
White Moonlight punches the face double


On the day I graduated from college, the boy I liked for four years was officially announced.

The girl in the photo is smiling brightly and sunny, like me who just graduated from high school.

Their photo posture is exactly the same as when we talk about the official announcement of love.


Today was supposed to be the day of the high school reunion, and when I heard that Homer would bring his girlfriend to attend with me, I shirked the class leader's invitation and hid at home alone to brush my phone.

A person brushing at home, escaping social networking but not escaping big data.

The first vibrato I swiped on my phone was Hemo's official video, and what was even more speechless was that the second one was sent by his girlfriend.

Distraught, I threw my phone aside, lying on the bed unable to sit still, and my mind was full of official photos of Homer and his new girlfriend hugging each other.

After throwing their TikTok numbers into the blacklist, I booked a ticket for a hand-torn scumbag movie.

I booked my tickets a little late, and when I arrived at the screening hall, the movie had already started, and I fumbled around the waist and found my place by the glimmer of the movie screen.

Next to me sat a little brother, very handsome!

With such a handsome guy sitting next to me, the haze in my mind suddenly dissipated for a long time, and I didn't notice that I was walking in the wrong movie hall.

I held the popcorn and turned slightly sideways to look at the bridge of his tall nose and a pair of shiny peach blossom eyes.

This was originally a very ambiguous scene, but the sound effects of the movie are getting more and more haunted.

I looked up with some doubt, and I was caught off guard by the fierce female ghost on the big screen.

I hugged my head in fright, and the popcorn bucket in my hand buckled to the little brother next to me with a graceful diagonal parabola.

The popcorn of the white flowers hung on him, and I held my breath, carefully said two words of sorry, and then slowly reached out and took back the popcorn bucket that was upside down on him.

"Eat me." The handsome man naturally picked the popcorn stuck to his body, and handed me the popcorn that had not moved at all next to him.

My face burned tightly and I whispered no, but the well-meaning handsome guy had already safely placed his popcorn on the booth between us.

He smiled and squeezed a popcorn and handed it to me, "Eat it, it's a big deal next time you invite me." ”

I was so nervous that I couldn't breathe, and silently accepted the hot popcorn.

The two of us strangers ate the same bucket of popcorn and watched a thrilling horror movie.

After the movie, the audience gradually withdrew, but he was still sitting in his seat, staring at the screen, and I was embarrassed in my seat, with the embarrassing popcorn in my hand, not knowing whether to go or stay.

He asked me to invite him to popcorn next time, shouldn't I add my WeChat now?

Or should I take the initiative to add him?

I pulled out my phone in a hurry, and before I could say anything, the handsome man stood up.

He looked at me puzzled, "Why don't you leave?" ”

I should ask you that!

I stood up angrily and was about to leave with my bag, but he pulled on the chain.

"Little sister, I want to go to the toilet, can you help me see something?"

His hooked peach blossom eyes were full of sincerity and a hint of pleading, and it was impossible to refuse.

I sipped my lips, nodded, and sat down in my seat to watch him out of the screening room.

As soon as he left, the cleaning aunt came to clear the scene, and I had to carry my bag and carry his big bag of small things to the toilet door to wait for him.

Coincidentally, I had just stood at the door of the toilet when I ran into Homer and his girlfriend.

(Dig a pit with your hand, someone to see)

When Homer saw me, he was slightly surprised, but he didn't say anything, just gently took his girlfriend's bag and whispered to his girlfriend, "You go, I'll wait for you at the door." ”

His girlfriend looked at me suspiciously, with three points of hostility in her eyes.

She raised her chin and smirked at He Mo, "Husband, you are not allowed to talk to people who are not in a big way." ”

Oh, your whole family is not the same.

After she left, He Mo couldn't hold back, and an arrow stepped forward and took my hand, "Ran Ran, why didn't you go to the class reunion today?" ”

I was so disgusted that I tried to break away from him, but he held him directly in my arms.

I sneered, "Mr. He, if you don't let go, I'll call out your girlfriend and let her see what kind of face you are!" ”

He buried his head in my neck socket, and the hard hair made me goosebumps, "Ran Ran, I and her are not what you think!" It was my parents who forced me to go on a blind date, and I had no choice but to..."

