
【Direct Attack Conference】Promote the development of new energy vehicles and boost the city to build an application demonstration city

On the morning of January 24, the Information Office of the Wenzhou Municipal People's Government held a press conference on the support policy of new energy vehicles in Wenzhou, inviting Xie Zhongzhong, deputy director of the Wenzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Zhang Jiandong, chief engineer of the Wenzhou Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, Li Xiaoqun, deputy director of the Wenzhou Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, and Xu Jiehuang, deputy director of the Wenzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau, to introduce the relevant situation and answer reporters' questions.

【Direct Attack Conference】Promote the development of new energy vehicles and boost the city to build an application demonstration city

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Wenzhou New Energy Vehicle Support Policy Press Conference

Xie Zhongzhong, deputy director of the Wenzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission

Dear media reporters,

Good morning, everyone!

According to the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, combined with the actual situation in Wenzhou, the city formulated and issued the "Several Policies and Measures for Supporting the Development and Promotion and Application of the New Energy Vehicle Industry in Wenzhou" (hereinafter referred to as the support policy) in January 2022 to further accelerate the development of new energy vehicles. Below, I will briefly introduce the situation from three aspects:

First, the main starting point for the formulation of support policies

In recent years, the city has regarded the new energy automobile industry as one of the strategic emerging industries for the city's key development, and has made every effort to promote enterprise cultivation, project attraction, and platform expansion, and initially formed a cluster development trend of the new energy automobile industry. At the same time, actively respond to the national and provincial work on the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, since 2017, the city began to formulate support policies for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, and continued the support policies again in 2019 and 2020. Under the guidance of a series of policies, the number of new energy vehicles promoted in our city has achieved explosive growth, from 1255 in 2017 to 45450 new energy vehicles in the city in 2021, and the proportion of new energy vehicles on the plate in the whole year reached 21.2%, ranking second in the province. This time, we have introduced a new round of support policies, mainly to implement the major strategic deployment of the national "carbon peak, carbon neutrality", continue to promote the development of new energy vehicles, and promote the construction of an important new energy vehicle industry cluster and the promotion and application of demonstration cities in our city.

Second, the main content of the support policy for new energy vehicles

On the basis of widely soliciting the opinions of all parties, the support policy fully studies and draws on the good experiences and practices of other advanced cities, and highlights the feasibility and effectiveness of the policy in combination with the actual situation of our city. In addition to safeguard measures, the policy content mainly includes a total of 25 policies in four parts, such as supporting the cultivation and development of the industrial chain, promoting application, charging facility construction, and other promotion measures:

(1) A total of 7 policy measures in the cultivation and development of the industrial chain are aimed at improving the overall competitiveness of upstream and downstream enterprises in the new energy automobile industry chain and creating a 100-billion-level new energy automobile industry cluster. For each vehicle manufacturer to develop a new model to give a reward of 1 million yuan, up to 5 million yuan; the annual production and sales of the vehicle to reach 50,000, 100,000, 150,000 vehicles are given a reward of 10 million yuan, the annual supply of power batteries to 3GWh, 6GWh, 9GWh are given a reward of 5 million yuan; for new energy vehicle-related enterprises to create provincial and above technological innovation centers, manufacturing innovation centers, industrial innovation centers, enterprise technology centers, key laboratories, Innovation platforms such as engineering research centers will be rewarded with 3 million to 10 million yuan; rewards will be given 300,000 yuan for successfully creating a provincial-level community of upstream and downstream enterprises in the new energy vehicle industry chain; and 500,000 yuan will be rewarded for parts and components enterprises that have newly become first-level supporting suppliers of new energy vehicle enterprises, up to a maximum of 1.5 million yuan.

(2) A total of 6 policy measures in terms of promotion and application, the purpose is to achieve the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in various industries and fields, and to create a demonstration city for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles. If the electrification rate of new public transport vehicles reaches 100%, and no new or updated fuel buses are added or updated within the city, the urban area will give a 50% subsidy to the purchase of new energy buses; all new or updated taxis use new energy vehicles, and the renewal subsidy for new energy taxis at the municipal level is 20,000 yuan / car; promote the electrification rate of new urban distribution vehicles in built-up areas to reach more than 60%; promote the new energy of special vehicles such as official vehicles and municipal gardens of government units, and purchase new energy vehicles in principle Promote the replacement of cars for the C-license model test with new energy vehicles.

