
(399) When Shi Xiu looked back, he saw Li Kui falling into the water, holding an axe in both hands, and only struggling. Seeing that the officers and men were approaching, Shi Xiu hurriedly abandoned the boat and entered the water, hugged Li Kui's waist, and dragged him to the shore.

author:Red Cloud Cultural Society

(399) When Shi Xiu looked back, he saw Li Kui falling into the water, holding an axe in both hands, and only struggling. Seeing that the officers and men were approaching, Shi Xiu hurriedly abandoned the boat and entered the water, hugged Li Kui's waist, and dragged it to the shore.

Yan Qing saw this, flew into the water, and pulled Li Kui with Shi Xiu, only to tell him to hold his breath and rest, before dragging him to the shore. When he looked back, the officers and soldiers had already taken Master Li and Cuihong, and Yan Qing stomped his feet and said: This time I lost Master Li, but I was afraid that his life would be in danger!

Li Kui said: Little Brother Yi, when you kill me, you will go back and save the mother-in-law. Yan Qing blocked: The officers and men are overwhelming and difficult to be enemies, and they will talk about it when they go out of the city. Shi Xiudao: Xiao B's words are reasonable, measuring that powder head has its own good strategy, I will wait and go quickly. Saying that he had pulled Li Kui, he ran outside the city.

It turned out that Emperor Daojun was tired for a while, closed his eyes to recuperate, about half a column of incense kung fu, opened his eyes, stretched his loins, yawned twice in a row, and called softly: I am good, really energetic, come, give the old man some tea. I called twice in a row, but I didn't see the master respond.

Daojun smiled and said, "Well, but I'm afraid of the old man?" That's it, I won't do it today, just come out soon. Saying that he would stay and look for it, he looked left and right, and he didn't see the master.

Daojun was confused in his heart, and went to the door: Has Master Li ever gone out? The guard replied: Fang just went out, saying that he was making meat for the old man. Daojun nodded and said to himself: "Even so, and rest for a moment." I wanted to feel itchy hands, I wanted to write a few strokes for a while, looked at the four treasures of the study room in that room, studied the ink by myself, took out a wolf howling pen, licked the tip of the hair with my mouth, smashed my mouth, and pondered in a low voice.

That Daojun is the best at writing and painting, especially that word, just like his person, the strokes are soft and boneless, horizontal and vertical pens, all pulled thin, The Minister Cai Jing is also good at calligraphy, seeing that the Daojun character is self-contained, it is very rare, so he said to everyone, the word of the Son of Heaven is not created, it can be a sect of the kaizong, called the thin gold body.

When Daojun heard this, his heart rejoiced, grinding day and night, and within a few years, the pen became more and more frivolous. All his subordinates are as precious as treasures, and it is difficult to ask for words for a while. Daojun writes, just like the good meat of the eastern slope, needs to be accompanied by beautiful people, and swings the square. Since hearing that the famous prostitute Master Li shishi was pregnant with extraordinary skills, he tried to meet each other, and when he tried, he suddenly felt that half of his life was in vain, but he was overwhelmed, and only for a moment, if he wanted to look good, and he broke the rules of the ancestors, although Daojun was dim, he did not dare to bring Master Li into the palace, only hid in the Fan Lou, ordered the old bustard, and others should not get close, and once they were applied, they were all spent by Daojun in exchange for words.

Today, Daojun Shuang, seeing that the teacher has not returned, his heart is uplifted, he remembers four words, dips the pen in ink, and writes on his wrist: Festive people, new year and new appearance, beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery, the whole country celebrates and laughs. Writing felt indecent, and after thinking about it for a long time, his head was a little drowsy, he put the pen aside, and laughed to himself: Not in the middle, but it is worse, but it is called Bao'er joke.

Turning back to the bed, Fang was going to lie down, and he heard the pro-door pro-said: Lord, the little one has something to report! Daojun coughed: Come in and say it! The guard entered the door and bowed down: "Your Majesty, the little girl Li is very anxious, I am afraid that I am leaving!"

