
The poor don't deserve reproductive rights? "A Father's Quest for a Son" Unveils the Truth About The Poor Man's Fertility Introduction: 12345 Conclusion:


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > introduction:</h1>

Poor people in the end do not have the qualifications to raise children, a month into 4,000 yuan mother sent a message to raise two children to live a difficult content, someone commented at the bottom: poor people do not deserve to have children. The likes and comments of this comment turned out to be the highest, and the comments of the netizens at the bottom were the word "approval".

Some netizens commented: "Poor people giving birth to children is not really loving children." ”

"If you are poor, don't have children, your own life is so difficult, how can you be willing to let your children go again?"

"It's not about being a parent when you have a fertility function. I can't even afford to raise children myself?"

Shouldn't poverty really have children? Some people's poverty is not caused by their own subjective will, perhaps a huge change in life, after the birth of the child, the family conditions become poor because of the great changes, in this case, what should the child do? What should parents do? Should we give up the right to parenting our children from an early age?

Don't poor families have the right to enjoy the joys of family reunion? This is a story about the child being taken away by the welfare agency because of poverty, the poor family is separated by his wife, and the father finds the way for the child to return - "A father's way to find a son".

This father's path of pursuit makes us reflect: should the poor have children?

The poor don't deserve reproductive rights? "A Father's Quest for a Son" Unveils the Truth About The Poor Man's Fertility Introduction: 12345 Conclusion:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10">1</h1>

A woman came to the construction site with her two children, sprinkled gasoline on herself and the children, pressed the lighter, and lit the gasoline-stained clothes, and the fire burned in an instant.

Construction workers on surrounding construction sites quickly threw the women down and extinguished the fire. The woman said angrily: Her husband worked at the construction site for two years, but he did not get the salary he deserved, and after being expelled from the construction site, he did not even pay severance pay, so the family could not afford to eat and began to starve.

The woman's husband, Nikolai, was previously the project leader at the site but was fired. Nikolai, who works part-time, after learning the news of his wife's suicide, desperately ran to the place where his wife and children had an accident, he did not choose a more convenient car or other means of transportation, but quickly ran to save his wife and children with two legs.

Fortunately, the children were fine, but the wife was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with advanced mental illness, suicidal and masochistic tendencies, but the wife did not reveal any tendency to disease.

The local welfare agency believes that Nikolai has no formal job, his wife is also suffering from mental illness, and Nikolai works as a temporary worker, working for more than ten hours a day, without time to take care of the children, and the income of the temporary workers cannot even pay the family's utility bills, let alone eat, the welfare center will investigate Nikolai to see if Nikolai is qualified to raise children.

The poor don't deserve reproductive rights? "A Father's Quest for a Son" Unveils the Truth About The Poor Man's Fertility Introduction: 12345 Conclusion:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="16">2</h1>

In order to cope with the inspection of the welfare center, Nikolai borrowed electricity from the neighbor's house, introduced the water from the pool into the home, and painted the family's four walls of the home, but after the investigation, the welfare center judged that Nikolai did not have a formal job, the family could not pay the utility bills, the child did not get vaccinated, the son had stuttering and did not treat in time, etc., that Nikolai did not have the ability to raise children, and his children were to be sent to the superior family of economic ability to foster care, and the time was "permanent".

Faced with the judgment of welfare institutions, Nikolai did not argue loudly, and he chose to go on hunger strike outside welfare institutions and protest silently. He wanted to see the children, but the manager of the welfare center, Bald, threatened Nikolai that if he was still here tomorrow, they would report to the relevant agencies that Nikolai was mentally ill as his wife.

The poor don't deserve reproductive rights? "A Father's Quest for a Son" Unveils the Truth About The Poor Man's Fertility Introduction: 12345 Conclusion:

Why did the people at the welfare center forcibly take away Nikolai's children? Is there any conspiracy here?

A kind security guard of the welfare home saw the distressed Nikolai and kindly told him the reason, the original top manager of the welfare center bald in the name of children, every year to seize the benefits granted to the children of poor families, each poor family children, every year, 40,000 relief funds, he to help 30 children, these years greedy hundreds of thousands of relief funds. The children who were nominally sent away were sent to his own relatives' homes.

The poor don't deserve reproductive rights? "A Father's Quest for a Son" Unveils the Truth About The Poor Man's Fertility Introduction: 12345 Conclusion:

The bald manager of the welfare center also abducted the children of poor families in various names, just for the sake of greed for money, which did not require any cost, and became a black industrial chain that everyone in the welfare home knew.