I pulled out my hand and gave him a slap on the backhand, "It doesn't matter to me what you do, how far you will go with your girlfriend in the future, I am too hot-eyed." ”

He looked at me in amazement, his gaze moving to the men's backpack in my hand, and his tone was irritated, "Are you looking for a boyfriend?" Didn't I make you wait for me? ”

I lifted the bag on my handle and whispered, "Yes, I have a boyfriend!" What's the matter with you? ”

As soon as my voice dropped, the handsome guy who let me carry my bag came out of the toilet, and he easily took the bag from my hand and thanked me.

As soon as He Mo saw him, his eyes rolled round, "Chen Zhi? ”

I was also stunned, looking intently at the tall, thin and handsome little handsome man in front of me, and my thoughts returned to high school.

Chen Zhi was a high school classmate of He Mo and I, and he used to be a member of He Mo's circle, at that time he was black and fat, he didn't talk much, and when he walked with He Mo, he always silently followed them, always not very social.

How did he change so much?

Chen Zhi glanced up at him and smiled perfunctorily, "I haven't seen him for a long time, He Mo." ”

He Mo grabbed my sleeve, tugged at him, and snapped, "Good, Xiao Ran! When we were together, we saw that the two of you hooked up wrong, and now we can't wait to get together? ”

I was about to scold him for a dog blood sprinkler, Chen Zhi stepped forward and pulled us both away, shielding me behind me, and righteously said, "He Mo, Xiao Ran was only a help between classmates at that time, and your mouth should be clean." ”

"Between classmates? Chen Zhi, do you dare to say that you are not interested in her? ”

Chen Zhi's throat knot rolled a little, "I like her, but I will not cross the line." But you, with how many girls in the name of friends are not clear, you do not have points in your own heart? ”

My heart clattered, and I looked at chen zhi's tall back in front of me, and couldn't help but recall when I was just with He Mo.

At that time, just after the end of the college entrance examination, HeMo they liked to play games, always group to go to the Internet café to stay overnight, I would buy a little delicious food to go to the Internet café to accompany him. Chen Zhina would still be a small chubby mound, and he was summoned by He Mo and they were summoned to help buy rice and water. I can't look at it, and whenever Chen Zhi is paid to run errands, I will accompany him and help him carry something.

It turned out that at that time, he began to like me.

Homer's girlfriend came out, and involuntarily stepped forward to take Homer's arm, and dragged him away with disgust.

At the empty and quiet toilet door, there were only two people left, Chen Zhi and me.

The atmosphere was a little awkward, he scratched his head and turned around, his eyes docile like a little lamb, as in the past, "Thank you for helping me with my bag, I invite you to dinner." ”

I quickly waved my hand and said, "No, you invited me to eat popcorn and helped me break the siege, or I invited you." ”

He didn't push back, just smiled, "There's grilled fish upstairs that tastes good, let's eat it together." ”

I happened to like to eat fish, so I readily agreed.


We came out of the dimly lit cinema and went upstairs to sit down in the fragrant grilled fish shop, the heat of the grilled fish slightly wetting the slices of Chen Zhi's eyes, presenting a different kind of scenery in front of my eyes.

I couldn't help but sigh, "You've changed so much." ”

He carefully picked out the fish bones, put a large piece of tender fish into my bowl, and said slowly, "It's just losing weight." ”

The fish shop was brightly lit, and I noticed that he had a dangling silver ring on his right middle finger.

I was stunned, paused my chopsticks, and asked sarcastically, "You, have a girlfriend?" ”

He glanced at his ring and shook his head, "It's just wearing it and playing, no girlfriend." ”

"If you mind, I won't bring it." He pulled down his chopsticks and tried to take off his ring.

I quickly held down his hand, "I, I don't mind, you don't pick it." ”

For some reason, when I look at the ring on his hand, I always feel different.

After a small storm, the two of us fell silent again, tacitly speeding up the speed of eating.

Chen Zhi has been helping me pick up the fish thorns, and his thoughtfulness has caused the girl next door to throw envious eyes from time to time, and a warm current has slowly flowed from my heart.

When I was with Homer, it was me who did all this.

It turned out that being taken care of was so happy.

I finished eating and was about to get up to check out, but found that Chen Zhi had already given the stored value card to the front desk.

I looked at his black coat with popcorn frosting hanging from it and said awkwardly, "Didn't you say I checked out?" ”

He smiled and revealed a mouthful of small white teeth, "Next time, next time you knot." ”

I couldn't help but feel a little happy in my heart, and the meaning of his saying this was that we still had a chance to come out and play together.

