
A few minutes to take you to understand the impact of ADHD on children

ADHD is a common mental disorder in children. According to studies, the incidence is about 3%. Most children are boys and relatively few girls. Most children with ADHD have normal intelligence, but their behavior is inconsistent with their actual age. Parents should pay attention to the following five types of abnormal manifestations in children.

1. Inability to concentrate

Many children are unable to concentrate, including healthy ones, but these children can concentrate on doing what they enjoy, or under the supervision of parents and teachers. Children with ADHD cannot concentrate no matter what situation they encounter. They are highly susceptible to external interference. They often do things without hesitation, and they cannot concentrate on listening to their parents or teachers. They often make small movements or look around. They can't communicate with people normally and often interrupt others.

2, can't stop

Children with ADHD look "busy.". They often keep their hands and feet on and on, and they like to run around and climb up and down. They are not security conscious. Sometimes they always talk to themselves in their mouths. It's hard to calm down, be quiet, or sit still. Especially in the classroom, they often do small actions, often talk or run around, affecting the normal learning of other students, and do not listen to the instructions of parents or teachers.

3. Character defects

Children with ADHD are mostly impulsive, willful, emotionally unstable, prone to crying, frequent tantrums and stubbornness. When they get along with children of the same age, they often fight or quarrel with others. These children usually do not listen to their parents' education at home and often cause disputes outside. If this situation is not corrected in time, children can easily develop bad habits when they grow up, such as smoking, alcoholism, frequent outing, truancy, lying, stealing, fighting, etc., which will have a great impact on themselves, their families and society.

A few minutes to take you to understand the impact of ADHD on children

4. Learning difficulties

Inattention can affect learning ability. Generally speaking, such children cannot listen carefully to the teacher's lectures, nor can they seriously complete the homework assigned by the teacher on time. They don't easily distinguish between similar words when recognizing them, and often make careless mistakes when doing math problems. As a result, their academic performance generally lags behind that of other normal children, and some children even give up their studies early.

5. Uncoordinated movement

Abnormal development of the nervous system leads to an imbalance of neurochemical transmitters in the brain, which makes the mouth and teeth uncoordinated when the child speaks. Some children are unable to perform delicate movements such as buttoning and laces, pinching small things with chopsticks, cutting paper, or origami alone. In addition, their balance is relatively poor and they cannot walk in straight lines, so sometimes their movements look clumsy.

ADHD can have long-term effects on children, such as the inability to successfully complete school, interpersonal communication difficulties, poor social functioning, etc., which can adversely affect families and society. According to studies, 70% of children will continue into puberty and 30% will continue into adulthood. Therefore, when parents find that their children have ADHD, they should also pay attention to timely communication with their children, go to regular hospitals for examination as soon as possible, and effectively treat the condition through drugs or psychotherapy, so as to promote the development of children's physical and mental health.

Parents who don't understand anything else can tell me in the comments section!

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