
Yum General Samurai Min: The fiercest general of the National Army against Japan, he fought to the end of the war, stopped killing with killing, and never surrendered

author:Living Shi Renmu


Wu Shi Min ,Zi Mian Zhi, born in 1892, a native of Huai'an County, Chahar Province (present-day Hebei Province), whose father was jie, the character Han San, had been engaged in business since childhood, engaged in the grain industry, and was quite famous in Huai'an County.

Samurai Min is the only one in the family, so he is very spoiled, he did not get into bad habits because of spoiling when he was a child, but developed an unrestrained, bold and unrestrained personality.

Because he was the only one in the family, his father had high hopes for him, sent him to a private school to find a famous gentleman, and later sent him to a higher primary school.

In 1908, Wu Shimin was admitted to the Xuanhua Provincial Public Xuanhua Middle School, which was the highest school in northern Hebei.

This can win the light for the face of the parents, so the husband and wife set up a feast in the township and feasted on the villagers.

Yum General Samurai Min: The fiercest general of the National Army against Japan, he fought to the end of the war, stopped killing with killing, and never surrendered

(First from left) Samurai Min

After entering Xuanhua Middle School, Samurai Min found that there were many poor students, and he often took the pocket money given by his father to help his classmates in need, and his charity behavior was quickly praised by everyone.

After the Xinhai Revolution, Outer Mongolia became independent and the whole country was in an uproar.

Xuanhua Middle School set up the Zhengmeng Pioneer Team, at this time the enthusiastic samurai Min resolutely signed up to participate, actively accept military training, but because of the weakness and incompetence of the Beiyang government, the proposal of Zhengmeng was abandoned, and the samurai Min sighed, but he showed his military talent.

In 1913, in the summer, the weather was clear and the climate was mild, and Wu Shimin graduated from middle school, and then he was admitted to the Tianjin Beiyang Law and Politics College, which was a very good school at that time, mainly used to cultivate political talents, but Wu Shimin was not interested, and did not even ask for a diploma, so he quietly left.

In 1915, natural disasters and man-made disasters. Famine, plague, knife soldiers, bloodshed...

Rogues, mountain thieves, foreigners have made China smoke and fire, in addition to death, or death, death.

Wu Shimin also returned to his hometown and followed his brother Wu Shi Zheng into society, and soon he was transferred to the Taiyuan Gendarmerie Camp as a secretary, at this time Yuan Shikai was restored, he was determined to follow the trend to overthrow Yuan Shikai, so he became acquainted with Guo Zongdao.

Guo Zongdao had a great influence on Wu Shimin, which was also the beginning of Wu Shimin's beginning to move towards the path of revolutionary cause.

After being introduced by Guo Zongdao, he met many revolutionary party figures, and then went to Guangdong and met Sun Yat-sen.


In 1917, the Beiyang government Duan Qirui dissolved the National Assembly, Guangdong Sun Yat-sen announced the protection of the law, Shaanxi responded, and established the Shaanxi Jingguo Army.

At this time, Wu Shimin followed the torrent of the times to Shaanxi, supported the Jingguo Army in the war, and met Yu Youren, Hu Jingyi, Cao Shiying, Yang Hucheng and others.

During the four years of the Yasukuni Army, Wu Shimin did not lead the troops to fight, but as a staff member, doing some liaison work, during which he was deeply loved by your right-hand and Sun Yat-sen, who also paid for him to study in the Soviet Union, but for various historical reasons he could not go.

Yum General Samurai Min: The fiercest general of the National Army against Japan, he fought to the end of the war, stopped killing with killing, and never surrendered

In 1922, the Jingguo Army disintegrated, and Hu Jing's wing was reorganized into the First Division of the Shaanxi Army by Feng Yuxiang, the governor of Shaanxi. Later, when the Zhifeng War broke out, Samurai Min traveled for Hu Jingyi and began to train soldiers in the Zhangde area.

