
In 2016, Xu Ting died of festering in the hospital: her sister's dowry and her brother's bride price were gone

author:Muxi Entertainment Club
In 2016, Xu Ting died of festering in the hospital: her sister's dowry and her brother's bride price were gone

In 2016, Xu Ting left this world with all her regrets, and in a short life, she left such a sentence, "In 26 years, I seem to have never lived for myself, and I actually have a little ease after learning about cancer."

No one could feel how much she longed for family affection when she was lying in the hospital. In the eyes of many people, the entertainment industry is a "gold-selling land", as long as you work hard enough to become famous, you can live a happy and happy life, but you don't know that this money has taken her life step by step.

In 2016, Xu Ting died of festering in the hospital: her sister's dowry and her brother's bride price were gone

Born into a patriarchal family

Xu Ting was born in a patriarchal family, and as the third child in the family and the most sensible child, she has endured too much heartache. In order to give birth to a son, Xu Ting's parents gave birth to three daughters in succession, and finally welcomed the boy in the family when they were born in the seventh child.

In 2016, Xu Ting died of festering in the hospital: her sister's dowry and her brother's bride price were gone

From childhood to adulthood, she did not enjoy complete love, especially the arrival of her brother, Xu Ting only had a share of envy, but she did not complain about it, but she understood the difficulty of the whole family.

As a "little transparent" in the family, Xu Ting has witnessed the hardships in life and the eccentricity of her parents, and she hopes that she can be excellent and get the long-lost love. At the age of 19, she had excellent grades and was admitted to the Department of Media Acting. But the financial pressures in the family were not enough to support her dreams.

In 2016, Xu Ting died of festering in the hospital: her sister's dowry and her brother's bride price were gone

If it is a younger brother, then it is another matter, Xu Ting understands very well that everything in life depends on herself.

During college, she arranged her schedule to the fullest, others were in love, and she earned the next semester on a part-time job. In this way, Xu Ting, after entering the university, never reached out to the family for a penny.

Unexpectedly, her sophomore father was saddled with debt because of the failure of the business, and she was forced to be helpless, so she could only drop out of school to work to help her parents pay off their debts. With 300 yuan, Xu Ting began to drift north and lived in the basement.

In 2016, Xu Ting died of festering in the hospital: her sister's dowry and her brother's bride price were gone

The North Drift career is painfully enjoyable

The dark and damp environment is the most difficult stage of her life.

Thinking about the situation of her parents, Xu Ting gritted her teeth and endured, and she graduated from the Department of Media Acting and pinned her hopes on acting. At the beginning, Xu Ting received some small roles, although the film remuneration was not much, and she accumulated a lot of experience. With step-by-step efforts, her deduction road is getting smoother and smoother, in order to get ahead, she eats any kind of bitterness.

In 2016, Xu Ting died of festering in the hospital: her sister's dowry and her brother's bride price were gone

In the cold winter moon, other actresses did not dare to go into the water, Xu Ting soaked in the water alone, the bone-chilling river, compared to the inner desolation, Xu Ting could not bear it, and her body also accumulated a lot of problems. Along the way, she was extremely sad, no one understood her difficulties, and her family was so indifferent to her.

When peers receive phone calls, they are all booing and asking for warmth, afraid that life will not be satisfactory, and it is all the concern of their parents.

And When Xu Ting's phone rings, she will feel uneasy, because every time her parents greet her, it is to get money. She was like a "cash machine", and by her own power, she reversed the embarrassment of the whole family. Every sum of money she received was handed over to her parents, and several sisters and brothers were stained with her light.

In 2016, Xu Ting died of festering in the hospital: her sister's dowry and her brother's bride price were gone

I thought that my efforts could get the same amount of love, but her efforts were more like "owing" to the family.

No one has asked what kind of hard work Xu Ting is outside, and she always feels that she comes to money faster. It is a proud existence, and in front of relatives and friends, it is also all kinds of praise.

Is Xu Ting bitter in her heart? Obviously, over the years, her youth, her value, has been dedicated to the original family. Rather than saying that she is a daughter, it is more appropriate to describe her as a "money-making machine", which is the only "warm deposit" from home.

The bitter tears behind the brief joy

In 2016, Xu Ting died of festering in the hospital: her sister's dowry and her brother's bride price were gone

So if Xu Ting has no monetary income, what kind of treatment will she get?

Apparently, it was more of a "complaint" to think she was a white-eyed wolf. It is said that the crying child has sugar to eat, because of the understanding, she should not be her own pressure, overloaded work pressure, she gradually overdrawn her health. She thought she could be relieved, unaware that danger was eroding her body, and at this moment she was immersed in the joy of buying a house.

In 2016, Xu Ting died of festering in the hospital: her sister's dowry and her brother's bride price were gone

It can be said that Xu Ting is very good, is an economically independent girl, with her own efforts, bought a house, but such a house, not for herself, after quickly getting the key, she gave it to her parents with a Mother's Day gift. Her sincere heart, fans are in the eyes, and the Xu family is like a "black hole", how to fill up with dissatisfaction, as a daughter she is like a mother.

When a sister gets married, she needs to prepare the dowry, her brother needs her to prepare the bride price when she gets married, and everyone is squeezing out her value. Just when the Xu family was looking forward to a better future, Xu Ting, who suffered from lymphoma, let everyone fall into confusion, rather than grief. After the illness, she did not have a trace of fear, but felt very relaxed.

In 2016, Xu Ting died of festering in the hospital: her sister's dowry and her brother's bride price were gone

The burden on her body finally let go at this moment, she lamented the beauty of life, lamented the brevity of youth, and enjoyed the ease of rest.

During the treatment, Xu Ting's parents hoped for TCM treatment, believing that chemotherapy and Western medicine were too aggressive, burning money very quickly, and the conservative cost of TCM was relatively low. In the face of life and death, Xu Ting is so small, during Xu Ting's illness, she called on everyone to care about this group, while the Xu family is "not concerned about themselves and hang high".

In 2016, Xu Ting died of festering in the hospital: her sister's dowry and her brother's bride price were gone

Regret passed away, and the dream gradually fell short

With the deterioration of her condition, Xu Ting's state became worse and worse, the whole person was emaciated and painful, and her body also ulcerated.

Finally, in September 2016, 26 days away, she left this world. Perhaps for Xu Ting, this is really a relief, there is no love of the original family, after recovering health will be "squeezed dry".

In 2016, Xu Ting died of festering in the hospital: her sister's dowry and her brother's bride price were gone

After Xu Ting's death, her mother cried bitterly, not because she had lost her daughter, but because the family had lost its "top pillar". The best years of youth, who should have enjoyed love, became the "tool" of the family. This is reminiscent of the line "Born to be a man, I'm sorry!" in "The Life of the Rejected Pine Nuts!" ”

This world owes Xu Ting a good, owes this girl a consummation, maybe in another world, she has become a "little princess", do not have to worry like this.

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