
12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

author:Semin GD

Movies whose main plot takes place on the train, tight stories in small spaces, and small time spans, are all very enjoyable movies.

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Snow Train (2013)

A science fiction film that wins with vision and imagination. That's right!

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

But after watching it, I felt like the film was completely and completely changed, because I was thinking about two questions: who the rules and the law were for. The second is whether absolute equality is important or relative fairness is important?

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Source Code (2011)

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

After "Moon", director Duncan Jones once again brought a wonderful work. The plot is compact, the logic is reasonable, and the imagination is beyond doubt. As a science fiction film, although there are few action scenes and few special effects scenes, it is always fascinating and firmly grasps the audience.

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Unstoppable (2010)

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Tonicott's new work "Unmanned Brake Failure Train World Collision", Taiwanese translation of "Can't Hold Back", really powerful! The Hong Kong translation of "Breaking the Heavens and Disasters" is similar to the ups and downs, while the mainland imported version is called "The Speed of Dangerous Situations", which seriously lacks recognition. The movie is unexpectedly good-looking, and it is the most recent movie worth going to the theater, which is thrilling... Watching a movie like this can make you re-appreciate the full advantages of Hollywood genre films.

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express (2010)

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Much heavier than the old version. Consistent with the BBC's usual style, the details are too delicate

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

The Taking of Pelham (2009)

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Tony Scott deserves to be a Hollywood commercial blockbuster, a classic of 70s irony with a black humor, and in his hands, he remade a specific model of American heroism

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Crossing Siberia Transsiberian (2008)

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Seeing the old cool brother Ben Kingsley out of the scene, thinking it was a detective film; Woody and Emily came out to rescue Chinese children, thinking it was a life film; the big handsome brother Eduardo went on the scene to discharge, thinking it was an emotional film; Emily wanted to refuse to return the favor, thinking it was a cheating film; unexpectedly, the failure was not done, the handsome guy hung up hard, thinking it was a black film; the old cool brother appeared again, repeatedly interrogated, the beautiful woman panicked, thinking it was a psychological fear film; the cool brother turned his face to arrest people, thinking it was a fugitive film; The divine soldier descended , it turned out to be a detective film;

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Night Train (2009)

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

After sitting down, he suddenly spat out white foam and died. Miles, Piedy, and Chloe are surprised to find that the box in the hands of the deceased contains a valuable treasure. Therefore, the three decided to destroy the corpse and take the treasure for themselves. The self-interested people began to fight, during which the strange old woman and the police intervened, making the process more confusing. Passengers die one by one, and behind this treasure is an untold secret...

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

No Thief In the World (2004)

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

It is said that Zhou Xingchi has changed, and it is said that Feng Xiaogang has also changed. And that said, their films have all changed. One is Hong Kong-style nonsense, the other is Beijing-style humor, they have changed, so what will their movies become? In my impression, Feng Xiaogang's New Year's eve film never dies, at most it is a little injured, and even the kind of "near-death" that hooks people's reverie at the end has never been, but at the end of "No Thief in the World", a person died.

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Westbound Prison Cart (1989)

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Is it possible to set up a project on this subject today? The shooting is really special B-grade, special magic, and there are all the elements. Turning on the TV in the hotel is just the film, which at first glance looks a bit of Quentin Tarantino elements, desert, old house old time, black boss, prisoners, policemen, prodigal women...

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Runaway Train (1985)

A cow piece, a pearl in film history.

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

A strange international group made into an adventure action film. The film is written by the Japanese master Akira Kurosawa, directed by Andrei Kocharovsky of Russian descent, starring Jon Voyt, Eric Robles and Rebecca de Mohr in the United States, and the shooting location is in the snow and ice of Canada.

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Cassandra Crossing (1976)

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

This is a movie that can evoke my memories, it was released in my country in the eighties, this movie has always had an indelible image in my mind, and it feels good to re-watch it today. In terms of the use of language, the film is extremely neat and disciplined, the film presents a simple appearance, without showing off the skills and fancy forms, the narrative is logical, the details are real, and the performance is wonderful.

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Murder on the Orient Express (1974)

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

If so many people bothered to kill me, I would kill myself...

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

Prisoner of War Train Von Ryan's Express (1965)

12 ‖ nervous! stimulate! Train movie recommendations

The film produced in 1965 is undoubtedly the best World War II blockbuster. He tied for first place in my list of movies with Bloodstained Snow Mountain Fort. Watched no less than ten times. This is a post-70s World War II movie, the 80s radio and television bought a bunch of classics from FOX or people bought half and half sent, let us go directly from the railway guerrillas into the 21TH

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