He took out his phone from his coat, clicked his slender fingers on the screen a few times, and then handed him the QR code, "Let's add a WeChat." ”

"Huh? Don't we have WeChat? ”

He smiled helplessly, "That number I do micro-business, this is the number I usually use in life." ”

"Little sister, you won't block my micro-business name, will you?"

He caught me off guard by the question, and I made two awkward arguments, eager to get out of the crack in the ground.

I don't have the habit of giving notes to people, and I don't know who is the bunch of micro-businesses in the list, and I have indeed been pulled into the blacklist by me for a long time.

I scanned his WeChat and found that his WeChat avatar looked like a small daisy.

I looked at it familiarly, and suddenly realized, "Is your micro-business selling flowers?" ”


I looked at the little daisy on his head and was slightly distracted.

I remember when my high school class would talk about my ideals, I said I wanted to make a lot of money and go to a scenic place and open a flower shop.

I looked up and asked him, "You like flowers?" ”

He nodded, and his eyes shone brightly as if a beam of stars was hidden.

"Of course I like it, especially the daisy."


An imperceptible smile rose from the corner of his mouth, "I like it, its flower language." ”


We both drove and said goodbye at the entrance of the mall.

Along the way, I felt more relaxed and happy than ever.

A shadow named Hemer was about to walk out of my life completely, but I coldly saw him waiting for a long time at the door of my unit.

My hand holding the steering wheel sweated slightly, and I looked at the back of the crouched step, and my heart was so nervous that it was about to jump out.

I moved after the breakup, how does he know where my new home is?

I dumped the car in a hidden position, turned off the lights, grabbed my phone and called my girlfriend, "You told Homo where I was?" ”

"He said he wanted to get back together with you, and I saw that he was quite sincere, so I told him..."

"Are you crazy?"

I didn't bat an eyelid and threw the phone at the co-pilot.

This dog scumbag, with a girlfriend still came to pestering me, and now I still have a home that I can't go back, if it is not illegal to kill, I really want to put a foot on the accelerator and press him into a photo.

I didn't want to get out of the car and tangle with Homerdo, so I turned around and went to find a hotel to stay in.

As soon as I entered the hotel room, I received Chen Zhi's WeChat.

"Have you arrived home?"

I replied, "I'm home." ”

"Who's that white Buick with a license plate tail number of 3880 downstairs at the All Seasons Hotel?"

I was stunned, "You, how can you stay in a hotel?" ”

"I'm here to visit relatives."

"Why don't you go home?"

I told him about Hommer's blockage at my door.

"I'll send you back, it's not safe for girls to stay alone in a hotel."

I heard thunder outside, remembered that the windows in my house had not been closed, and embarrassedly agreed.

I sat in Chen Zhi's car, the atmosphere was delicate and awkward along the way, I silently brushed my mobile phone, the ghost made God worse, I clicked on Chen Zhi's circle of friends.

A photo of a couple on a ring caught my eye.

The men's section in the pair of rings happened to be worn by Chen Zhi's hand, and the women's model was all too familiar to me.

At that time, I had just graduated from high school, I had just established a relationship with Hemo, and when I went out to play once, I dragged him to a very high-end jewelry store to pick out the ring, I picked and chose, and I liked it with a small daisy diamond ring, but no matter how much I liked it, I was finally dissuaded by the high price of the ring.

That shiny ring has always been a regret in my heart, and in the four years of college, I always felt that my missing out on that ring foreshadowed my breakup with Homer.

"Give me your car keys, and tomorrow morning I'll drive your car back to your house." Chen Zhi opened his mouth unexpectedly, frightening me to quickly blacken the screen of my mobile phone.

I quickly pushed back, "Don't bother so much, I can do it myself, tomorrow morning I'm going to go out to buy some food, and I can pick up the car on the way." ”

The car was quiet again, but fortunately the hotel was not far from my house, and after a while, I went back downstairs to my house.

Still waiting there persistently, Homer took a deep breath and prepared to get out of the car.

Chen Zhi pulled me aside, "You stay in the car, I'll talk to him." ”

I shook my head and opened the car door, "The two of us, I'll solve it myself." ”

He hesitated, took an umbrella from his bag on the side and handed it to me, "It's raining, and something can come to me at any time." ”

I suddenly remembered something, turned my head and said, "Chen Zhi, can I trouble you with one thing?" If he pesters me for a while, can you record him? ”

He smiled, "You want to send it to his girlfriend?" ”

I looked at Hemer in front of the car window and said, word for word, "He doesn't deserve a girlfriend." ”


I got out of the car, Hemo saw me, immediately came over and blocked my way, he looked up at Chen Zhi in the car, his eyes were dark, "How do you stay with him?" ”

I sighed, "Homo, if you have this attitude, we really don't need to talk." ”

"Ran Ran, I was wrong, don't you get angry, okay?"

