
Conan's detectives are strangely short-boarded, Hattori does not hold children, and Shinichi does not cut cucumbers

author:Ichiraku says anime

Conan and Hattori are simply omniscient when reasoning about cases, no matter how subtle the details, or how strange the principles they can reason with a look ~ However, such excellent high school detectives also have things that they are not good at, and every time they face something they are not good at, the two people are unexpectedly confident ~ Now let's take a look at it with the editor ~

Conan's detectives are strangely short-boarded, Hattori does not hold children, and Shinichi does not cut cucumbers

"Conan and The Magic of Reasoning of Peace" These two seemingly omnipotent detectives lost in the matter of cooking, please note that it is accurate to play in the kitchen, and Ye Xiangxiaolan, who is busy in the kitchen, asks Xiaolan for help: "I thought those two could help a little~" The camera cut to Conan and Heiji here, Heiji looked helpless, holding the cucumber that he had cut for a long time and was still connected together, saying: "It's not okay at all, it can't be cut off as well as reasoning." Conan was even more sympathetic, and also "cunning" to: "Isn't it better to connect without reasoning?" Even the cucumbers were cut constantly, and Xiao Bian really doubted in his eyes whether his sword skills were really as powerful as the legend

Conan's detectives are strangely short-boarded, Hattori does not hold children, and Shinichi does not cut cucumbers

Friends know that Xinyi is a music idiot, Conan is naturally a music idiot, speaking of Shinichi is a music idiot, this point that Shinichi has been grumpy about himself, in the episode "The Kidnapping of the Popular Artist", Conan got an opportunity to show his voice in front of everyone, but the reaction on the scene was that the audience shouted "ugly death" "It's not all five tones"... Xiao Lan and Yuan Zi couldn't help but complain that "he has been singing this song since just now", "But there is no progress at all" Even Conan himself, even Conan himself found it awkward to say: "It's hard to hear isn't it"

Conan's detectives are strangely short-boarded, Hattori does not hold children, and Shinichi does not cut cucumbers

Conan's best sport must be playing soccer, but his good friend Hattori doesn't play soccer, and hattori's performance against soccer in the episode "The Client Full of Lies" is really surprising

Conan's detectives are strangely short-boarded, Hattori does not hold children, and Shinichi does not cut cucumbers

Hattori Heiji also has a big bug that he can't hold a child, in the episode "The Difficult Road to Osaka's Assorted Pancakes", Hattori who holds a child is about to collapse, facing Conan's ridicule: "I really can't hold a child" The response is straight: "Of course, how can it be" Then hattori's child cried uncomfortably, Hattori was even more "panicked": "It's bad it's bad, it's good, the person who wants to cry is me" while saying it while turning into a soft cute little brother to change the pattern of coaxing the child. However, this point of not being able to hold a child will one day and Ye will help Hattori overcome it

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