In 1924, Samurai Min was appointed commander of the second detachment of the Nationalist Tri-Army, and soon after he was appointed brigadier general of the Cavalry Brigade of the Nationalist Tri-Army.

In 1926, the First Army of the Nationalist Army was defeated and retreated to Nankou, and Samurai Min, together with Bow Fukui, led the army to the Yanbei area, at this time, Wu Shimin was already a mature general, fighting in a methodical manner, and commanding a general style.

Yum General Samurai Min: The fiercest general of the National Army against Japan, he fought to the end of the war, stopped killing with killing, and never surrendered

In the autumn of the same year, Samurai Min handed over his troops to Bow Fukui and went to the Soviet Union to study for more than a year, which greatly enhanced his military and political talents.

After returning to China, he went to Shanghai, where he lived in seclusion, sorting out what he had learned every day, and in 1928 he became an adviser to the Seventeenth Army of the Kuomintang Central Army.

In the autumn of the same year, he became the commander of the 1st Brigade of the 1st Division of the 10th Army of the National Revolutionary Army, stationed in the Rusi area. Here, he also eliminated the remnants of warlords such as Liu Guitang and Gu Xun.

In 1929, you Yang Hucheng was attached to Chiang Kai-shek, the troops were downsized, and Wu Shimin was changed from brigade commander to regimental commander, stationed in southern Anhui.

However, it was this year that something happened that made Chiang Kai-shek praise him.

At the end of December, Tang Shengzhi turned against Chiang Kai-shek and planned to attack Wuhan. Wu Shimin, who received the order, led a large army to brave the severe cold and withstand the wind and snow, marched for two days and two nights, galloped for more than 200 miles, and attacked Zhumadian at night, resulting in the total annihilation of the Tang army, and from then on, Chiang Kai-shek loved him a lot.

In the summer of 1930, Wu Shimin followed Feng Qinzha in the Central Plains War, and later entered Shaanxi, serving as a garrison commander at Tongguan.


In the spring of 1933, the Japanese invaded Rehe and attacked the Great Wall.

Samurai Min ushered in the highlight moment of the person, which was also the most brilliant moment of his life, the anti-Japanese resistance.

When the Japanese Kou came, Wu Shimin followed Feng Qinya out of the anti-Japanese war and marched into Shunyi, Huairou and other counties in Hebei.

In May, Samurai Min engaged the Japanese at the Great Wall, and the essence of the fierce general was revealed, and he fought two battles with the Japanese, both of which caused heavy losses to the Japanese army.

In September, due to the signing of the "Ho Mei Agreement", Wu Shimin returned to Dali, Shaanxi.

Later, Wu Shimin followed the Forty-second Division in southern Shaanxi to intercept the Red Twenty-fifth Army of the Red Army, and encountered xu Haidong, a famous general throughout the ages, but failed to defeat.

The following year, the Nationalist government in Nanjing awarded the Samurai Min YunLi medal and promoted him to major general.

Later, due to political relations, Feng Qinzha completely broke away from the Yang Hucheng system, and Wu Shimin followed Feng Qinzai and served as the commander of the 69th Division under him.

Yum General Samurai Min: The fiercest general of the National Army against Japan, he fought to the end of the war, stopped killing with killing, and never surrendered

In 1937, after the July 7 Incident.

Wu Shimin called Chiang Kai-shek and asked to go to the front line to resist japan, and after receiving Chiang Kai-shek's permission, Wu Shimin led his troops to Baoding, Hebei Province, to fight against the Japanese.

On the anti-Japanese battlefield, the samurai Min stopped killing and showed no mercy to the Japanese, and the fighters he led were all loyal and iron-blooded soldiers.

In Dingxian, Anguo, and Shenze, he blocked the Japanese army for 3 days, covering the safe transfer of 100,000 friendly troops, and after completing his mission, he moved to Shijiazhuang and the area around the Tuotuo River, and participated in the famous Battle of Niangziguan.