Daojun shook his head and said: "Treat her not thin, it is this calligraphy and painting, but she also sent a lot, how can she be born and leave?" Escort Road: Yan Qing and others tried to misbehave, and this time they let them go, only to be afraid that the noise would rise. Daojun waved his hand and said, "Little Yan Qing, what can you do?" You have to worry, just back off.

The guard was about to get up, and he could hear the humanity outside the door: Lord, the small one has an urgent report. Daojun snorted and said, "What is the panic, speak slowly."

The man entered the doorway: Please Your Majesty hurry back to the palace, only then will the Liangshan thieves make trouble and kill a hundred people. Daojun Hurried: Have you ever been caught? The man replied: There is a black whirlwind that is very powerful, it is fighting, and it has not been taken.

Daojun nodded, "Timing Yan Qing and the others, Hugh wants to kill, and the design is to let them go." After saying that, he asked: Do you know where Master Li went? The man also said: Aunt Li had a servant with her, and told the thief to carry it, and she almost lost her life, but now that she has been saved, she will arrive in no time. Daojun clapped his hands and said: She really went. You wait for her to come quickly.

After half a column of incense work, the old duck brought the master to the house, entered the house, knelt down and prostrated his head, and said: The old man forgives the sin, the small one is not well taken care of, and he almost harmed the girl. Daojun waved his hand and told her to quit.

After the idle people left, Daojun pulled the master, looked at it for a moment, and suddenly smiled: Bao'er, the old Man of Fangcai wrote a pair of words, you come to see, can you sing?

Say take the word and ask Master Li to see.

Master Li couldn't stop nodding, but he didn't speak.

Daojun did not understand: Yes or no, you said to listen. Master Li sighed and said softly: "Lord, although the time is beautiful, why don't you go from time to time, the slave family wants to come, it is very sad."

Daojun listened and hugged him tightly: I am obedient, you want to be like this, and I can accompany you more today. Master Li said, "Lord, if the Fangcai officials and army arrest the Liangshan thieves, aren't they going to kill yan qing, the younger brother of the slave family?"

Daojun shook his head and said, "Obediently, how could the old man harm that Yan Qing, I have already asked someone to let her go." Master Li listened and said: The old master treats the slave family like this, how can the slave family repay it?

Daojun smiled and said, "Fang Cai that medicine, you should keep it well, and when the Lantern Festival is held, the old man will come."

Not to say that the two were flirting, but they said that Yan Qing and the three men had been fighting with the officers and soldiers on the shore for a long time, and when they saw that they were invincible, they overheard a loud noise, but the officers and men retreated. Li Kui was covered in blood, gasping for breath, and when he saw the man retreat, he threw his double axe to the ground and fell to the ground.

Yan Qingdao: Iron Bull, while the officers and troops are retreating, I will flee quickly. When the line was not long, they came to the city gate, but there were no officials and troops guarding, the three people went out of the city, and when they did not travel much, they were greeted by several horses, and one of them sat on a horse, saw Yan Qing, and said loudly: Brother Yan Qing, get on the horse quickly!

(399) When Shi Xiu looked back, he saw Li Kui falling into the water, holding an axe in both hands, and only struggling. Seeing that the officers and men were approaching, Shi Xiu hurriedly abandoned the boat and entered the water, hugged Li Kui's waist, and dragged him to the shore.
(399) When Shi Xiu looked back, he saw Li Kui falling into the water, holding an axe in both hands, and only struggling. Seeing that the officers and men were approaching, Shi Xiu hurriedly abandoned the boat and entered the water, hugged Li Kui's waist, and dragged him to the shore.
(399) When Shi Xiu looked back, he saw Li Kui falling into the water, holding an axe in both hands, and only struggling. Seeing that the officers and men were approaching, Shi Xiu hurriedly abandoned the boat and entered the water, hugged Li Kui's waist, and dragged him to the shore.

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