconductor industry itself is a relatively weak place in the country, if it is once again restricted by the United States, the development space will be further compressed.

But there is about Apple's patent infringement, small i robot and domestic will not give in! Even if the US media issued a "warning threat", as long as Apple's infringement is confirmed, the country will still make a corresponding judgment. It's not about other areas, it's about the protection of technology patents, and if Apple is left unpunished, what's the use of filing a patent?

Never budge! Chinese enterprises (small i robots) sued Apple for infringement, but were "warned and threatened" by the US media, and the Chinese company sued Apple for infringement but was written at the end by the US media "warning threat"

Not to mention that the US media has not said this once or twice, the US chip rules that took effect last year are still in play, even if apple is spared domestically, the United States will not give up targeting Chinese semiconductor companies. Instead of agreeing to the conditions of the United States, it is better to argue according to reason, this time it is Apple's loss, and the country can reasonably fight back.

Coupled with the encounter of domestic chips in the past two years, it also proves the fact that the Restrictions of the United States on Chinese semiconductor companies will slowly transform into a driving force for their rise and promote the process of autonomy. Therefore, in the face of the "warning threat" of the US media, the country does not have to care too much, as long as it guarantees that Apple's patent infringement case will get a fair result.

Never budge! Chinese enterprises (small i robots) sued Apple for infringement, but were "warned and threatened" by the US media, and the Chinese company sued Apple for infringement but was written at the end by the US media "warning threat"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="55" > written at the end</h1>

In summary, who would have thought that Apple, the world's top technology giant, would infringe on the patented technology of a small company, and the US media also made a "warning threat" to the country, which can only say that they cannot see the situation clearly. Now that the new iPhone 13 series is about to be released, if you don't want sales to be damaged, Apple has to solve this incident as soon as possible.

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