
The Great Duel on Anti-Drug Knowledge - June 26 International Day Against Drugs Campaign

author:Foshan Public Welfare News

When the fight against the epidemic is in progress, anti-drug goes hand in hand, and the charm of Foshan starts from you and me. In order to strengthen the people's awareness of drug refusal and anti-drug prevention, on June 24, 2021, under the guidance of the Nanhai District Narcotics Control Office and the Dali Town Narcotics Control Office, the Dali Police Station and the Beidou Star of the Daying Star Station in Dali Town jointly launched an online anti-drug publicity activity.

In order to show the style of Foshan As one of the first batch of national anti-drug demonstration cities, and at the same time promote the anti-drug publicity work to penetrate into the lives of community residents, you are specially invited to participate in this 626 anti-drug mini-game.

The game scores are scored, with 10 points per question, for a total of 100 points, and the same score is sorted by the answer time, and the shorter the answer time, the higher the ranking.

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The Great Duel on Anti-Drug Knowledge - June 26 International Day Against Drugs Campaign

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