
Selected 10 Japanese films to reduce stress and cure, let the soul find a home, "The Message of Amitabha Hall", "Husband Has Depression", "Heavenly Distance", "Little Forest", "Sea Street Diary", "Tamako Who Doesn't Seek Progress", "I Just Haven't Gone All My Best", "Staying in Kyoto", "Mr. Tom in the Mountains", "Fruits of Life"

author:Stop for a moment

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > the Message of Amitabha</h1>

Selected 10 Japanese films to reduce stress and cure, let the soul find a home, "The Message of Amitabha Hall", "Husband Has Depression", "Heavenly Distance", "Little Forest", "Sea Street Diary", "Tamako Who Doesn't Seek Progress", "I Just Haven't Gone All My Best", "Staying in Kyoto", "Mr. Tom in the Mountains", "Fruits of Life"

Amitabha Hall is the ancestral hall in the village commemorating the deceased and is cared for by a 92-year-old grandmother. Although the grandmother is very old, her body is still tough, and she will always say a few household words that seem ordinary but contain rich philosophies of life. The young girl, Sayuri, could not speak because of a throat disease, and she always recorded her grandmother's words and published them in the local newspaper, which was the "message of Amitabha". Michiko was a former doctor at the Tokyo Grand Hospital, and her fast-paced life and frequent deaths at work caused her to suffer from excessive mental stress and miscarriages and anxiety disorders. So she and her novelist husband Takao returned to this small mountain village in her hometown, and gradually found the rhythm of healthy life here. The film records the beautiful scenery of the small village all year round and the natural life of people working and living, and people are healed in nature. The grandmother's life rumors and the teacher's calmness in the face of illness and death all purify the viewer's soul.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > "Husband Has Depression"</h1>

Selected 10 Japanese films to reduce stress and cure, let the soul find a home, "The Message of Amitabha Hall", "Husband Has Depression", "Heavenly Distance", "Little Forest", "Sea Street Diary", "Tamako Who Doesn't Seek Progress", "I Just Haven't Gone All My Best", "Staying in Kyoto", "Mr. Tom in the Mountains", "Fruits of Life"

His name is Gannan, and he is a nine-to-five office worker, with an introverted personality, meticulous in his work, and faces rude customers and majestic bosses every day. Under the pressure of day after day, the dry man's body began to be wrong, inexplicable pain, decreased appetite, low mood, and even had the idea of taking a life, after examination, it was found that he had a "cold of the heart" - depression. Luckily, the man's wife did everything she could to help him. His wife, Haruko, is a freelance manga artist with little work, and stays at home with her pet lizard every day. She said if you feel tired, don't try. "Don't think about the cause of depression, think about its significance." In order to let her husband rest at home, she began to draw more cartoons, and finally drew herself and her husband's daily life and published it into a book, so she had this movie. Because it is a true story adaptation, the film's portrayal of depression is three points. We can learn more about depression while also releasing our own depressed emotions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > "Far Away from Heaven"</h1>

Selected 10 Japanese films to reduce stress and cure, let the soul find a home, "The Message of Amitabha Hall", "Husband Has Depression", "Heavenly Distance", "Little Forest", "Sea Street Diary", "Tamako Who Doesn't Seek Progress", "I Just Haven't Gone All My Best", "Staying in Kyoto", "Mr. Tom in the Mountains", "Fruits of Life"

Frustrated by her career and love, Chizuru is disheartened, and she decides to end her life in a strange place. The taxi took her to a mountain homestay, where she swallowed a large number of sleeping pills that night and deserved to die. But she woke up again, not knowing what was going on, just smelling the aroma of roasted fish and feeling hungry. Tamura, the owner of the homestay, runs the homestay here alone, where few people come, and makes a good dish. After a full meal, Chizuru wandered in the mountains, the sea, the meadows, the woods, the sun, the old houses and the enthusiastic villagers, all of which made her feel relieved. Tamura cooks delicious food every day, and the two gradually get to know each other better. It turned out that there was a bridge here, which was famous for suicide, where Tamura's former fiancée committed suicide. Tamura looks at Chizuru as if he saw his fiancée, and he encourages Chizuru to live bravely. Here, Chizuru spent a period of healing and picked up the courage to return to life.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > Little Forest</h1>

