
What car do you rent when you go home for the New Year?

What car do you rent when you go home for the New Year?

All right, brother,

It's New Year's Again,

We can't lose our traditional projects every year,

Have money and no money to go home for the New Year,

It doesn't matter if the pocket is cleaner than the face,

Renting a car to go home for the New Year is the most important thing.

Today to give you an inventory,

How cost-effective,

Rent the best model for X!

What car do you rent when you go home for the New Year?

Actually what car to rent,

It also depends on where the hometown is!

If you want to go back to our parents' rural hometown,

That can only be chosen in the BBA,

No way

You can rent a Porsche,

It's not necessarily known!

Uncles and aunts,

Only recognize the standard,

Don't recognize the car!

That's going to be easy.

Can be energetic to the entry-level model rental,

Audi A3, Q3,

BMW X1, 1 Series,

Mercedes-Benz A-Class, CLA,

One mark is enough,

It varies from three hundred to five hundred a day,

Seven days after the new year,

Three thousand pieces of proper arrangement,

Three thousand dollars you can't buy a house,

Can't buy a car,

Can't even buy a pair of co-branded sneakers,

But you can buy your legends for the next year in the village!

What car do you rent when you go home for the New Year?

If you want to go back to your hometown,

It is a well-developed third- and fourth-tier city,

Then the cost of renting a car will skyrocket!

Because here,

Although supercar luxury cars are not everywhere,

But the people's cognition of brands and models is not lacking.

At least the five series and the seven series which is advanced,

Everyone can still tell the difference.

You're going to have to go a different way.

First of all, the brand should not be too popular,

BBA is too familiar,

It is easy to make people see that the rent is not good,

Preferably the brand of the unpopular point,

The logo looks expensive,

There is a background and a story,

Pedigree some talk.

Isn't that obvious?

Alfa Romeo,

Half a Ferrari,

Jaguar xj, xf, fpace or something,

Speaking of being at the same level as Martha!

Isn't that enough for you to drag?

These cars,

In the minds of ordinary people,

A bit of an impression,

And it's not so profound,

I can't think of the price at all,

So good for x!

What car do you rent when you go home for the New Year?

If you want to go back to your hometown,

is a first-tier city,

The difficulty and cost of renting a car will go to a new level.

First of all, here,

The BBA basically can't prove anything anymore.

Niche brands are also easy to puncture,

Only the next blood to engage in some ultra-luxury brands.

Porsche is the least,

Don't you do macan,

Can't afford to lose the man,

Cayenne started.

Secondly, if you want to be a good person,

Supercaring has to be done,

Cow Marlen five thousand a day,

A little ferocious,

But you just have to rent it for one day.

High profile, car rental day,

String all your friends together,

The next day I returned the car,

Shared bicycles go out,

When he saw someone, he said,

The discomfort of the super run away,

New Year's traffic is also congested,

Really no small yellow car convenient,

And voila,

That's the pattern,

The rich return to basics.

I've got you covered,

X also let you install,

It's also very natural,

Isn't that winning!

What car do you rent when you go home for the New Year?

Well, the raiders have been taught to you,

Burn after reading~

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