I said funnily, "You're mistaken, we don't have anything to do with each other, why am I mad at you?" You should say this to your girlfriend who is alone in the empty room, right? ”

"Homer, if you have a girlfriend, be with her, eat in the bowl and look at the pot, sooner or later you will die!"

With that, I turned and went upstairs, but Homer knelt down and hugged my leg to prevent me from leaving.

"Ran Ran, please, come back!" I really can't live without you! ”

I punched him hard, "You want me to be your little three?" Do you want a face? Stepping on so many boats at once? ”

He tightened his arms, "Ran Ran, I didn't let you be a little third, I was forced by my parents, you know, they don't like you, so I just looked for her to deal with her parents, I will break up with her as soon as possible, you wait for me!" ”

I couldn't bear to push him, pulled out, and sneered, "Wait a fart, Hemo, I tell you, my parents don't like you even more, I can't find a sixty-year-old retired old man with you!" We will never be able to! ”

"Ran Ran, how can you..."


He slowly took two steps back, glanced to the side, and said angrily, "Xiao Ran, did you reject me just to be with Chen Zhi?" ”

I rolled my eyes, "You're also too confident, Hemo, I've never been with you in my life!" ”

Chen Zhi got out of the car with an umbrella and said to He Mo coldly, "He Mo, you also heard it, when a man's face is pointed, don't pestering Xiao Ran anymore." ”

He Mo stepped forward with a heavy step and grabbed Chen Zhi's collar, "Oh, thanks to me for treating you as a brother, you actually pried me into the corner." ”

Chen Zhi was not annoyed, just smiled slightly, "He Mo, you have already broken up, you have also found a new girlfriend, I chased Xiao Ran is my business, and it has nothing to do with you." ”

He pulled out his phone and found the video that Homer had just pestered me, and Yu Yu said, "I've already sent this video to your girlfriend, you still want to think about how to explain it to her." ”

Homer's face changed drastically, slightly haggard and vicious in the wind and rain, and his lips quivered, "You, why did you record me?!" ”

Chen Zhi withdrew his mobile phone and said in a serious tone, "Even if it is green tea, with you like this, it is a grievance." ”

With that, he pushed Hemo away with one hand and walked toward me in the thin rain curtain.

He closed the umbrella next to me and whispered, "Let's go, it's too late, I'll send you upstairs." ”

I nodded, pulled open the door of the stairway, and stepped into the elevator with him.

When I got to the door, I couldn't help it, and whispered, "Are you serious?" ”

He looked very natural, "You say, I chased you?" ”


He smirked, and in the dim corridor, his eyes lit up slightly, "Nature is serious, more serious than when the college entrance examination was taken." ”

My face was hot like a cooked persimmon, and I didn't know what to say for a moment, and when I was embarrassed, my mother called.

I hurriedly picked it up, but I heard my mother's voice from the other side of the door, "Ran Ran, why haven't you come home yet?" ”

My mom actually came to my house?!

I replied that I was almost there, and pushed Chen Zhi into the elevator door.

Unfortunately, my building was still not soundproof, and my mother heard my voice and opened the door with a "squeak".

When the door opened, I was pushing Chen Zhi into the elevator.

She saw Chen Zhi, and her eyes widened, son? ”


Before I could ask what was going on, my mother happily beckoned Chen Zhi into the room and sat down.

When I entered the house, my mother cut fruit and poured tea, completely forgetting my daughter-in-law.

"What's going on?" While my mother was busy in the kitchen, I caught Chen Zhi and asked.

"Didn't my aunt open a noodle restaurant, I would eat it every time I came to Shanghai." He said sheepishly.

I remember that my mother did say that there was a young man who especially praised her and brought her a bouquet of flowers every time she came to eat noodles.

It turned out that this person was Chen Zhi!

I suddenly felt warm in my heart, "Thank you for taking such good care of my family's business." ”

He waved his hand, "Where, the noodles made by auntie are delicious." ”

My mother finished cleaning up the kitchen, came out and sat down in the living room, saw me and Chen Zhi talking, and showed a smile on her face, "It turns out that you and Ran Ran are high school classmates, what a coincidence!" ”

"Your home is not from Shanghai, right?" So where are you staying this time? ”

Chen Zhi respectfully said that he was staying at the hotel.

