
A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound

author:Westeros Wanderers

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > hound experience</h1>

In the novel, hounds appear to follow Robert's royal team to Winterfell and watch the children fight at the school grounds. The first impression of this man was that he was tall, strong, rude, and brave.

A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound

On the way to King's Landing, there is a fight between the second lady and Joffrey, and the hound is ordered to hunt down the butcher's little brother Mikay, who "hurts Prince Joffrey", ,—— this is only a half-grown child, and it is generally enough to catch him, but what Ned sees is that this Mikay has been cruelly split in half. Seeing this, the readers are only afraid of not having a good impression of the hound, and silently label him as "brutal".

During the King's Landing Tournament, the Hound confided to Sansa the origin of the burns on his face and his hatred for the Magic Mountain. The emotions in the character's heart seem to be only anger and hatred.

He fell in love with Sansa and became a deserter at the Battle of the Blackwater River; he was caught by the Brotherhood of Weapons and won the contest; he stole the Erzhu from the Brotherhood and began a journey of "this killer is not too cold"; the wounded hound was abandoned by the Erzhu and saved by the Elder of Silent Island, after which he became the gravedigger of Silent Island. - These are all well known.

A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound

I would like to add a little bit about the experience of the teenage hounds. When he was seven years old, he was burned and disfigured by his brother pressing his face in a brazier because he stole a toy from Magic Mountain. But even more noteworthy is their father's handling of the matter: he claims that Sandor was burned by an accidental fire, but there is no punishment for the eldest son, Magic Mountain. - This incident not only caused the hounds to have a psychological shadow on the fire, but also made the young Sandor question the so-called fairness and justice.

Magic Mountain is a truly brutal monster! Volume Ichi Ned once recalled that he had heard rumors about the Magic Mountain, not only that he had done the burns of the hounds, but also the death of their sister, the death of Gregor's two wives, and the death of the brothers' fathers, all related to the Magic Mountain.

But it is extremely ironic that a man like Moshan, who has been doing many evils since he was a teenager, was actually knighted at the age of sixteen. And the man who canonized him was the perfect prince Rega Targaryen, whom everyone praised. So the people who hate Rhaegar the most in A Song of Ice and Fire are besides Robert and the Hounds.

A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound

Magic Mountain Gregory Cregan

Magic Mountain has a bullshit chivalry! But why did Rega crown him a knight? Personally, I think that Rhaegar really wanted to use the Herrenberg Tournament to contact the princes and set up the Mad King Iris. The canonization of the Magic Mountain should come shortly after the Herrenberg Tournament, and Rhaegar was cultivating his own power. Of course, when he was canonized, he must not have thought that in the future, his wife and son would all die tragically at the hands of this big man.

We all know that the hounds have a great disdain for the so-called knights, presumably because of the influence of Rhaegar's canonization of Gregor.

When Moshan was seventeen years old, their father died in a "hunting accident", and he inherited the family property. The twelve-year-old hound ran away from home decisively that day.

--Calculating the time, the knight of the Magic Mountain and the death of the brothers' fathers should have happened to be in the year 282-283 of the Egon calendar.

282-283AC is an important time period. What happened during this time? I'll count the related ones:

Lyanna Stark is missing and legend has it that she was "abducted" by Rhaegar;

Rhaegar seals the Magic Mountain as a knight;

Rickard and Brandon, two Starks, are killed by the Mad King;

Robert unveils the pole + Jon Airling responds;

Rega died at Ruby Beach;

King's Landing falls, and Magic Mountain kills Princess Ilia and Rega's son Egon;

The Mad King died and Robert ascended the throne.

- Pulling this paragraph is because Hound said that he "killed people at the age of twelve", and I think this experience should have occurred in the process of escaping from his home fort, and he may have killed Magic Mountain's men. He defected to Kaiyan City. But I don't think the twelve-year-old Hound took part in the Battle of King's Landing with Tywin's Western Army, and it's more likely that he stayed at the Lannisters as a guard.

A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" > Hound and Sansa</h1>

This is a relationship that many people talk about, the classic bridge between Beauty and the Beast. From Sansa's perspective, we see the human, soft side of the Hound's heart.

The early Sansa was like a delicate and beautiful doll, just like the toy knight that the hound stole from the magic mountain, she was in line with the hound's original intention of yearning for beauty. At the same time, girls full of song and fairy tales can easily remind the hound of her childhood full of knightly dreams.

Sansa was a standard lady, beautiful, well-behaved, and weak, and made people's hearts involuntarily desire to protect. Although the Hound's brutality in killing Mikay cannot be whitewashed, he is still a person with a conscience and a bottom line. He treated Sansa carefully and gently. What was particularly moving was that everything he had done for her,—— advised her to do what Joffrey had said; the idea of stopping her from pushing Joffrey down the walls; helping her to tell her lies; covering her with his cloak when she was humiliated; and the seemingly cruel words he said to her,—— the main thrust of which was to protect her, not to "get her."

