
Buffett said that others should be greedy when they are afraid, and others should be afraid when they are greedy, but if the greed and fear level of market sentiment cannot be measured by data, there is no reference to people's decision-making

author:Passionate train J

Buffett said that others should be greedy when they are afraid, and others should be afraid when they are greedy, but if the greed and fear level of market sentiment cannot be measured by data, it has no reference significance for people's decision-making

With my own quantitative standards, this week's A-share "confidence index" is still 20%+, yes, it is a positive number, the problem is that since the week of October 19, 2018, big A for the first time appeared below -20% of the extreme panic zone, rebound so far the high point of the confidence index is only 41%, not to talk about how crazy the whole market is, so, I think that the bull market of the full cycle of big A has not gone through, not to the market sentiment crazy period, yes, I still think that big A is now in the big cycle bull market ( 4400+ home fell in the bull market [teeth]), this weekend's big A fixed pitch continues; Compared with the Hang Seng Index just last month appeared in the -20% extreme panic zone, the more appropriate choice for funds with similar opinions should be to focus on the allocation of H-share ETFs in the first half of the year, and gradually enter the undervalued ETFs of the big A in small positions

(The master of the stud stock does not like to spray, I do not do the stock, mainly the level is limited, there is no short-term talent and psychological quality, a year of 15-20% of the income has been satisfied)

Buffett said that others should be greedy when they are afraid, and others should be afraid when they are greedy, but if the greed and fear level of market sentiment cannot be measured by data, there is no reference to people's decision-making