My mom listened and was anxious, "It's so late, how unsafe are you a boy driving to a hotel?" Stay for one night, I and Ran Ran sleep in the same room, you can just stay in the guest room. ”

I was shocked, my mother's attitude is purely an attitude towards her son-in-law!

The two of them sandwiched me in the middle, one to go, one to stay, not to interject.

In the end, it was my mother who pushed Chen Zhi into the bathroom.

Chen Zhi stayed at my house for one night, but I couldn't stop for a night, and my mother and I slept in the same bed, excitedly asking East and West.

"Ran Ran, your vision is really good this time!" When did it happen? ”

I said helplessly, "Mom, we're not together yet!" ”

"Huh? You're also too inefficient! Such a good boy should hurry up and take it down, your hand should be snatched away by others no matter how slow! ”

I turned and wrapped the quilt tightly, my heart beating fast.

He was really nice to me, and if he had officially confessed to me, I would have really agreed.

I rolled over and over, couldn't sleep, and couldn't help but take out my phone to go through his circle of friends.

I just clicked on his homepage, but a hand slipped, patted the "Chen Zhi" cone, and was pasted with a hand...


"Can't sleep?" Chen Zhi was almost seconds back.

I hid under the covers, covered my beating heart, and typed back to him, "Why don't you sleep?" ”

"At your house, I'm nervous."

When he said this, I became nervous, and I quickly ripped away the topic, "What relatives did you come to Shanghai to see?" ”



I shouldn't have asked!

"I should make a plane back to Beijing tomorrow."

Somehow, when I saw this sentence, I actually had a feeling of lost love in my heart.

I typed slowly, "What time is the plane?" ”

"Twelve o'clock in the afternoon."

"Can you send me?"

This fool!

I replied, "Of course I'll send you." ”

Obviously, he scolded the scumbag of Hemo again, but now my heart was so heavy that it was like being shackled and sunk into the sea.

Chen Zhi is leaving, will he come back to me?

Both of our mobile phones were silent for a long time, for a long time, before Chen Zhi sent a message.

"I'm going back to sign a job this time, and I may not be able to come here for a while."

I stared at the message, and unconsciously, I reopened Chen Zhi's circle of friends, flipped to the photo of the pair of rings, and saw the caption of the circle of friends.

"Daisy can hide love, I can't hide it."

I zoomed in on the picture, and on the inside of the men's ring, I saw a small "Ran" word.

My eyes were hot, my heart fixed a note, a finger swiped, quit his circle of friends, clicked on the plane ticket interface.

Maybe it was really providence in the darkness, and at 12:01 the ticket from Shanghai to Beijing was just one ticket left.

When I grabbed the ticket, I was more nervous than when I answered the last big question in the college entrance examination.

When I saw the word "ticket purchase successfully", I was relieved.

I went back to the chat box with me and Chen Zhi and replied with a word, "Good." ”

Two-way rushing is love, and unexpected encounters are surprises.

In the midst of my blushing heartbeat, it was as if I was sleeping on a cloud, my body was light and my heart was fluttering.

Early the next morning, Chen Zhi, whose eyes were as black as a panda, went out the door. He left the car downstairs at my house, and the two of us walked together to the hotel downstairs to pick up my car, and along the way, looking at his worried look, I couldn't help but want to tease him.

"Don't worry, you have a job in Beijing, this is a happy thing, I haven't signed a job yet."

He wanted to stop talking, and finally just sighed, "You have a good education, don't worry about signing jobs..."

He hesitated for a long time and said, "That, Hemer said, I want to talk to you one last time, talk about it clearly, and he will never come to you again." ”

I paused slightly, "Do you mind?" ”

Chen Zhi's ears turned red, "No, don't mind, how can you mind." ”

I smiled slightly, "Then you let him wait for me at the airport." ”

I drove Chen Zhi to the airport and waited for about ten minutes, waiting for the breathless Hemo.

I patted Chen Zhi's shoulder and said slowly, "I'll be back right away, you wait for me." ”


Hemo and I went into a café at the airport, and before we could sit down, Homer said, "I broke up with her." ”

I'm not too surprised, "The videos are all posted, and it's a woman who will break up with you." ”

"Ran Ran, there are no other women around me, can you come back?" Didn't we say we were going to be together after college? ”

I felt a little amused, "Homo, you forgot how the two of us broke up?" ”

"On the day of the acceptance letter, your mother came to me with you in person, saying that I caused you not to be admitted to 985, saying that I was a harmful little goblin, and asking me to leave your origin, did you say a word for me at that time?"

