
Folk tale: The man made a bet with everyone, went to the cemetery in the middle of the night, and got a good marriage

author:Millet porridge talks about emotion

In ancient times, there was a prince named Shuo Liang, who was only seventeen years old and was a handsome young man. It is said that this Shuo Liang was born bold, and he also had a good martial art, riding and archery. He was only in this category of people who danced with knives and guns all day and did nothing else.

One day one day, one of his good brothers said to Shuo Liang, "My brother has also reached the age of marriage, but who is interested in him?" Shuo Liang said, "Not really!" Do you know which girl is better? ”

The man smiled and said, "Brother, I don't care about this!" Everyone in all directions knows that the girl of the Wang family is a big beauty. And a good hand of female red, good personality, and brother is not a perfect match? Shuo Liang listened, and there was also some meaning, so he begged his parents to go to the Wang family to propose to him.

Folk tale: The man made a bet with everyone, went to the cemetery in the middle of the night, and got a good marriage

The girl of the Wang family is named Yulian, and she is a general knowledge. When I heard that Shuo Liang had come to propose to him, he was a little willing in his heart, after all, his reputation had long been out there, and he could marry a chivalrous man, and he would not waste his life. But when the parents heard that it was Shuo Liang, they were really hesitant. After all, this marriage and life is to be long-flowing, but Shuo Liang danced all day with knives and guns, and stayed with a group of chivalrous people, it is estimated that he will not take care of the family too much, so will his daughter not have to pick the beam alone in the future? So the two men pushed the marriage together.

Even if Yulian is willing to do a hundred, the orders of her parents and the words of the matchmaker cannot be violated, and it is enough. Moreover, this ShuoLiang was also a fierce character, and when he heard that the Wang family had pushed the marriage, he said, "Can't you still marry a wife?" His girl may not be as good as the legend! ”

Since then, Shuo Liang has been wandering around with his brothers for several years. During this period, I also said that there were several relatives, but Shuo Liang's low was not high, and it has not been appropriate. At this time, although the girl of the Royal Family did not marry, she had already promised someone else' family, and Shuo Liang heard about it and did not take it seriously.

Folk tale: The man made a bet with everyone, went to the cemetery in the middle of the night, and got a good marriage

On this day the brothers and Shuo Liang gathered again, and the people went out hunting, and when they got some prey, they came back, and in the evening they sat around and roasted the meat. Someone brought a few pots of good wine, and everyone ate and drank freely. It is said that everyone hunted for a day, and did not pick a place, and rested nearby. After drinking and eating, I found that the place was a small forest, next to which were six or seven graves. And because of the recent continuous rain, half of the coffins were exposed.

The crowd looked at us and said, "Well, we're all together, so if we were here alone at night, wouldn't we be scared to death!" Shuo Liang listened and said, "Brother, this is bad!" What are the bold afraid of? So, tonight I'm here for a walk, and if I'm scared here, I'll go back and eat and drink and entertain everyone, and if I come and go back, you'll invite me to eat and drink! "Listen, this is ok! But what proof?

Shuo Liang also considered this problem, picked up a brick on the ancient tomb and said: "I will now engrave everyone's name on it, take it with me when I leave, and put it back tonight." Tomorrow morning everyone can come to verify! "The crowd listened and said yes. So everyone discussed it and took the brick with the name engraved as evidence, Shuo Liang lost and invited him to dinner, and Shuo Liang won everyone to invite him to dinner.

Folk tale: The man made a bet with everyone, went to the cemetery in the middle of the night, and got a good marriage

Everyone had just finished speaking, when they suddenly heard thunder rolling in the sky, so Shuo Liang took the brick and went to Shuo Liang's house with everyone. Then there were several loud thunderclaps that shook the house. Everyone saw the situation and advised Shuo Liang not to go. Shuo Liang said: "The big husband's words are difficult to chase! With that, he went with the brick with his name engraved.

Shuo Liang went out for a while, and the rain was light. He had just eaten wine, and he was bold, and went straight to the mass grave in the woods during the day. At this time, the thunder was gone, revealing a little starlight, but the grove still caused Sensen. Shuo Liang was just about to put the bricks on the tomb, only to see a bag of things thrown on the tomb.