After three months of bloody battles with the Japanese, due to excessive casualties, Feng Qinzha was ordered to reorganize his troops into a division, led by Wu Shimin, and transferred to the southeastern Mountains of Jin.

After The samurai Min came to the southeast of Jin, he constantly destroyed the enemy's rear and destroyed the communication with Pu Road, and the Japanese army hated him to the bone and mobilized elites to attack him.

The samurai toned to fight mobile warfare, encircled the point to help, repeatedly defeated the Japanese army, causing heavy losses to the Japanese army, so that the samurai min became a major problem for the Japanese army.


In 1939, Samurai Min led his troops to fight with the Japanese army in the area of Qinyuan and Qinxian.

Taking advantage of the favorable terrain, Samurai Min maneuvered around the Japanese army, and seized the fighter plane to successfully ambush the Japanese army, which was retaliated by the Japanese headquarters, and the Japanese army vowed to get rid of Samurai Min, so a large number of troops were mobilized to attack.

In view of the fact that the enemy was outnumbered, Wu Shimin abandoned Qinyuan, retreated to Hongtunyang Qinjian, and organized civilian armed forces in the local area, developed strategic centers, and prepared for a long-term battle with the Japanese army.

In the winter of the same year, samurai Min was promoted for military merit and was appointed commander of the Ninety-eighth Army, and moved to defend Mount Nakajō.

In the autumn of 1940, Wu Shimin was ordered to go to Yangcheng and was transferred to Wei Lihuang's 14th Army.

Yum General Samurai Min: The fiercest general of the National Army against Japan, he fought to the end of the war, stopped killing with killing, and never surrendered

Samurai Min handwriting

After that, Wu Shimin set up a base area centered on Qinyang and Baijin Road, vigorously developed agriculture, military and political construction, and prepared for a long-term battle.

This move of his made the Japanese army feel like a fish in the throat, and the Japanese Kou hated it to the extreme, and decided to mobilize a large army to fight a decisive battle with Shimin.

In September, the cool breeze is used and the heat is completely gone.

The Japanese army gathered more than 25,000 people, 40 cannons, 20 aircraft, and marched into the positions of the Ninety-eighth Army in nine ways.

The Japanese first bombed in turn, and then launched an attack in the early morning of the 23rd.

After several days of fierce fighting, both sides suffered heavy casualties, and Samurai Min personally went to the position to command, but was unexpectedly hit in the leg by stray bullets, and after a simple bandage, Samurai Min still supervised the battle command.

When the Japanese launched the eighteenth charge, Samurai Min personally led people up to kill the enemy, killing more than 300 Japanese troops.

However, the disparity between the enemy and our troops was huge, and when the ammunition ran out of food, Samurai Min launched a counter-charge with the remnants and engaged in a white-knife bloody battle with the Japanese.

At the end of the battle, Samurai Min's head, waist, and back were seriously injured, but he vowed to die in his position, and he shouted "Fight to the end, if you don't succeed, you will become a ren."

When the remnants were killed in battle to the last person, the samurai Min jumped up from the ground with a loud roar, holding a battle knife and grabbing a slip of cold electricity, like a strange snake spitting out a letter, and the battle knife was like the Yangtze River, gushing endlessly, whirring and roaring, with the power of Wan Jun, killing several enemies in one breath.

Later, Samurai Toshi killed himself at the age of 48.

Yum General Samurai Min: The fiercest general of the National Army against Japan, he fought to the end of the war, stopped killing with killing, and never surrendered

After Samurai Min sacrificed his life for the country, newspapers around the world competed to report on it, writing articles praising this national hero who fought against the Wokou and successfully became a ren.

Infected by this heroic courage of samurai Min, the Japanese army transported his body back to Changzhi, where he was buried in the city.

In his honor, Qinshui County was renamed Shimin County.

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