
The COVID-19 pandemic has killed 890,000 Americans, inflation is severe, and Biden is still willing to brag about his achievements?

author:Shao Yongling

Americans may ask themselves if their lives are better today than they were before. Many Americans admit that life is getting worse, and they believe that the reason is the Biden administration, the president's failed epidemic prevention policy and poor economic recovery plan, which has led to more people being homeless and reduced to street homelessness. Judging by the poll results, basically 6 out of every 10 Americans do not approve of Biden's performance in power. But the president said he didn't believe the polls, and he gave "A+" to his one-year achievements in power...

The COVID-19 pandemic has killed 890,000 Americans, inflation is severe, and Biden is still willing to brag about his achievements?

According to China News Network, Biden reviewed his work performance since taking office for a year. He said that this year he has vaccinated more than 200 million Americans against the new crown, prompted Congress to pass the infrastructure law, added 6 million jobs... Wait a minute. As a result, his achievements in office this year exceeded "everyone's expectations".

The COVID-19 pandemic has killed 890,000 Americans, inflation is severe, and Biden is still willing to brag about his achievements?

However, his claims have not been accepted by the public. Some people have said that under Biden, the year in the United States was all crisis. As of now, the epidemic data in the United States is still growing, with the total number of deaths exceeding 890,000; the government's wild printing of paper money has caused inflation and prices have soared; partisan struggles have become more intense; gun violence cases in American society have soared; racial discrimination has become more serious...

The COVID-19 pandemic has killed 890,000 Americans, inflation is severe, and Biden is still willing to brag about his achievements?

Judging from these crises, after Biden took office, not only did not promote the united parties in the United States and make society more cohesive, but it led to the widening of differences and contradictions, which is the reason why Americans do not trust him. Although the White House has tried its best to use methods such as "confrontation with China and Russia" to try to divert domestic contradictions, it has achieved little success. Many people now worry that in the second year of Biden's administration, the United States will enter the abyss.

The COVID-19 pandemic has killed 890,000 Americans, inflation is severe, and Biden is still willing to brag about his achievements?

Obviously, neither within the party nor in the private sector, Biden's personal approval rating is not high. Americans today are afraid that they do not care whether the Biden administration can reshape America's international status, they only care about their own income and employment. However, Biden's failure to solve the people's livelihood problems in the United States has led to a more serious crisis, and his attempt to use self-aggrandizement to cover up the incompetence of the government and blame all failures on external factors is not a very good way to fool the people.

The COVID-19 pandemic has killed 890,000 Americans, inflation is severe, and Biden is still willing to brag about his achievements?

From this point of view, once more and more Americans join the ranks of opposing Biden, he is likely to lose in the 2024 presidential election. At that time, if the Republican Party comes to power, it is not excluded that Biden may be politically liquidated. However, judging from the terminally ill state of the United States, I am afraid that after the Republican Party comes to power, it will not make any improvement in this country.

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