
Magic UI 6.0 enables seamless cross-device connectivity and cross-app incognito services

At the beginning of 2022, Honor officially launched its first folding flagship Magic V, and brought the new Magic UI 6.0 all-scenario intelligent operating system. At the beginning of the press conference, Zhao Ming, CEO of Honor, spent a lot of time detailing the new system and the Magic Live intelligent engine empowered by it, so that the hardware conference that was originally the protagonist of Magic V became a software system propaganda meeting.

Magic UI 6.0 enables seamless cross-device connectivity and cross-app incognito services

This is reminiscent of apples in the early years. In 2007, Apple unveiled its first smartphone, the iPhone, and its first operating system, laying the groundwork for a world change. Many people like to use "turned out" to describe the emergence of the iPhone, but in fact, the first generation of iPhones, there is no black technology that far exceeds the times. The essence of the achievement legend still belongs to Jobs's thinking about the future of mobile phones, which is concentrated in the iOS operating system, so in a sense, the real thing that came out of the world should be iOS. The release of magic UI 6.0 all-scenario intelligent operating system can also be described as a turnaround.

The era of the Internet of Everything requires an operating system that understands users better

With the continuous iterative development of information technology such as 5G, AI, IoT, cloud computing, and big data, the era of internet of everything is coming in full swing. Whether it is wearable devices such as watches and bracelets, travel products such as electric vehicles and scooters, or household equipment such as refrigerators and water heaters, they are accelerating their development in the direction of intelligence. However, for ordinary users, the massive number of smart devices and diversified service systems have also caused problems such as high learning and use costs, single multi-device collaboration, and fragmented service experiences, which have put the "Internet of Everything" with "convenience" as the original intention into an embarrassing situation.

In order to solve this series of problems, the world's major technology giants have laid out, Apple iOS through iCloud to achieve interconnection and collaborative management between different Apple devices; Huawei Hongmeng OS with distributed soft bus technology to achieve a free combination of hardware; Google is also actively layout Fuchsia OS... However, these solutions are more anchored in management and connection, while pain points such as more strong user perception of learning costs and complicated service systems still exist. So is there a solution that allows users to actively serve devices and software at the right time without having to understand the device service entrance, or even issue instructions? The recent release of Honor's AI all-scenario intelligent operating system Magic UI 6.0 is making this model a reality.

Magic UI 6.0 enables seamless cross-device connectivity and cross-app incognito services

Based on the powerful AI enabling of magic Live's intelligent engine, Magic UI 6.0 not only realizes cross-system, cross-terminal, and cross-platform collaborative interconnection, but also realizes the upgrading of three major AI services based on scene perception, user understanding and knowledge graph through five AI capabilities (natural semantic understanding, computer vision, deep learning, decision system and recommendation system), achieving "understanding what you need, active service". It can be said that Magic UI 6.0 is an intelligent operating system for the era of internet of everything and better understanding of user needs.

Natural interaction, so that the service is no longer complicated

Based on the in-depth application of AI, the intelligent terminal device equipped with the Magic UI 6.0 system can perceive the user's scene in real time, and accurately analyze the user's needs in the current scene according to the user's habits, make a judgment in time, and actively call for the user to call for appropriate services. Thus, the complex service system is transformed into a simple, natural interactive experience.

Magic UI 6.0 enables seamless cross-device connectivity and cross-app incognito services

For example, in the business travel scenario, YOYO suggests that the voyage information will be displayed in time, the voice urges boarding, and the boarding pass is opened with one key; in the subway scene, when the user is near the subway station gate, Magic UI 6.0 can automatically pop up the ride card, allowing the user to ride one step faster; in the express delivery scenario, when the user is in the community range, Magic UI 6.0 will remind the user to go to the express cabinet to pick up...

With the continuous iterative upgrading of Magic UI 6.0 AI capabilities, it is foreseeable that in the future, Glory's full-scenario capabilities such as office learning, sports and health, driving travel, and life services will continue to extend, and users can continue to deeply perceive the smart all-scenario lifestyle changes brought about by the high overlap between the digital world and the physical world through magic UI, and this experience will also be "more and more intelligent and more understanding of you".

In addition to proactive services, Magic UI 6.0 also has proactive optimization capabilities. The Magic Live intelligent engine can optimize the operation, communication and display according to the user's habits and environment, and maximize the effects of OS Turbo X, GPU Turbo X, and Link Turbo X. Taking OS Turbo X technology as an example, it is equipped with Honor's self-developed intelligent memory engine, which can fully release the processing memory performance based on the underlying optimization of the system, so that the rate at which users' high-frequency application content remains online (retention rate) is increased by more than 20%. The integrated anti-aging engine, intelligent power consumption engine, and intelligent scheduling engine are optimized for scenarios such as system stuttering and fluency, heat and endurance, and intelligent allocation of systems and resources. For example, browsing a web page with a large number of pictures will require more resource scheduling than a text-only web page, Magic Live can predict the resources needed in the next step according to the application scenario, do a good job of resource scheduling in advance, ensure the experience at the same time, and achieve efficient resource utilization.

Multi-device collaboration in all scenarios makes connectivity simpler

Under the background of the era of Internet of Everything, Hongmeng and iOS have shown clear characteristics of "cross-terminal collaboration" + "seamless connection of data and services" + "new intelligent connection ecology". However, due to the closed nature of the ecology, users want to obtain seamless circulation between multiple devices, and can only enter the "family barrel" product of a certain brand, and it is difficult to be compatible with different brands.

Through the deep integration of Magic Live intelligent engine and cross-device OS, Magic UI 6.0 builds a bridge between different systems and different ecosystems. The new HONOR Connect interconnection protocol, which opens up the shelves of the protocol, supports compatibility with the OLA protocol and the Matter protocol, and can be coordinated with a wider range of third-party ecological devices. And HONOR Connect has a strong interconnection capability, with low latency (10ms), high throughput (1.2Gbps), high reliability (anti-packet loss rate of less than 20%), allowing users to seamlessly experience the smooth interconnection.

Magic UI 6.0 enables seamless cross-device connectivity and cross-app incognito services

Taking smart office as an example, through the Magic Live smart engine, the super office experience of free combination between mobile phones, PAD and PC terminal devices, cross-screen collaboration and efficient data transmission between large screens and mobile phone screens can be realized. For example, pad can be used as the second display of the PC, and the keyboard and mouse of the PC can also be shared to the PAD, improving the efficiency of browsing and editing, and breaking the "screen barrier" of efficient office. In addition, Honor has also reached a strategic cooperation with Microsoft, through the Your Phone to open up the cross-screen collaboration between mobile phones and Windows computers, which can quickly realize the interoperability between Honor mobile phones and Windows computers, and further enrich the multi-device collaboration scenarios of Honor.

Write at the end

In a sense, Honor Magic UI 6.0 is like a key to solving complex problems. In the face of increasingly complex software system ecology and scene experience, Honor can give consumers the best recommendation when needed by deeply empowering and reshaping the structure of the lowest layer of Android. With the increase in user time and frequency, Magic Live will be like a personal butler who has followed for many years, without instructions to understand, allowing users to "simply" use a variety of intelligent terminals to improve work and life efficiency.

Zhao Ming revealed that "the Magic Live intelligent engine will enable the application of more fields in the future, and the Honor Magic UI will go out of a different development path from all existing systems." At a time when AI technology is changing with each passing day, Honor has explored a new direction of change for the smartphone industry with Magic UI, and is also using its own successful practice to provide a new path for the future development of the industry.

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