Selected 10 Japanese films to reduce stress and cure, let the soul find a home, "The Message of Amitabha Hall", "Husband Has Depression", "Heavenly Distance", "Little Forest", "Sea Street Diary", "Tamako Who Doesn't Seek Progress", "I Just Haven't Gone All My Best", "Staying in Kyoto", "Mr. Tom in the Mountains", "Fruits of Life"

"Little Forest" is divided into two parts, one is "Summer and Autumn" and the other is "Winter and Spring", depicting the four seasons of the year when the young girl Ichiko lives in the small village of "Komori" in her hometown. Ichiko has no father, and one day her mother suddenly disappears. She had worked and lived in the city and had a boyfriend, but it seemed that nothing had happened. Ichiko doesn't complain about anything, and the film doesn't tell us if she worries about the future too. She just went to the field like others when she was planting, and went to the autumn harvest like others when it was time for the autumn harvest. In addition to doing farm work and going far away to buy necessary daily necessities, the most ichigo does is three meals a day, and it is said that a total of 27 dishes are cooked. Toast, rice wine, salmon, and duck are all in question, and the ingredients are basically made from local ingredients, which match the weather and seasons. There is no special plot, no story, just a peaceful life flowing in the midst of farming rest, meal by meal.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" > Sea Street Diary</h1>

Selected 10 Japanese films to reduce stress and cure, let the soul find a home, "The Message of Amitabha Hall", "Husband Has Depression", "Heavenly Distance", "Little Forest", "Sea Street Diary", "Tamako Who Doesn't Seek Progress", "I Just Haven't Gone All My Best", "Staying in Kyoto", "Mr. Tom in the Mountains", "Fruits of Life"

Due to the intervention of a third party, the father left the family very early, and the mother also left, leaving only three sisters to live with each other. The eldest sister, Yuki, takes care of her younger sister Kana and Chika like a mother, and they still live in the old house left by their grandmother. At this time, the news of the death of their father came, and at his father's funeral, they met their father and their sister, 14-year-old Ling, who had been born to a third party. Her mother had also long since died, and she was accompanied by her father's third wife and a young boy she had brought with her. Thinking that Ling is going to live with the third person who is not related to them, the three sisters are very unhappy in their hearts, although they are angry about the destruction of their families by the third party, they still decide to let Ling come to live with them before finally leaving. Ling immediately agreed, and she also wanted to live with her sisters. Although they carry the pain of the past, they are all full of love for each other. In the old house, they make curry rice and brew plum wine, healing each other.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="06" > "Jade Without Progress"</h1>

Selected 10 Japanese films to reduce stress and cure, let the soul find a home, "The Message of Amitabha Hall", "Husband Has Depression", "Heavenly Distance", "Little Forest", "Sea Street Diary", "Tamako Who Doesn't Seek Progress", "I Just Haven't Gone All My Best", "Staying in Kyoto", "Mr. Tom in the Mountains", "Fruits of Life"

After graduating from college, the 23-year-old Tamako did not look for a job like everyone else, but returned home and began a life of idle old age. Her parents divorced, her sister married, and only Tamako and her father were left in the family. Dad runs a sporting goods store, and he has to wash and cook for Tamako every day, and sometimes he can't really look at Tamako's lazy appearance and will angrily rebuke a few words, but Tamako is never moved, or sleeps, eats, and reads manga every day. Finally one day, Tamako decided to try the idol industry, took a photo, filled out the application form, and her father was very happy when she found out, and as a result, Tamako gave up in anger. In this way, Tamako squatted at home for four seasons. The father was introduced to the date, and Tamako's investigation found that it was not as bad as she thought. At this time, her father told Tamako that whether she found a job or not, she should leave, and Tamako did not resist. Sometimes, we just need some time to recover and get ready. When we're ready, we can start again.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="07" > "I just haven't gone all in yet"</h1>

Selected 10 Japanese films to reduce stress and cure, let the soul find a home, "The Message of Amitabha Hall", "Husband Has Depression", "Heavenly Distance", "Little Forest", "Sea Street Diary", "Tamako Who Doesn't Seek Progress", "I Just Haven't Gone All My Best", "Staying in Kyoto", "Mr. Tom in the Mountains", "Fruits of Life"

The 40-year-old middle-aged uncle Ohkuro Shizuo resigned because he was going to discover his true self. The divorced Shizuo lives with his daughter in high school and his retired father, and after he resigned, he lay at home all day thinking about life, and his father couldn't help but ask him, what do you really want to do? Get a job! Finally, one day, Shizuo discovers his real self in front of the book stall, and although he can't draw at all, he decides to become a manga artist. This decision was a huge blow to the father, but the daughter was still unconditionally optimistic about him. He came to the publishing house with inexplicable confidence and was encouraged by the editor, but when the comic was finished, the editor resigned because he was encouraged to discover his true self, so he was rejected. Although the process is sad, after unremitting efforts, Shizuo finally published his first manga, and his family finally understood his dream. Do people still have the right to pursue their dreams in middle age? Do seemingly absurd dreams really make sense? The answer is to be pursued by yourself.

