
Decades of trees being cut down, social progress and the improvement of life have left them without their last home

author:Nine Pin Life Officer

Two magpies are bouncing up and down next to their nests, and in the reinforced concrete of the city, this should be their rare habitat.

Decades of trees being cut down, social progress and the improvement of life have left them without their last home

This big tree is an elm tree, and there is actually a row of large elm trees that are more than twenty meters high and about 40 years old, which were planted in the village when my father was young, not only as a boundary between the two villages, but also as a strategic reserve to deal with famine, because the elm money and elm bark can be eaten.

Today, as the only remaining trees in our place, their bodies no longer seem to need to support historical responsibilities. In the process of rapid development, it has changed from a village to a city, and the objects of their protection have changed from rivers, fields, and farmers to roads, buildings, and vehicles. In late autumn, the sound of chainsaws buzzed for days, and their tall bodies were cut off. I was shocked and asked why, it turned out that their old branches had been unable to withstand the slightly larger wind and rain, and the roadside vehicles had been smashed many times, and they had been complained about many times.

Human homes are getting "better" and better, but they are getting older and more burdensome, unable to support tomorrow for the birds' homes. As green trees, they are dispensable, as ornamental trees, they may have been ok, but now there is no way to talk about it. After all, this historical legacy in the spiritual world cannot be preserved for a long time.

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