(3) A total of 9 policy measures in the construction of charging facilities, the purpose is to solve the charging concerns of the promotion of new energy vehicles, and to create a charging infrastructure system with full coverage, interconnection, intelligence and efficiency in counties, towns and villages. For public charging facilities according to the power DC 200 yuan per kilowatt, AC per kilowatt subsidy, the operating unit to give 0.1 yuan / kWh of operating subsidies, the replacement power station according to the power of 800 yuan per kilowatt-hour subsidy, the hydrogen refueling station according to the daily hydrogen refueling capacity of each station 150-5 million yuan bonus compensation, for the individual to install self-use charging pile to give a one-time charging fee subsidy of 600 yuan. At the same time, we will promote the full coverage of charging infrastructure, and put forward specific requirements of 10%-20% for the proportion of charging spaces in parking lots such as highway service areas, scenic spots, transportation hubs, large supermarkets, enterprises and institutions.

(4) There are 3 other promotion and support measures, the purpose of which is to solve the problem of inconvenient travel for new energy vehicles and enhance the public's sense of experience in purchasing and using new energy vehicles. For state-owned public parking lots and road parking spaces, new energy vehicles will be free of parking fees for the first time on the same day for 2 hours. For the occupation of new energy parking spaces, law enforcement departments shall strengthen law enforcement management and persuasion reminders in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Cancel the restrictions on the bidding and listing of new new energy minivans within the urban area, and directly list them.

Third, the next stage of work initiatives

Compared with the support policies for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in the previous two years, the scope of application of this policy is wider and involves more fields, such as extending from supporting the promotion and application to industrial development and promotion and application, expanding from the urban area to covering the whole city, from promoting new energy buses to all vehicles in the public field, from the construction subsidies for charging facilities to "there are requirements before construction and subsidies after construction". The policy is unprecedented, and the policy is valid until December 31, 2023, which will add impetus to the development of new energy vehicles in the city. In order to effectively ensure the implementation of the policy, next, we will strengthen the city-county linkage and government-enterprise coordination to ensure practical results.

First, strengthen organizational leadership. Under the unified guidance of the Wenzhou New Energy Automobile Industry Development Leading Group, further strengthen the overall coordination, and the leading departments of each policy initiative actively assume and take the initiative in accordance with the division of labor, and join hands with various counties (cities, districts) to form a working mechanism of linkage and orderly advancement.

The second is to strengthen the implementation of work. Further refine the policy implementation path, ensure that various policies are paid in a timely manner and should be fully redeemed, and incorporate the promotion and application of new energy vehicles into important carbon reduction measures to ensure that various measures are implemented.

The third is to strengthen publicity and guidance. Make full use of various media platforms, enterprise service platforms, chambers of commerce and industry associations to publicize and report new energy vehicle support policies to the general public and enterprises, jointly set off a climax of new energy vehicle publicity, improve the awareness and acceptance of new energy vehicles in the whole society, strengthen the understanding of the development of the local new energy automobile industry, and strive to create a good social atmosphere conducive to the development of the new energy automobile industry.

Question 1: I am a reporter of Zhejiang Traffic Voice, Hello Director Xie! We can see that in recent years, the number of new energy vehicles driving on the roads in Wenzhou has increased significantly, although there are many charging stations, but some car buyers still have charging concerns, in this regard, what measures does Wenzhou have to support and solve?

Answer reporters' questions

In recent years, under the stimulation and guidance of relevant national and provincial policies, the city's new energy vehicles can be said to be explosive growth. In 2021, the number of new energy vehicles in the city will reach 45,500, 31,000 more than the previous year, with a growth rate of 217%, accounting for more than 21% of the total number of licenses, and it is expected that by 2025, the sales of new energy vehicles in the city will account for 50%. This shows that in recent years, the promotion of new energy vehicles in our city has achieved certain results, and everyone's awareness and acceptance of new energy vehicles have been greatly improved. The rapid development of new energy vehicles is gradually testing the carrying capacity of the city's charging infrastructure. At this stage, the focus of the city's promotion work has shifted from the original vehicle purchase subsidy to the improvement of the external environment construction such as charging infrastructure, mainly from the following aspects:

1. Vigorously promote the construction of public charging facilities. Our city is built in accordance with the requirements of the state and the province on the "diversification of the main body, the construction of market-oriented, and intelligent management" of the new energy vehicle charging infrastructure and the principle of "moderate advancement", and gives certain construction subsidies. By the end of 2021, the city has 101 various charging infrastructure market operating companies, and has built 657 public charging stations, 6288 charging guns, and 38092 charging guns for residents' own use. In order to further promote the layout and construction of charging facilities throughout the city, this time we will expand the scope of subsidy policy implementation from the previous urban areas to the whole city, attracting more operators to invest in construction in our city.