< h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="08" >", "Kozumi in Kyoto"</h1>

Selected 10 Japanese films to reduce stress and cure, let the soul find a home, "The Message of Amitabha Hall", "Husband Has Depression", "Heavenly Distance", "Little Forest", "Sea Street Diary", "Tamako Who Doesn't Seek Progress", "I Just Haven't Gone All My Best", "Staying in Kyoto", "Mr. Tom in the Mountains", "Fruits of Life"

Her uncle was injured, and Kana came to Kyoto from Tokyo to visit. Compared to bustling Tokyo, Kyoto is more historical and rich in historical sites and traditional culture. Under the guidance of her uncle, Kana embarked on a journey of exploration of Kyoto. In the beginning, the uncle would assign the task of buying something in a certain store, which was unique, some with a century-old history, adhering to the most traditional practices. At first, Kana didn't understand, but while eating delicious food and drinking the water-flushed coffee brought back from the mountain shrine, she also realized the value of this persistence. Later, his uncle asked Kana to explore on his own, following the taste to discover his own Kyoto. Whether it's a sushi restaurant or a fried tofu restaurant, the shops and food that appear in the movie are real, which makes people fascinated by Kyoto. Kana's slow stay in Kyoto and the discovery of the streets are even more enviable.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="09" > Mr. Tom in the Mountains</h1>

Selected 10 Japanese films to reduce stress and cure, let the soul find a home, "The Message of Amitabha Hall", "Husband Has Depression", "Heavenly Distance", "Little Forest", "Sea Street Diary", "Tamako Who Doesn't Seek Progress", "I Just Haven't Gone All My Best", "Staying in Kyoto", "Mr. Tom in the Mountains", "Fruits of Life"

Mr. Tom is a cat. In the farmhouse of Sister Hua and Ah Shi, the rats are always destroyed, so they decide to raise a cat to catch the mice, and Tom comes. Ah Shi and her daughter live in a wooden house every day, while Hana sister often travels back and forth between Tokyo and the countryside, and they both like to live a self-sufficient life in the countryside. This time, Sister Hua also brought her nephew Amin to relax. Together they began to grow vegetables, raise chickens and sheep, and the days passed day by day in a full labor, and the kitten grew up slowly, and finally one day it caught a big mouse, and later made a girlfriend. During the harvest season, the family picnics together, enjoying the gifts of nature, Amin gradually walks out of the previous baseball game failure, and the experience of raising sheep makes him realize that it is not advisable to give up easily. The land not only nurtures us a daily diet, but also teaches us the principles of being human and cures us of the diseases of our hearts.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="10" > "Fruits of Life"</h1>

Selected 10 Japanese films to reduce stress and cure, let the soul find a home, "The Message of Amitabha Hall", "Husband Has Depression", "Heavenly Distance", "Little Forest", "Sea Street Diary", "Tamako Who Doesn't Seek Progress", "I Just Haven't Gone All My Best", "Staying in Kyoto", "Mr. Tom in the Mountains", "Fruits of Life"

Like trees, life bears its fruits; we should also grow firmly and slowly like trees. The film chronicles the later lives of the 90-year-old Shuichi and 87-year-old Hideko. They have lived a secluded and idyllic life since a long time ago, living in a house designed and built by Shuichi himself, and the yard is full of vegetables and fruits. During the harvest season, they send fruit or food to relatives and friends. In his youth, Shuichi was an architect from a humble background but had a promising future, and Hideko was Miss Senkin of the winery owner's family. Their marriage was like glue, and the older they got, the more they saw the shining points in each other. At the end of his life, Shuichi also fulfilled his wish to use his design concept in the design of a nursing home. In the end, Shuichi and Hideko both left, but they left us their fairytale lives, the fruits of their lives.