
Is the "10-ton king" resurrected or a helpless move? Why did the 8-block blue card light card come from? Light truck loaded in 8 gears? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? Under the new regulations, can the 8-stop light truck become a "golden oil"? I'm afraid not!

author:Truck House

【Truck Home Original】The biggest change in trucks in the past two years is the blue card light truck. With the release of the draft for comments, almost all the power chains of blue card light trucks have become a member of the "2.5L below camp". The gearboxes of blue light trucks are basically 5 or 6 gears. But in the new car, there are also "alternative members".

Is the "10-ton king" resurrected or a helpless move? Why did the 8-block blue card light card come from? Light truck loaded in 8 gears? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? Under the new regulations, can the 8-stop light truck become a "golden oil"? I'm afraid not!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > light trucks loaded into 8-stop boxes? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? </h1>

Recently, the liberation of the climbing tiger, that is, the tiger VN this car has been on fire. The biggest highlight of this car is that its power chain uses a 2.2T diesel engine, with an 8-speed manual transmission, which is a very rare combination on blue light trucks.

Is the "10-ton king" resurrected or a helpless move? Why did the 8-block blue card light card come from? Light truck loaded in 8 gears? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? Under the new regulations, can the 8-stop light truck become a "golden oil"? I'm afraid not!

In fact, card friends who are familiar with the history of blue light trucks are certainly not strangers to 8-gear boxes. In the past, when the "large ton small standard" was very rampant, the blue light truck with a large displacement engine was not new, 2.8T, 3.0T, and even the light truck is enough to use the displacement of more than 4.0T engines, in the blue light truck are present.

Is the "10-ton king" resurrected or a helpless move? Why did the 8-block blue card light card come from? Light truck loaded in 8 gears? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? Under the new regulations, can the 8-stop light truck become a "golden oil"? I'm afraid not!

The 4.0T large-displacement engine, with fast 8-gear box, is the "artifact" on the "ten-ton king" and "fifteen-ton king" of that year. In fact, at that time, it was so equipped, we can also understand. After all, at that time, the body was wider, the girder was thicker, and the leaf spring was more, and it was understandable to have a stronger set of power to push the vehicle.

Is the "10-ton king" resurrected or a helpless move? Why did the 8-block blue card light card come from? Light truck loaded in 8 gears? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? Under the new regulations, can the 8-stop light truck become a "golden oil"? I'm afraid not!

But now, under the new blue brand regulations, the engine displacement is not more than 2.5L, and the light truck is equipped with an 8-gear box, which makes people feel a little strange, is it difficult for this "ten-ton king" to come back? In fact, this is really not the case, this blue card light truck with 8 gears, according to the small editor is really out of actual needs.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > under the new regulations</h1>

Since the release of the draft for comments, in fact, many card friends have been complaining. There are main complaints in two points: 1, complaining that the blue light truck is limited to 4.5 tons, and the weight of the planed car can only pull 1-2 tons without making money; 2 complains that the displacement of the blue light truck engine is limited to less than 2.5L, feeling that the power is insufficient.

Is the "10-ton king" resurrected or a helpless move? Why did the 8-block blue card light card come from? Light truck loaded in 8 gears? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? Under the new regulations, can the 8-stop light truck become a "golden oil"? I'm afraid not!

The matter of weight limiting is almost rotten on the Internet, so we will not repeat it. Today, let's talk about this lack of motivation. Not long ago, when I test-drove the upgraded version of Jiangling Kaiyun by Xiaobian, I gave a high evaluation, but a few card friends replied with a word below: "See Po die". Let's not talk about how Jiangling's car is here, only talk about this "see slope dead".

Is the "10-ton king" resurrected or a helpless move? Why did the 8-block blue card light card come from? Light truck loaded in 8 gears? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? Under the new regulations, can the 8-stop light truck become a "golden oil"? I'm afraid not!

How is this word interpreted? Quite simply, when the truck is fully loaded, it is difficult to climb the hill. As we all know, in the past, the blue light truck with about 4L displacement engine and 8-speed transmission was very powerful, after all, the displacement was here. To be honest, if this set of power is not pulled heavy goods, it can be placed on 6 meters 8.

