
"My God" 34-year-old actor Rajput passed away, and the Indian prime minister sent a message of condolence

author:Beijing News

According to foreign media reports, 34-year-old Indian actor Sushant Singh Rajput was confirmed to have died at his home in Mumbai on June 14, and the police said he died by suicide. In a statement released by his company, he said he hoped fans would remember Rajput and the work he has done so far. Rajput has starred in the Indian film "My God" starring Amir Khan and starred in the Indian film "The First Dream", which was released last year.

"My God" 34-year-old actor Rajput passed away, and the Indian prime minister sent a message of condolence

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent a tribute, saying, "Sushant Singh Rajput, the clever young actor who left too early. He excelled in both television and film, and his success in the entertainment industry inspired many and left behind some memorable performances. I was shocked by his death, and I was with his family and fans. ”

According to the Indian Express, Rajput's career began in television and made a splash in soap operas. In 2013, he starred in the film Life In Broken, making his Bollywood debut. In the film "My God" starring Amir Khan, Sushant Singh Rajput plays the heroine's boyfriend.

Beijing News Editor Wu Dongni

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