
British women know a man for 3 days, they quit their jobs and live in the van with each other, and their parents supported knowing each other for 3 days, thinking that he was a good person and would continue to live in the van in the future

author:The world of FUN

Not long ago, the incident of "former media person Ma Jinyu being abused by her husband" was making a lot of noise in China.

It is reported that Ma Jinyu met the beekeeper "Tashi" (Xie Decheng) in an interview, and the two met for 47 days and got married.

For love, Ma Jinyu desperately married to Guide County in Qinghai, but the final result was lamentable. She once said a sentence, "Believe in love, don't be afraid to take risks, even if the next step is a cliff, don't be afraid, jump!" As a result, it has become a joke in the anecdote and on the Internet.

However, in reality, there are not many girls like Ma Jinyu who "marry love", such as the British woman Rachel Horn is one of them, but the results of the two are very different.

According to the British "Sun" reported on February 23, Rachel Horn from the United Kingdom, and her husband Florian Roquays are now living a very special life.

British women know a man for 3 days, they quit their jobs and live in the van with each other, and their parents supported knowing each other for 3 days, thinking that he was a good person and would continue to live in the van in the future

The two of them live in a van, living next to nature every day, doing yoga and hiking in their spare time, and living comfortably.

British women know a man for 3 days, they quit their jobs and live in the van with each other, and their parents supported knowing each other for 3 days, thinking that he was a good person and would continue to live in the van in the future

In fact, though, as early as two years ago, Horn, like many young people, lived in the city and had a formal job.

Just because of a trip, Horn met Florian by chance.

After the two had known each other for 3 days, Horn decided to let go of everything he had and live a wandering life with Florian.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > have known each other for 3 days and think he is a good person </h1>

Horn, 26, is an Englishman who once lived in England. Florian, also 26, is a Frenchman.

According to Horn, she had just graduated from college two years ago and worked in hospice care in a nursing facility. In 2019, taking advantage of the holiday time, Horn traveled to Spain alone. On this journey, she met Florian. The two talked happily, and soon Horn was attracted to the man in front of him.

British women know a man for 3 days, they quit their jobs and live in the van with each other, and their parents supported knowing each other for 3 days, thinking that he was a good person and would continue to live in the van in the future

Unlike most people, Florian has always lived a life of leisure. For the past 6 years, he has not had a fixed job. By hitchhiking; working wherever he went in exchange for accommodation; and sometimes living in tents, Florian traveled to many countries in Europe.

Horn knew Florianna, who happened to be working as a seasonal worker on a farm in Spain.

British women know a man for 3 days, they quit their jobs and live in the van with each other, and their parents supported knowing each other for 3 days, thinking that he was a good person and would continue to live in the van in the future

Just three days after knowing Florian, Horn flew back to England. She made a bold decision: she quit her job and told her parents that she was going to be with Florian and travel north and south.

It is simple to say, in fact, to make such a decision, Horn still has great uneasiness in his heart.

She didn't know if it would be a mistake for her to abandon everything in the past for a man she had only known for a few days. Will he stay with Florian for only two weeks, then break up in a bad mood, and then return to his original life with regret.

But, in his heart, Horn was very envious of Florian's free and happy life. Florian once told Horn about his life: waking up every day and continuing to pursue a new life of adventure. This way of life fascinated Horn.

British women know a man for 3 days, they quit their jobs and live in the van with each other, and their parents supported knowing each other for 3 days, thinking that he was a good person and would continue to live in the van in the future

And although he had only known Florian for 3 days, after a few days of getting along, Horn intuitively felt that Florian was a good person. At that time, she was working in a hospice center, and seeing people suffering from illness and the sudden death of someone, Horn felt sad and helpless, and also made her realize the brevity of life.

After much deliberation, Horn decided to make a change.

Fortunately, her parents expressed support for Horn's choice. They know that Horn is living a very unhappy life, and hope that this change will make Horn rekindle his hopes for life.

British women know a man for 3 days, they quit their jobs and live in the van with each other, and their parents supported knowing each other for 3 days, thinking that he was a good person and would continue to live in the van in the future

To reassure Horn's parents, Florian took a special ride to Horn's house, where he stayed with Horn and her family for a few weeks.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > will continue to live in the van in the future</h1>

Horn then began following Florian to make his home, and their first destination was Scotland.

There, they pitched their tents and watched eagles fly overhead, sea otters playing, dolphins frolicking... They stayed there for a full 3 months, although the weather was bad and it rained almost every day. Food was simple, only a few things like jam and bread. After eating them, Horn felt a little scared when he saw them.

However, despite this, with someone he likes by his side and life is simple and easy, Horn has regained his confidence in life.

British women know a man for 3 days, they quit their jobs and live in the van with each other, and their parents supported knowing each other for 3 days, thinking that he was a good person and would continue to live in the van in the future

Last year, for safety and convenience, Florian spent his life savings and bought a van for £7,852.

British women know a man for 3 days, they quit their jobs and live in the van with each other, and their parents supported knowing each other for 3 days, thinking that he was a good person and would continue to live in the van in the future

Florian had studied repairs and had many experiences. Under his skillful hands, it took 6 months, and 3487 pounds (about 32,000 yuan), to install the heat insulation, solar system, water filter, build the kitchen, bathroom, make both a sofa and a bed, etc., a mediocre van, became Horn and Florian, a mobile warm home.

British women know a man for 3 days, they quit their jobs and live in the van with each other, and their parents supported knowing each other for 3 days, thinking that he was a good person and would continue to live in the van in the future

With this van, Life for Horn and Florian is more convenient and there are more and more places to go.

Last year, they drove to the bottom of the Alps, where they spent a year.

British women know a man for 3 days, they quit their jobs and live in the van with each other, and their parents supported knowing each other for 3 days, thinking that he was a good person and would continue to live in the van in the future

Every morning, Horn and Florian watch the sunrise, get up to the crisp chirping of the birds, and get some fresh air to see other adorable animals.

In his spare time, Horn likes to pull out his guitar and sing while playing; do yoga; and hike with Florian.

At night, when night falls, Horn and Florian can stand next to each other, look at the stars and the moon, and live their lives into poetry. Horn's mind was also more at peace.

British women know a man for 3 days, they quit their jobs and live in the van with each other, and their parents supported knowing each other for 3 days, thinking that he was a good person and would continue to live in the van in the future

Just over a year together, horn and Florian were married in France last November.

Horn's family was unable to travel to France to witness this important moment due to travel restrictions, which made Horn feel some regret.

British women know a man for 3 days, they quit their jobs and live in the van with each other, and their parents supported knowing each other for 3 days, thinking that he was a good person and would continue to live in the van in the future

Occasionally she would feel lonely and lonely, meet people she didn't understand, be talked about by them, but being able to marry someone she loved and live a simple life, Horn still felt very happy, and she felt that her choice was correct.

In the future, she and Florian did not plan to find a house to live in.



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