
"China's reunification" resounds all over the world! The leaders of many countries have expressed their determination to China that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China

author:Rui Zhiyue

Just a while ago, China's reunification resounded all over the world, and the leaders of many countries expressed their determination to China for the first time. So what is the story behind this, and why many countries support China.

"China's reunification" resounds all over the world! The leaders of many countries have expressed their determination to China that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China

After we put forward the demand for China's reunification, in just one day, two countries sent our country blessings for the first time, the first being The President of Ukraine, Zelenskiy, who spoke to the leaders of our country on the phone for the first time. Because during the epidemic, we in China helped them through the difficulties for the first time, and when Ukraine needed vaccines, we strongly supported the provision of multiple doses of vaccines to help their people from the harm of the epidemic. With china's increasingly close ties with Ukraine, Ukraine is very willing to support the one-China policy, and Ukraine hopes to have closer ties with China in the future. And another country that sent blessings first was Turkey. After learning the news, Turkish President Erdogan spoke to our senior leaders for the first time. To know that Turkey and China have experienced 50 years of ups and downs so far in the establishment of diplomatic relations, Turkey has also invited a large number of Chinese enterprises to Turkey to develop, when the epidemic in Turkey, our country is also the first time to provide a lot of vaccines, because our Chinese vaccines are very effective, help them through the difficulties. Turkey has long adhered to the one-China principle and will continue to implement this policy to the end in the future.

"China's reunification" resounds all over the world! The leaders of many countries have expressed their determination to China that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China

When the world saw Turkey and Ukraine first express their attitudes, it played a great role in alerting the United States and the European Union, which once liked to interfere in our internal affairs, especially on the issue of Taiwan and Xinjiang, and we must know that China's sovereignty cannot be trampled on by any country. After seeing that two countries stood up for China for the first time, a third country immediately stood up to adhere to the policy of China's reunification, and this country is Syria. Although the situation in Syria as a whole is not particularly stable at present, their president, Bashar al-Assad, spoke by phone with our foreign minister, Wang Yi, for the first time. He made it clear that he would stand on the same front as us and would always adhere to the principle of China's reunification.

"China's reunification" resounds all over the world! The leaders of many countries have expressed their determination to China that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China

After seeing that many countries stood up for China, the next 150 countries and more than 80 member states called the WHO at the first time, and they quickly voted to adhere to the one-China principle, they knew that China's sovereignty could not be trampled on by any country, and these countries also hoped that China could quickly have the dream of China's reunification. Taiwan will always be an inalienable part of our motherland, and any country that tries to keep Taiwan and our country inseparable, then they will certainly suffer a major blow, and we must know that Taiwan's development is inseparable from the mainland of our motherland. If Taiwan leaves the mainland's support, Then Taiwan's economy will be completely defeated. In fact, many of our stars have stated very early that China's sovereignty cannot be trampled on by any country, whether born in Hong Kong or taiwan, their roots are China, and they are particularly proud to be able to become a Chinese. In fact, some people in Taiwan have been very clear about this problem, before they have been blinded by the United States, although in a long time ago the economy of Asian countries relied on the United States, in the political aspects also rely on the United States to develop and grow, but now the era is completely different, most of the Asian countries' economy is dependent on China to develop, and Taiwan's famous mouth is also clearly said that they hope that Taiwanese people can wake up quickly and quickly return to China's embrace. Moreover, our mainland's policy toward Taiwan has always been very moderate, and we have always tried our best to help our own compatriots, and Taiwan's famous mouth has further emphasized that it hopes that Taiwan can carry out comprehensive and open exchanges with the mainland, and in the political economy and trade exchanges, it is better to open up and let the people choose for themselves, and they also feel that reunification is the best thing, and the reason why everyone has not been able to completely reunify now is because they have blinded some governments. The blockade of the news has left them with no way to really see the world as it is, and it is also a clear expression of the hope that the Chinese nation can once again be greatly integrated.