The manager of the welfare center dares to do this because the court and the police have a huge network of connections, and even if the poor have any opinion, it is useless. The security guard's words made Nikolai very desperate, and here his lawsuit would not reach it at all, he would be detained, and all his efforts to win over the children would be in vain.

The poor don't deserve reproductive rights? "A Father's Quest for a Son" Unveils the Truth About The Poor Man's Fertility Introduction: 12345 Conclusion:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23">3</h1>

Nikolai made a bold decision: he would send the lawsuit to the relevant department ministers in the capital. After making this decision, Nikolai went to the home of the laid-off workers he had been with before, asked the friend to write a lawsuit, and went to the hospital to visit his wife, telling her about his decision, and the wife in the hospital bed looked at her husband silently, only slightly shaking her husband's hand for a moment before releasing it.

Nikolai took a plastic bottle full of water in the village, carried a cloth bag on his back, and set off, penniless, and could only walk on two legs to the capital, where he hoped to return the custody of his children.

Nikolai was walking on the highway, but he was stopped by a police car and told him: You can't walk on the highway, don't you know? A fine will be paid.

Nikolai said he didn't have any money on him and told the police what had happened to him, which surprised the police and said: This matter is so outrageous that it can be in the news.

The poor don't deserve reproductive rights? "A Father's Quest for a Son" Unveils the Truth About The Poor Man's Fertility Introduction: 12345 Conclusion:

Compassion decided to take him for a ride. After that, Nikolai continued on his way and met an unexpected new partner on a rainy day— a hungry skinny puppy.

But Nikolai had only a few food left, he didn't want to share it with the dog, how could someone who couldn't even survive himself be willing to share food with a dog, two creatures shivering in the rain, could only hug each other for warmth.

The poor don't deserve reproductive rights? "A Father's Quest for a Son" Unveils the Truth About The Poor Man's Fertility Introduction: 12345 Conclusion:

But the next day, Nikolai found that the dog was run over by a passing vehicle and died a miserable death on the side of the road, which made Nikolai have to sigh whether his fate would be like this dog's. Nikolai squatted at the dog's corpse, dazed, with mixed feelings, the dog died and had to bury it himself, if one day he died in a strange place, was there anyone buried?

Nikolai dug a pit on the side of the road, wrapped the dog in plastic sheeting, buried the dog, and then continued on the road to regain custody of the children.

The poor don't deserve reproductive rights? "A Father's Quest for a Son" Unveils the Truth About The Poor Man's Fertility Introduction: 12345 Conclusion:

He also met well-meaning truck drivers, stray young people who stole their own food, gas station toll collectors who saw his news, some people advised him, some people admired him, he also showed kindness to others, and even after getting sick, he was sent to the hospital.

When the patient next to the bed learned of Nikolai's experience, he asked him: It is useless for you to work so hard to get back the custody of your children, I have 4 children, and now I am sick and hospitalized like this, and I have not seen anyone call to care, pay for the family for a lifetime, exhaust yourself, is it worth it? Originally it was for the purpose of raising children and preventing old age, and now in order to raise children to take their own life, they can't leave a little benefit when they are old.

The words of the old patient also made Nikolai think deeply, but Nikolai decided to continue on the road. The suffering encountered in the previous life seems to be nothing compared to the real malice of the world.

On the way into the city, a well-meaning truck driver agreed to take Nikolai into the city, and gave him an amulet he had asked for from the monastery, and the driver said: At this time, only the Faith and the Almighty Lord can save us. Do you believe in the Lord? Faced with the pious driver's questioning, Nikolai fell silent.

The poor don't deserve reproductive rights? "A Father's Quest for a Son" Unveils the Truth About The Poor Man's Fertility Introduction: 12345 Conclusion:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="36">4</h1>

After this journey, Nikolai finally reached his destination. But things were still difficult, and he was told that he could not file the lawsuit today, because the clerk left work at two o'clock in the afternoon and the clerk came at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Nikolai sat at the main door of the office hall, but it was not long before the security guard inside came out to drive people away, but when he heard that Nikolai had come to ask for custody of the child, and not to protest here like the others, the security guard softened his attitude and agreed to Nikolai staying at the door.

Nikolai slept at the door of the office hall for a night, and finally waited for the office staff to go to work, and Nikolai insisted on saying to the beautiful female clerk: "Be sure to give the lawsuit to the minister himself."

Seeing the stubborn Nikolai, the beautiful female clerk said: Find a leader to come and talk to Nikolai. This time it wasn't long before a man came out to receive Nikolai, and after listening to his experience, the man said: You can't meet our minister directly, you can send an email to the assistant minister, and we will reply to your email within a week, after which you can meet the assistant minister.

