
In addition to "Young You", these five movies, also from the campus, face the bullying concern public account "Dream Light and Shadow" juice source sharing, learn more about the movie information and story NO. 05NO. 04NO. 03NO. 02NO. 01

author:Dreams of light and shadow

<h1>Pay attention to the public account "Dream of Light and Shadow" juice source sharing, more movie information and stories</h1>

In fact, very early in the country there are movies to show the theme of campus violence, yes, Meng Yujun said that Guo Jingming's work "Sadness Against the River", but in the previous hit variety show "Actors Please Take Place", Li Chengru intimidated Guo Jingming and his "Sorrow Against the River", saying that "like sitting on a needle felt, like a man stabbing back", there is a great "garbage work ruins a generation" critical posture. Many netizens commented that "Sadness" is actually an embellishment of dog blood youth cloaked in the theme of "school bullying".

In addition to "Young You", these five movies, also from the campus, face the bullying concern public account "Dream Light and Shadow" juice source sharing, learn more about the movie information and story NO. 05NO. 04NO. 03NO. 02NO. 01

And "Young You" will once again show the topic of "school bullying" in the public vision, this time, to everyone's satisfaction and even joy, for a long time, seriously discuss the domestic film of campus bullying, it can be said that there are almost none. Now, this vacancy has been filled at the right time by "Young You".

At the end of the movie, the lead actor Yi Qianxi also stood up and called on everyone to pay attention to school violence and bullying:

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Throughout the history of world cinema, there are not a few movies about campus bullying, and some works are also moving, and today Meng Yujun will take stock of five high-scoring school bullying movies (in no particular order).

<h1 class="ql-align-center">NO. 05</h1>


Douban score 8.7

It is 106 minutes long

Director: Tetsuya Nakajima

Starring: Takako Matsu / Masao Koda / Yoshino Kimura

In addition to "Young You", these five movies, also from the campus, face the bullying concern public account "Dream Light and Shadow" juice source sharing, learn more about the movie information and story NO. 05NO. 04NO. 03NO. 02NO. 01

This "Confession" starring Takako Matsu should not be unfamiliar to everyone (strange make-up lessons!). Moriguchi's only daughter was found dead in the school swimming pool, and the police finally determined that it was an accident, but she knew that the real culprit was actually two students in her class. And this story shows that when sinners cannot be punished by law, they can only end by countering violence with violence.

There is no direct and excessive description of school bullying, but from the revenge of a mother, you can feel the horror behind this "child".

<h1 class="ql-align-center">NO. 04</h1>

Campus Rules

Douban score 8.2

It is 113 minutes long

Directed by: Mikael Haverström

Starring: Andrews Wilson / Henrik Lundström

In addition to "Young You", these five movies, also from the campus, face the bullying concern public account "Dream Light and Shadow" juice source sharing, learn more about the movie information and story NO. 05NO. 04NO. 03NO. 02NO. 01

In a completely closed aristocratic school, the student council had supreme power and thus became an unfair evil force. At this time, the grassroots of the common people with a sense of justice accidentally entered the house, broke the original equilibrium, and were bound to form a situation of intolerable water and fire with the old forces.

Adapted from the novel of the same name, it should be the leader in the school violence film, and the director tells the story with a cold and ups and downs plot setting.

<h1 class="ql-align-center">NO. 03</h1>

"Princess Han"

Douban score 7.6

It is 112 minutes long

Director: Lee Ba-jin

Starring: Chun Woo Hee / Jeong In-sin / Kim So Young

In addition to "Young You", these five movies, also from the campus, face the bullying concern public account "Dream Light and Shadow" juice source sharing, learn more about the movie information and story NO. 05NO. 04NO. 03NO. 02NO. 01

"Princess Han" is as famous as "The Melting Pot" and "Suyuan", which is shocking, but it is more desperate than these two films. A 17-year-old girl who was violated by 43 men was forced to commit suicide without justice. The film uses suspenseful flashbacks to slowly uncover the secret pain of young girls, and even the brisk melody only hears sadness.

<h1 class="ql-align-center">NO. 02</h1>

"Runaway Campus"

The film runs 99 minutes

Director: Ima Rigg

主演: Vallo Kirs / Pärt Uusberg / Lauri Pedaja

In addition to "Young You", these five movies, also from the campus, face the bullying concern public account "Dream Light and Shadow" juice source sharing, learn more about the movie information and story NO. 05NO. 04NO. 03NO. 02NO. 01

The film very logically depicts two children who eventually go on the road to school shootings - being bullied, the girl they like misunderstands them, the two are rumored to be gay, bullied to the point of being intolerable, the father's education is very monotonous ("Men should fight tooth for tat"), or only the grandmother takes care of life and cannot pay attention to the child's mental psychology, so it breaks out, and the shooting is the child who bullied them, which can be said to be revenge.

The film is based on true events and won the 2007 Warsaw International Film Festival International Film Critics Fibisi Award and the Special Jury Prize in the competition section.

<h1 class="ql-align-center">NO. 01</h1>


Director: Yin Xuelie

Starring: Kim Jong-kyun / Wu Yixue

In addition to "Young You", these five movies, also from the campus, face the bullying concern public account "Dream Light and Shadow" juice source sharing, learn more about the movie information and story NO. 05NO. 04NO. 03NO. 02NO. 01

There's never been a movie that's as vengeful as Earthworm! What Korean cinema can bring to people is an unreserved portrayal of society and reality.

"Earthworm" uses flashbacks, and at the beginning of the story, a woman in a red dress and high heels stumbles in the heavy rain and ends her life by jumping off a building. During the forensic autopsy, he said, "At a young age, I have helped to make friends at least 20 times," with a dismissive tone.

When school violence evolves towards murderous revenge, it reflects many social problems, the inaction of law enforcement departments, the protection of school leadership, and the lack of justice for fathers and daughters at the bottom of society.

In the end, just like "Confessions", tit-for-tat and blood for blood.

In addition to "Young You", these five movies, also from the campus, face the bullying concern public account "Dream Light and Shadow" juice source sharing, learn more about the movie information and story NO. 05NO. 04NO. 03NO. 02NO. 01

The legal level should draw a clear bottom line so that there is a law to govern the problem of bullying in schools. A few days ago, the National People's Congress deliberated on the draft revision of the Law on the Protection of Minors, and experts attending the meeting proposed that we should persist in preventing them at the source, focus on improving relevant laws and regulations, summarize historical cases and experience, and fundamentally protect minors in view of problems such as minors' campus safety and infringement of personal rights and interests.

In addition to "Young You", these five movies, also from the campus, face the bullying concern public account "Dream Light and Shadow" juice source sharing, learn more about the movie information and story NO. 05NO. 04NO. 03NO. 02NO. 01

In addition to law, educational innovation is also a solution worth exploring. The law is the last bottom line to protect minors, and schools and families are the "guiding lights" for minors to see the sunshine and hope.

I hope that this society will one day firmly tell the teenagers: You go forward, we must be behind you!

In addition to "Young You", these five movies, also from the campus, face the bullying concern public account "Dream Light and Shadow" juice source sharing, learn more about the movie information and story NO. 05NO. 04NO. 03NO. 02NO. 01

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