"China's reunification" resounds all over the world! The leaders of many countries have expressed their determination to China that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China

Taiwan Province is originally an inseparable part of our China, and if we want to achieve this great integration, then the young people in Taiwan need to fulfill their due obligations, and hope that the policy of cross-strait reunification can be handed over to our young people to realize, calling for the hope that the two sides of the strait can move toward a brighter future, and also hoping that the compatriots in Taiwan can do a good job as children of peace and build close ties between Taiwan and the mainland. What we have always stressed is three points, the first of which is that there is only one China in the world, that China's territorial integrity cannot be trampled upon by any one person, that Taiwan has always been an inalienable part of our Country, and that we hope that no country will do its utmost to split our motherland, whether it is history or the general understanding of the international community, the reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait is an inevitable result and a necessary result. Second, the relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are inseparable and are bound to be reunified, and such a result is the general trend. All the will of our Chinese nation will not be changed by any one thing, our Chinese government has very strong confidence in safeguarding our national sovereignty, our territorial integrity is what we must do, and any element that tries to pursue Taiwan independence, our country has the ability to easily defeat them completely. Third, the foundation of Sino-US relations is to uphold the one-China principle, and no country can cross this red line; our country also hopes that the US Government will attach great importance to the Taiwan issue and not try to provoke our close ties with Taiwan. Those business and political circles who have crossed the line and are playing with fire should be dealt with at the first time, and should not continue to rub their guns and go wrong on Taiwan-related issues.

"China's reunification" resounds all over the world! The leaders of many countries have expressed their determination to China that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China

In fact, our country has shown our determination time and again that China's reunification is an inevitable result, a result of the trend of the times, and a result that no one can shake. On June 10, Beijing time, Comrade Wang Wenbin was also the first to answer a reporter's question about the fact that the Japanese leader openly referred to Taiwan as a country, and the Japanese Government seriously violated the principles set forth in four political documents, including the Sino-Japanese Joint Statement: The Japanese Government has long declared that it does not regard Taiwan as a country, and they insist that Taiwan is part of our Chinese territory. However, now that Japan has violated this political principle, our country made solemn representations with Japan as soon as it learned of the news, and we expressed strong dissatisfaction with their ugly behavior. China's territorial integrity brooks no country's trampling on it, and on the Taiwan issue, our Minister of National Defense, Wei Fenghe, also made a solemn statement at the first time; the Taiwan issue is an important issue of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and it is sacred and inviolable. And our Secretary of Defense Wei Fenghe also gave an example to better illustrate this fact: The reason why Lincoln became the greatest president of the United States was because he solved the problem of the division of the United States very well during his term of office, enabled him to win the Civil War very well, and helped the United States tide over the difficulties. Moreover, Defense Minister Wei Fenghe also clearly stressed that if any country wants to try to separate Taiwan from China's territory, then our Chinese army is also ready for war at any time. If any country tries to smear Taiwan and separate Taiwan through various means, then our military personnel will never be soft-hearted; in the face of the issue of Taiwan's reunification, our country will safeguard the reunification of our motherland at all costs, and anyone who tries to invade our country and separate our motherland's political power is the object of our Chinese soldiers' resolute crackdown.

"China's reunification" resounds all over the world! The leaders of many countries have expressed their determination to China that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China

In fact, the small friends who are familiar with our Chinese history should be very clear that Taiwan has always been an inseparable part of our China, and even now, the Taiwan issue has always been the internal affair of our country, and we hope to strive for the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait through the greatest efforts. If we find that the Taiwan independence elements are splitting our motherland, then we will strike at and suppress them at the first time. In the face of the Taiwan issue, if necessary, we will also take up force to safeguard the integrity of our regime, we have never promised to renounce the use of force, and if the Taiwan independence elements want to further feel the integrity of our sovereignty, we will suppress these Taiwan independence elements by force at the necessary stage. In the future, we in China will inevitably realize our great rejuvenation, and we in China will inevitably achieve reunification.

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