Nikolai said: I have walked 300 kilometers, not to meet the assistant minister, I want to meet the minister himself. If I don't see it, I'll be waiting at the main door downstairs.

Although the minister had not yet been met, it alarmed the media. The reporter heard that the newspaper walked to find his son's father in the office hall and other ministers, so he became interested in him and interviewed him, and more and more media came to report his story.

The poor don't deserve reproductive rights? "A Father's Quest for a Son" Unveils the Truth About The Poor Man's Fertility Introduction: 12345 Conclusion:

But after experiencing Nikolai's stubbornness, the people in the office hall began to refuse Nikolai to enter the hall, and even the security guards who had been kind enough to help before had to act according to the rules and regulations, and that night was stormy and the temperature dropped very low, and Nikolai hid under the building shivering, but then someone came with food to give to Nikolai.

It turned out that after watching the TV interview program, the enthusiastic crowd came to see him. Cold and hungry, Nikolai put on a blanket, opened the food, scooped a spoonful of food into his mouth, but broke down and cried.

Early the next morning, one of the most well-known media companies in the area found Nikolai, who was still asleep. Is this a turnaround? Before the interview had officially begun, the man who had received Nikolai in the office room came up and said: "The assistant minister agreed to see Nikolai."

The poor don't deserve reproductive rights? "A Father's Quest for a Son" Unveils the Truth About The Poor Man's Fertility Introduction: 12345 Conclusion:

Nikolai was caught in a large conference room, and the assistant minister received him politely, and the assistant minister said: We have read your report, and it is very pitiful. The assistant read Nikolai's lawsuit and scolded indignantly: "It's stupid bureaucracy. "And asked the secretary to contact the local welfare home manager immediately."

But the phone could not be called, and the assistant said: The solution now is that I write a letter of recommendation and let the welfare home return the child to you, but we can't manage so many other things, and my hand can't reach so long.

Although things were not so perfect, Nikolai still saw hope. After all, the assistant minister promised to let Nikolai see his children.

The poor don't deserve reproductive rights? "A Father's Quest for a Son" Unveils the Truth About The Poor Man's Fertility Introduction: 12345 Conclusion:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1">5</h1>

Nikolai returned to his hometown, he went to the convenience store to buy two chocolates, and then went to the hospital to visit his wife, Nikolai sat in front of his wife's bed, told her: Although there are many evil people in this world, there are many good people. I was still able to get our kids from them and everything would be fine.

The wife in the hospital bed, with tears in her eyes, looked at her husband tenderly and shook Nikolai's hand.

Nikolai came to the welfare house again, met the half-bald manager of the welfare house, and gave the letter of the assistant minister to the bald man, but the management of the minister's side did not play a role in the local management, and in this place, the person who could make the decision was still the bald man.

The bald man said: Your behavior completely angered us, even if you find a formal job now, we will not return your children to you, if you want to appeal, I will accompany you to the end, if the appeal fee you can afford.

Bald even said: Even if you get the president's letter of recommendation, I will not return the child to someone like you.

Nikolai looked desperately at the bald head, lowered his bottom line, and insisted on seeing the child. Bald may have made a sudden discovery of conscience or wanted to show off his sovereignty, bringing the two children over for Nigu to take a look.

Seeing his father's child, he rushed over and hugged his father tightly. And asked Dad: Can we go back with you now?

Nikolai faced the child's question and was silent for half a moment before answering: Soon.

Nikolai, the bald female assistant at the welfare center, said: You come to me on Monday, and I want to help you.

Life always gives hope in this way, and then fights back fiercely, destroying hope. And in a time of despair, you can suddenly see a little light, you don't know whether this light is true or not, but you can only choose to continue to believe that the light can shine on yourself.

Nikolai returned to the residence, but found that the furniture in the house had been removed by the villagers, and he silently moved the furniture taken by the villagers back to his home one by one.

At the end of the film, Nikolai, in his humble residence, on an empty dining table, faces the remaining three vacated chairs, takes out a piece of bread, and eats it silently.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="61" > Conclusion:</h1>

At the end of the movie, there is no ending, which is reverie. It seems to leave an open-ended ending that makes the audience wonder: Did the father finally get his child back? Or what kind of drastic way to take the child back? There was hope, but it was also a lot of suffering.

Sadly, the film reflects the reality of Serbia and the question posed to the whole world:

Are poor people really not qualified to raise children?

Should the poor really give up their reproductive rights?

What do you think?

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