2. Comprehensively promote the rational layout of charging facilities. In addition to supporting the construction of public external operation charging stations, the city has gradually increased the construction of charging facilities in various types of parking lots, such as the internal parking lots of the company that office workers care about, requiring the construction ratio of charging facilities to be no less than 12%; the high-speed and scenic parking lots that tourists care about, the construction ratio is not less than 15%; the large shopping malls and supermarket parking lots that shoppers care about are required to build a proportion of not less than 20%, and the parking lots in these fields are clearly defined with the minimum construction ratio requirements, which can meet the masses at work, play, and play to a certain extent. Charging needs when shopping.

3. Comprehensively consider the travel convenience of new energy vehicle owners. In view of the problem that different charging facility operators need to use different APP, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission has jointly developed and built the "Wenzhou New Energy Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Intelligent Service Platform" with Wenzhou Power Supply Company, further integrating the service information resources of the city's operating platforms, promoting the interconnection between different platforms, and downloading an APP can realize the use of charging piles of all operators. In addition, the implementation of the road on both sides of the meter parking space for 2 hours a day free of charge initiative, has been enthusiastically supported by the masses, according to preliminary estimates, the initiative in 2021 to benefit the people of the amount of more than 2 million yuan, the municipal government will continue to extend the initiative to December 31, 2023, truly benefit the people, to provide convenient travel.

Question 2: I am a reporter of Wenzhou Daily, Chief Engineer Zhang Hello! I would like to know, what is the current status of the new energy vehicle industry chain in Wenzhou? What are the next steps in cultivating the new energy vehicle industry chain?

Zhang Jiandong, chief engineer of Wenzhou Economic and Information Bureau

At present, the development of the new energy automobile industry in our city is in a period of rapid growth, the industrial chain is relatively perfect, with more than 5,000 series of products in twelve categories; technological innovation and intelligent manufacturing capabilities continue to increase, and there are 11 provincial-level intelligent workshops and 14 enterprise technology centers at or above the provincial level. However, there are also some shortcomings, such as the production scale of the whole vehicle is not large enough, and the key supporting capabilities such as drive motors, electronic control systems and intelligent network connections are relatively weak. In the next step, we will mainly focus on four aspects to promote the cultivation of the new energy vehicle industry chain.

First, increase capital and expand production chains

Vigorously promote the implementation of the "capital increase and expansion" project, and further expand the production capacity of new energy vehicles and parts. We were the first to sort out and implement 38 new energy automobile industry projects with a total investment of 23 billion yuan, including a number of major "capital increase and expansion" projects such as WM, Ruipu and Ruili. For new energy passenger cars, trucks and annual supply of power batteries reaching a certain scale, incentives ranging from 5 million to 30 million will be given. Strive to 2025 new energy vehicle industry output value of more than 100 billion, new energy vehicle output of more than 200,000 vehicles.

Second, attract the big lead to the strong replenishment chain

Formulate a map of the new energy vehicle industry chain, establish a precise investment project database, focus on key areas such as new energy vehicle batteries, drive motors, electronic control systems, and intelligent network connections, and carry out targeted investment promotion for leading enterprises at home and abroad to enhance the city's key supporting capabilities. Strive to attract more than 10 key projects in the new energy automobile industry chain every year.

Third, coordinate the supporting stable chain

We plan to hold the China (Wenzhou) International Automobile and Motorcycle Parts Expo and the Zero Matchmaking Meeting for New Energy Vehicles to promote technical exchanges and supply chain cooperation among upstream and downstream enterprises in the new energy vehicle industry chain. We plan to screen a number of key parts and components enterprises, guide enterprises to carry out transformation and upgrading in accordance with vehicle supporting standards, carry out in-depth cooperation with vehicle enterprises, and improve the vehicle matching rate of parts and components enterprises in our city. For the parts and components enterprises that have newly become the first-level supporting suppliers of new energy vehicle enterprises, they will be rewarded with 500,000-1.5 million yuan.

Fourth, innovation and upgrading of the excellent chain

We encourage enterprises to carry out "card neck" scientific and technological research, and will arrange no less than 10 million yuan of special funds for major scientific and technological research and development of new energy vehicles every year, and the science and technology department has sorted out 17 key projects for the first time. We support enterprises to establish various innovation platforms such as innovation communities and technology centers, and give rewards of different ranges. We support vehicle companies to develop new models and give each new model a reward of 1 million yuan. We support enterprises to carry out intelligent transformation, and strive to add more than 5 new intelligent factories every year.

Question three: I am a Wenzhou Evening News reporter, this question wants to ask our Housing and Construction Bureau Li Bureau, at present, everyone is very concerned about the construction of electric vehicle charging facilities in the residential community, how is the housing department arranged for this piece?

Li Xiaoqun, deputy director of Wenzhou Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

The housing construction department mainly starts from the strict implementation of the requirements for the allocation of new residential communities and the promotion of the construction of charging facilities in existing residential communities.