A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound

What about Sansa to the Hounds? She did not leave King's Landing with the Hound, but she collected the blood-stained white robe he had left behind. Later, Sansa also thought of the hound many times, and even processed the "unfinished kiss" in her memories.

Sansa has feelings for the Hound, but not necessarily love. The Hounds had protected her and saved her many times, and she had gratitude; she had compassion for the Hounds' burns and psychological wounds; the prayers before the Battle of the Blackwater River, the act of appeasing the crowd after Cersei left the table, and the song she sang to the Hounds at the end, which raised the character of Sansa to a higher level,—— and she had compassion for all beings in her heart, which was an excellent quality that belonged to a queen or queen.

If you look closely, you will find that Sansa's memories of the hounds basically occur when she is particularly insecure. If Sansa later becomes queen, then the hound becomes her "queen iron guard", which will probably be the best ending for this pair.

A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound

Hounds and Sansa in the King's Landing Riots

A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound

Unfinished kiss

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > hounds and second ladies</h1>

If Sansa let the hound see herself full of knightly dreams when she was young, then the second lady let him see another self: adversity to survive, untamed self.

They have a lot in common: the Erzhu Shou kill is a young brother in the stable of King's Landing, who tries to catch the Erya and ask for merit; the hound's first kill is most likely the Magic Mountain's men who tried to stop them when they ran away from home, and they all killed people to escape. The second lady kills people at the age of ten, and the hound is twelve years old, both of whom have been fierce characters since childhood. The young hound defected to the Lannisters, and presumably experienced a lot of hardships along the way; the second lady came out of King's Landing and wandered around the river, and the hardships did not need to be elaborated. The hounds despise knights, and the second lady despises ladies.

The hound is fierce to the second lady on the surface, but in fact it is still very good in the end. Meals on the way cut her "thick slices" of sausage; the Freys knocked her unconscious to prevent her from going to her death; pointed out her "heart position" and taught her to "kill properly."

I really like the novel where the hound and the second lady wander together, the homeless hound and the homeless wolf, and feel sorry for each other.

The Hound has been Joffrey's bodyguard, Sansa's protector, and the survival mentor of the second lady, and the strongest nanny in Westeros is really not a mess haha!

A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound
A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound

There is a picture of love

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" > idol of hounds</h1>

According to my own speculation on some clues, I found that the idol of the hound was Robert Baratheon. Let's also talk about entertaining the public.

We all know that Robert Baratheon was ,—— well, he used to be— a great warrior with great chivalry. His most glorious achievement was to kill Rhaegar one-on-one at Ruby Beach.

As mentioned earlier, the Magic Mountain was knighted by Rhaegar himself. It should be known that at that time, Rhaegar was the Dragon Prince who loved flowers and flowers, the embodiment of justice and virtue, so this incident had a considerable subversive effect on Sandor's three views. From now on, the hound should have a big heart knot for Rhaegar, and the Rhaegar in the eyes of the hound must be hypocritical.

When Robert killed Rhaegar, Sandor was about 12 years old, isn't that the age when a child sets an idol for himself? And at that time, Robert was still handsome, and it was easy to circle fans. Not to mention that for the hounds, what Robert did was to some extent "get justice".

A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound
A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound

Rhaegar vs. Robert

There is also several pieces of evidence in the details of the novel.

At the First King's Landing Tournament, the Hound and the Magic Mountain moved, and the others in the thunder and fire could not pull the frame, at which time Robert roared: "Stop me!" The hound stopped immediately without any crookedness. The Hound is not a man who succumbs to power, and he generally does not care about the status of the so-called "adults", but scorns it. The reason why he listened to Robert so much was not because of his status as king, but because he really had respect for him.

The second is a conversation with Sansa before the Battle of King's Landing:

Clegan turned his head to look at the flames in the distance. "Fire." He also sheathed his sword, "Fire is a coward's weapon. ”

"Duke Stannis is not a coward."

"But he didn't have the courage of his brother either." A small river, it is difficult to fall Robert. ”

------------------------------------------------------ I haven't seen anyone else really praise anyone.

A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound

Hounds and Sansa

In the third place, the Hound is captured by the Brotherhood, and the Lightning King states that the Brotherhood is King Robert's man, guarding the country for him.

“...... Robert doesn't think so! Can't, can't fight, can't drink, he's bored. You are not worth anything in his eyes... My good warriors. ”

- Well, actually, the Hound is right. Knowing Robert so well, is it true love?

A Song of Ice and Fire Character Gossip: Sentiment Analysis of the Hound Sandor Clegan The Experience of the Hound And The Idol of the Sansa Hound and the Second Lady Hound

Senior fans of the original, enjoy "A Song of Ice and Fire" with you. Thanks for reading and welcome to @Westeros Wanderers

PS: Recently home renovation, the update time can not be fixed, try to keep two changes a week. [Thank you]

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