Is the "10-ton king" resurrected or a helpless move? Why did the 8-block blue card light card come from? Light truck loaded in 8 gears? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? Under the new regulations, can the 8-stop light truck become a "golden oil"? I'm afraid not!

And now, the new regulations require that the displacement of blue light truck engines is not greater than 2.5L, and many manufacturers even have 2.2L or 2.3L engines, it can be said that the displacement level of blue light trucks is almost waist chopped, not to mention how much less power. Take the current 2.2L or 2.3L engine as an example, its power level is generally around 120-130 horsepower, full load, running plain no problem. But what about some special needs?

Is the "10-ton king" resurrected or a helpless move? Why did the 8-block blue card light card come from? Light truck loaded in 8 gears? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? Under the new regulations, can the 8-stop light truck become a "golden oil"? I'm afraid not!

For example, if you want to pull something up the hill and want to climb a steep slope with a truck full of goods? This special power demand has led to some card friends having an evaluation of the vehicle: "see the slope dead". Very objective and very real. The demand is here, the relevant technical standard requirements of the vehicle are also here, how can we achieve both, both to meet the needs and fully compliant? 8-speed light truck, that's it.

Is the "10-ton king" resurrected or a helpless move? Why did the 8-block blue card light card come from? Light truck loaded in 8 gears? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? Under the new regulations, can the 8-stop light truck become a "golden oil"? I'm afraid not!

Simply put, since we can't increase the power, then we will increase the transmission ratio, and it is better to slowly go up the mountain than not to go up. For example, the Jiefang Tiger VN is equipped with a 2.2T 130 hp engine capable of producing 350 Nm of torque. For example, if you pull a cart of fertilizer and want to send it to an orchard on the mountain, if it is equipped with a 6-gear box, you may not be able to pull it up, or you can only drive up at low speed.

Is the "10-ton king" resurrected or a helpless move? Why did the 8-block blue card light card come from? Light truck loaded in 8 gears? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? Under the new regulations, can the 8-stop light truck become a "golden oil"? I'm afraid not!

But now it's equipped with an 8-speed gearbox with a tighter gear ratio and a bigger head gear ratio, so it's easier to get off to and it's easier to find a comfortable running gear on the way uphill. I believe that Liberation gave Tiger VN the name "Climbing Tiger", which is also for this purpose.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > 8-speed light truck can become "panacea"? I'm afraid not! </h1>

Is the "10-ton king" resurrected or a helpless move? Why did the 8-block blue card light card come from? Light truck loaded in 8 gears? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? Under the new regulations, can the 8-stop light truck become a "golden oil"? I'm afraid not!

Seeing this, some card friends want to ask, is it not ok to buy an 8-gear box after buying a blue card light truck? At least Xiaobian thinks it is not OK. Why? According to the editor, the 8-speed Jiefang Tiger VN is a model, okay? Good! Because it solves the need for climbing, high loads. But in the city, it is not very suitable.

Is the "10-ton king" resurrected or a helpless move? Why did the 8-block blue card light card come from? Light truck loaded in 8 gears? Is the "Ten Ton King" making a comeback? Or out of frustration? Under the new regulations, can the 8-stop light truck become a "golden oil"? I'm afraid not!

Simply put, in the city, your car is enough power, buy a 5-speed transmission car can run steadily, easy. But you have more gears and bought a car with an 8-gear box, so why don't you drive in town? Moreover, in the city, you originally had 5 gears to use, and as a result, you bought an 8-gear car, and its gearbox structure is more complicated, there are more gears, and the weight of the vehicle is also larger. Right. So in summary, although the 8-stop box blue card light card is very good, it is good in a special use scenario, and it may become a disadvantage when it is separated from this scene.

● Editor's Epilogue:

So, if you ask me what is the ultimate meaning of choosing a car? In fact, it is particularly simple, that is, what goods are you optimistic about pulling? What path to go? How many people drive? When you determine these, according to these needs to choose the most suitable for their own route, their own source of goods of the car, in order to save money, easy to drive! (Text/Yuan Sheng)

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