He Mo's eyes gradually turned red, "But didn't I apologize to you later, didn't we all say okay, you wait for me for four years, I will definitely match you, and I will also convince my mother." ”

I was speechless, "Homo, I gave you a chance, but four years later I'm waiting for your disobedience." You've been delaying me for four years, do you want to delay me even more? ”

"I met Chen Zhi, and I realized that we weren't in love at all before, but I unilaterally gave you a babysitter!"

"Hormer, I see you clearly. You, the person, are really not suitable for love. You don't understand taking care of a girlfriend, you don't understand the difference between a girlfriend and a female friend, you don't even have responsibility and credit, and I really, will never be able to be with you. ”

He looked at me like a fish in his throat, unable to say anything.

I breathed a long sigh of relief, pointed to his mobile phone, and said, "You get your collection code out, thank you for sending me gifts during college, I will return the money to you, the two of us will not owe each other in the future, don't contact." ”

He Mo was stunned, "What gift, I, I didn't send you?" ”

I was also confused, and I tried to recall the day I was leaving in college, when I had broken up with Hemo, and the only person who came to send me was my girlfriend.

My girlfriend brought me a big bag of my favorite snacks, saying that Hemmotto Chen zhi brought me.

In addition, during my college years, I also received some things that were sent to me in the name of Hemo.

I was also touched by this for a long time, and I have been single for Four Years of College for Hemo.

Now that I think about it, those things should all have been bought for me by Chen Zhi.

I stood up, said goodbye to Hemo, flew out of the café, and in the vast crowd, found Chen Zhi, who was sitting obediently on the suitcase waiting for me.

I was angry and funny, and angrily patted him on the back, "Chen Zhi, why did you send me something in the name of He Mo?" ”

He was slightly stunned, and smiled shyly, "I'm afraid to send it in my name, and you won't accept it." ”

"You fool, you did this, let me wait for Hemo for four years in vain, and let that stinky scumbag take advantage of it!"

He sat still in his suitcase, his hands so awkward that he could almost dance, unable to explain.

Finally, he said in embarrassment, "That, I'm about to board..."

I showed off my plane ticket and snorted, "Want to get me away?" ”

He looked at my phone screen in disbelief, his pupils slowly dilating, surprise and surprise.

"You, how do you, want to go with me?" You didn't even bring your luggage..."

I flicked the door of his head, "Idiot, this is called surprise. I asked my mom to send the luggage to Beijing. ”

Chen Zhi half opened his mouth, too excited to speak, his breathing suddenly became very rapid, "You, you agreed with me to chase you?" ”

I really didn't do anything to this idiot, "Girl, I not only agree with you chasing me, I also agree with you to be my boyfriend!" ”

As I spoke, Chen staggered up from his suitcase and gave me a daisy-scented hug.

He hugged me and said shyly, "Are we too fast?" ”

I teased him, "Remorse? ”

"No, no! I was so happy! ”

I smiled softly and caressed his back helplessly, "We are not happy, between us, there is a period of confused youth." ”

The sweet voice of the service staff came, reminding us that the passengers of the plane at twelve o'clock and one could board the plane.

Chen Zhi let go of me, signed my hand with a red face, and pulled his suitcase with the other hand, and even his hair was excited as he advanced.

I felt the cool touch of the ring on his hand and smiled, "Boyfriend, I have something missing on my hand." ”

He heard this, and hurriedly removed a necklace from his neck, and the ring I had missed was put on the necklace, staying in the position of his heart.

I slowly took the little daisy with his heartbeat on the finger of my right hand.

Chen Zhi's body temperature seemed to flow down my fingers into my heart and merge with my body temperature.

Perhaps, four years ago, I missed this ring in order to let me meet him more worthy.

I pulled out my phone and took a picture of our two ringed hands to send to the circle of friends, with the text saying, "After years of love, Daisy can't hide it." ”

I sent a circle of friends, but found that Chen Zhi was even faster than me.

He has an extra picture of a noodle cooked by my mother.

Next to the mischievous smiling face, there is a grounded official propaganda copy, "Don't do the son, be the son-in-law." ”


Author: Not illiterate melon