
Coordinates Changsha, Che Xiao's mother, 67-year-old Wang Liyun, came to the vegetable market alone to shop, turned around and did not buy anything, saw the grain and wine endorsed by his friend Liu Peiqi, Teacher Wang Liyun directly

author:Copywriter Qo

Coordinates Changsha, Che Xiao's mother, 67-year-old Wang Liyun, came to the vegetable market shopping alone, turned around and did not buy anything, saw the grain and wine endorsed by his friend Liu Peiqi, Wang Liyun teacher directly entered the store, chatted with the clerk for a few days, while shooting a video, while telling the clerk, Liu Peiqi is my friend for many years, you give Teacher Liu a hello hello, the clerk recognized her, although Teacher Wang Liyun looked very serious, but still relatively amiable !!!

Coordinates Changsha, Che Xiao's mother, 67-year-old Wang Liyun, came to the vegetable market alone to shop, turned around and did not buy anything, saw the grain and wine endorsed by his friend Liu Peiqi, Teacher Wang Liyun directly
Coordinates Changsha, Che Xiao's mother, 67-year-old Wang Liyun, came to the vegetable market alone to shop, turned around and did not buy anything, saw the grain and wine endorsed by his friend Liu Peiqi, Teacher Wang Liyun directly
Coordinates Changsha, Che Xiao's mother, 67-year-old Wang Liyun, came to the vegetable market alone to shop, turned around and did not buy anything, saw the grain and wine endorsed by his friend Liu Peiqi, Teacher Wang Liyun directly
Coordinates Changsha, Che Xiao's mother, 67-year-old Wang Liyun, came to the vegetable market alone to shop, turned around and did not buy anything, saw the grain and wine endorsed by his friend Liu Peiqi, Teacher Wang Liyun directly

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