
The ancient odd man, the tumbler Feng Dao, was not a corrupt person of political morality

author:Sheng Jing Wen Ruochen

The ancient odd man, the tumbler Feng Dao, was not a corrupt person of political morality

  There was a strange man in Chinese history, who was able to serve as a general, three dukes, and three divisions in the 10 emperors ruled China for more than thirty years, and was posthumously awarded the title of King of Ying, which was Feng Dao, who lived in the Five Dynasties period and was known as an official tumbler. It was this Feng Dao, who had no insults in his lifetime, but after his death, he forever left a stigma in history, causing a reputation that was ruined throughout the ages: Ouyang Xiu of the Song Dynasty wrote the history "New History of the Five Dynasties" and scolded him, saying that the integrity of Chinese readers had been lost by him, and scolded him to the point of shame, saying that he was the most disgraceful thing among Chinese readers, called shameless. Feng Dao was most criticized for his political ethics, Ouyang Xiuzi needless to say, and Sima Guang also called him "the traitor of the courtiers". Another stain on Feng Dao's attitude toward the Khitan is that the modern historian Fan Wenlan wrote: "He (Jin Gaozu Shi Jingyao) asked Feng Dao to make an envoy to the Liao state to show respect for his father emperor. Feng Dao did not hesitate and said, "Your Majesty has received the favor of the Northern Dynasty, and his subjects have received the favor of His Majesty, why not?" 'What a slave of a slave!' (Compendium of General History of China, Volume III, Volume I, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1965 Reprint, p. 400).

  History naturally cannot be kept secret of Feng's family, but it is not difficult to see from a comprehensive analysis of Feng Dao that he adopted a practical attitude, which is fundamentally different from the traitor Shi Jingyao. At that time, the harsh environment of the times required Feng Dao to face a strong enemy and his awe-inspiring attitude of going to the tang for the country, or even repaying the emperor and serving the country loyally and committing suicide, so how could Feng Dao survive in the case of changing the banner of the great king at the head of the city? You know, Feng Dao is just a minister of a feudal dynasty, no city and no soldiers, it is really ridiculous to ask him to be loyal to the country and fight for the throne of the royal family, is it worth it for posterity to stand and talk without waist pain, and let him be a victim of the imperial throne contenders? Fang Xiaoru, the chancellor of the Jianwen Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was loyal to the country, but he paid the price of no one before and no one after him, he just refused to submit to Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, and as a result, he was exterminated of ten tribes, and women and children and friends were beheaded, which was really tragic.

  We read history and know that Feng Dao did not have any special official ways in the official field for more than thirty years, but after five generations and five subjugations, he stood in the highest position each time and finally became king. Every time the dynasty changes, it is necessary to invite him to come out to assist the government, and he has become a tumbler, why is this? Could it be that all ten emperors were blind? This has also become a mystery that is difficult to solve in history, and it can only be said that he has the personality charm of an official, thus meeting the criteria for the selection of officials by these feudal emperors. Saying that he was also untenable for occupying a high position by flattery, after Zhou Chairong succeeded to the throne, he planned to personally conquer Later Han Liu Yun, but Feng Dao thought that it was impossible and repeatedly obstructed. When Chai Rong said that he should follow Tang Taizong's example, he said more bluntly, "Your Majesty is no match for Tang Taizong." Therefore, he angered Chai Rong, and when he personally marched, he did not want him to accompany him and let him deal with Guo Wei's aftermath. As a result, Guo Wei had just been buried, and Feng Dao died of illness soon after. It is not difficult to see from this that Feng Dao is not an occasion or a person who tends to be inflammatory and flattering, although he is not just and upright, he is also a person with a personality. Besides, Feng Dao was not corrupt, did not accept bribes, and had simple food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, that is, his son bought a live fish and was also asked to release it by him. Feng Dao's character as an official who has established himself and cultivated morality is also a good official in today's official field, and it is difficult to find such a clean official in today's world where officials are for money.

  In feudal society, it is difficult to make a conclusion about the political morality of officials, especially in a peaceful environment, it is even more difficult to test the act of loyalty to the country, so Xue Juzheng's "History of the Old Five Dynasties" and Ouyang Xiu's "History of the New Five Dynasties" in the "Feng DaoChuan" have different evaluations of him. We can't ask the people who have perished to be buried for the king of the fallen country, if so, then the world will be loyal, and it is not a family crying and corpses all over the field! The recuperation of the change of dynasty will inevitably be affected.

  Tan Sitong used his death to serve the Guangxu Emperor loyally, but he did not awaken the undead, nor did it prevent some later people from becoming traitors.

  Ruo Chen thought that Feng Dao was not greedy for money and bad in his life, he could be said to be a good official and a good person, and he should not leave a curse, scolding him was actually not as good as him. He has made indelible contributions to preserving Chinese culture and preserving the vitality of the country. In order to take care of the overall situation, he was charged with the crime of Qianqiu, so later Su Dongpo and Wang Anshi both praised him, and Su Dongpo said to Feng: "Bodhisattva, come again." Wang Anshi said to Feng Dao, "A man in the Buddha's seat."

  In that war-torn five generations, Feng Daoneng called himself "Changle Lao", which can be said to be the best person who has never been before and has never come after, while the Qianlong Emperor, who lived in a peaceful environment, called himself "The Perfect Old Man" and wrote more than 40,000 poems in his lifetime, which is also called a superb person. An "old man of Changle", a "perfect old man", if two people are PK, one is an official under the fence, one is an emperor who is high above, one lives in the war years, one lives in a peaceful environment, who is the best person? The answer is self-explanatory.

  Wen Ruochen was written at 14:00 on May 14, 2017