Shuo Liang was very strange, what is this thing? When he touched it with his hand, it was wrapped in clothes, and it weighed seventy or eighty pounds on his back. He smiled and thought of an idea: Why don't I carry her back and see if everyone can deny it! So he put the brick down, picked up the object and left.

By the time he got home, it was already midnight. The crowd was still there to roll dice and drink, which was very lively. Everyone saw that Shuo Liang had returned, and he also carried a big thing. Walking to the lamp, everyone took a breath of cool air: Shuo Liang actually carried a female corpse back. This is no joke!

Folk tale: The man made a bet with everyone, went to the cemetery in the middle of the night, and got a good marriage

Shuo Liang was not in a hurry or busy, but just waited to look closely at the face of the dead body, only to see that the fat powder on his face was newly applied, which was very beautiful. Just the eyes are tightly closed, the mouth is breathless, I don't know what the reason is. The crowd said busily, "Shuo Liang, if you scare us, forget about it." We're afraid of you, so carry this dead body back!" What a sin! ”

Shuo Liang smiled and snorted, "Back? How can I carry it back again? I Shuoliang carried her back today to be Shuoliang's wife, and I still have to share a bed with her! Saying that, he laid out the quilt, put the female corpse into the quilt, and lay down next to him. When the crowd saw it, they all went out and closed the door.

Moreover, Shuo Liang and the female corpse slept until the fourth day, and this woman gained popularity, and some of them woke up, and there was gradually breath in her mouth and nose. Shuo Liang was also aware of it, and was feeling strange, the woman actually moved, turned over, and said, "Where is this?" How did I end up here? Shuo Liang then asked her whose daughter she was and what her name was? The woman was shy and refused to speak.

During the day, the crowd came knocking on Shuoliang's door again. Shuo Liang hurriedly covered the woman with a quilt and went to another house. A few people who came said to Shuo Liang, "There was a strange thing here last night!" Shuo Liang asked, "What is the strange thing?" ”

Folk tale: The man made a bet with everyone, went to the cemetery in the middle of the night, and got a good marriage

The man said, "It was the daughter of the Wang family that you had asked to marry before, who was about to get married yesterday, and had just dressed up to get into a car, when she suddenly died of pain." Before I could get into the funeral, suddenly there was a thunderclap, and the body was gone, and it has not been found yet! We remember that you carried back the female corpse last night, wasn't it..."

Shuo Liang laughed and said, "I am carrying back a living person, not a dead body!" ”

A few people panicked: "Brother, this is not the time for jokes. Shuo Liang attracted everyone to open the quilt and look at it, and sure enough, he was a living person. Everyone thought it strange and asked, "Whose woman are you?" When the woman saw more people, she said, "I am the daughter of the royal family." Yesterday, one was dizzy and fell to the ground, but I didn't know how to get here! ”

Shuo Liang listened and laughed again: "I said it was my wife, and now I said that it was what I asked for before." It seems that I am not lying! The crowd laughed and said, "I think it was a marriage in a past life, and we have made it up for you." ”

The news quickly spread out, and the parents of the Wang family came, and when they saw that their daughter was alive, they couldn't help but shed tears. The woman knew that Shuo Liang had asked to marry her before, so she said to her parents, "I am already a person who died once, and now I have come back to life and met Shuo Liang." Although he was a dead body last night, he also slept with Shuo Liang, and it was difficult to marry again, and he also asked his father and mother to be the master and complete his daughter. ”

Folk tale: The man made a bet with everyone, went to the cemetery in the middle of the night, and got a good marriage

The crowd echoed, "This is Providence! Can't be violated! Wang's parents also married their daughter to Shuoliang.

The story is adapted from "Taiping Guangji"

As the saying goes, fate is predestined. Shuo Liang and the women of the Wang family went around for several years and really reunited. They were about to get married, but the daughter of the Wang clan was suddenly unconscious, and finally came together with Shuo Liang.

How fortunate are people who have a share. If you are surrounded by a person with a fate, please be sure to cherish it, after all, happiness is won by yourself.

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