In terms of new residential construction. Strictly implement the relevant requirements of Wenzhou City to support the development of the new energy automobile industry and promote the application of a number of policies and measures. The first is to strengthen policy publicity, do a good job of publicity and guidance for design units, and urge them to strictly implement the requirements that 100% of new residential parking spaces should be built charging infrastructure or reserved construction and installation conditions. The second is to strengthen the source control, when participating in the joint meeting on land transfer of new residential projects, participating in the joint review of program design and preliminary design, it is required to strictly implement the standards for the allocation of electric vehicle charging piles; when reviewing the construction drawing design documents, the proportion of charging infrastructure for new residential parking spaces in the built-up area shall not be less than 20%. The third is to vigorously guide and encourage the future community construction process to appropriately improve the coverage rate of new parking space charging facilities in the process of electric vehicle development, and increase the intensity of construction.

In terms of promoting the construction of charging facilities in existing residential areas. The first is to actively guide the neighborhood committees of streets, townships and communities to strengthen the supervision of the daily activities of the owners' committees, guide the owners' committees to include the installation of charging facilities in the deliberations of the owners' assembly, clarify the rights and obligations of relevant entities such as charging facility owners, construction units, management service units, etc., and guide owners to support the installation of new energy vehicle charging facilities. The second is to guide the owners' committee and urge the community property to issue relevant certification materials, cooperate with the owners to apply for the installation of charging facilities (the owners' committee or community neighborhood committee issued by the owners' committee or the community neighborhood committee without property) and provide relevant drawings in a timely manner, and cooperate with and support the power department to coordinate and solve problems such as capacitance expansion and line increase. The third is to supervise and urge the community property to do a good job in service management, assist in on-site investigation and construction, strengthen inspection and inspection, discourage and stop private pulling of wires, illegal use of electricity and irregular construction and other behaviors, and report to the power department in a timely manner if they do not listen to dissuasion, and cooperate with rectification work.

Question four: I am a reporter of Wenzhou News Network, I have paid attention to, in the past year, Wenzhou new energy taxis compared to before a lot more, please ask the policy released this time for taxi updates, what are the specific subsidy arrangements?

Xu Jiehuang, deputy director of Wenzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau

The policy for taxis is mainly to subsidize the application of new energy taxis, that is, from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2023, the owner of the vehicle who will eliminate fuel taxis and update or add new purchases to use new energy taxis will be given a one-time subsidy of 20,000 yuan / car, which will be implemented by Dongtou District and counties (cities) for reference.

The introduction of this policy mainly considers the following aspects:

The first is to implement national policies. Taxis are high-frequency operating vehicles, with an annual driving range of about 100,000 kilometers, long driving range, large fuel consumption, and more carbon emissions. In 2018, the State Council issued a three-year action plan for the blue sky defense war, requiring the vigorous promotion of clean energy taxis, for which the city has introduced a subsidy policy in 2019. In September 2020, the mainland established a carbon peak carbon neutrality target and put forward new requirements. In June 2021, the Provincial Office of Strong Transportation issued the Action Plan for the Construction of green and smart transportation in Asian Games Cities, which clarified that the proportion of new energy in taxis (including online ride-hailing) in Wenzhou before the Asian Games should reach 60%.

The second is to promote the development of the industry. In recent years, with the rapid development of economy and society, public transportation has become more popular, travel modes have been diversified, and the demand for taxis has gradually decreased. To this end, it is necessary to introduce policies to encourage the development of new energy taxis, guide the industry to reduce energy consumption costs, and improve competitiveness. In particular, the current oil price is higher, and the cost of energy consumption after using new energy vehicles will be significantly reduced, and it is expected to drop from more than 0.6 yuan per kilometer to less than 0.2 yuan. In addition, new energy vehicles also have the advantages of quiet comfort and simple operation, which is conducive to improving the sense of mass riding experience and comfort, reducing the driving labor intensity of drivers, further improving the image and service level of the industry, and achieving a green win-win effect.

The third is to continue the original policy. The time node of this policy is January 1, 2020, which is a continuation of the subsidy policy in 2019, ensuring that there is no continuous file in the middle, eligible vehicles can enjoy the policy dividend, and maintain the healthy and orderly development of the industry.

【Direct Attack Conference】Promote the development of new energy vehicles and boost the city to build an application demonstration city

Source: Hurry up Wenzhou APP

Preliminary Editor: Direction Hong

Editor-in-charge: Gu Zhangtong

Review: Peng Yongtang

Chief Producer: Chen Taisheng

Producer: Chen Yiquan Chen Xiyu

Director system: Chen Zhenshi

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