
Don't play under 14! The 5-year-old boy accidentally ate 61 magnetic beads fortunately, the "pile" was successfully removed in the stomach

Many of the children's toys will be marked to play under the supervision of their parents, and the magnetic beads (aka "buck balls") are noted to be played by children under the age of 14. Previously, there have been reports of children accidentally eating magnetic beads leading to gastric perforations and even life-threatening reports, however, there are still parents who are careless, and children accidentally eat magnetic beads while playing...

On January 24, Chengdu Women and Children's Central Hospital received a 5-year-old boy patient who had accidentally ingested 61 magnetic beads, and after an hour of surgery, all the magnetic beads were removed. Shang Lihong, a pediatric gastroenterologist at the hospital, said that she had not encountered so many cases of swallowing before, "the risk is too high, it is easy to have intestinal perforation or gastric perforation, and even life-threatening." ”

Don't play under 14! The 5-year-old boy accidentally ate 61 magnetic beads fortunately, the "pile" was successfully removed in the stomach

Magnetic beads removed from the boy's stomach

After 2 p.m. on January 24, Chengdu Women and Children's Central Hospital received a 5-year-old patient who had mistakenly ingested magnetic beads. The doctor learned from the child's mother that the child swallowed a lot of magnetic beads, "the number is unknown, only know that it has been swallowed for more than 40 hours." Shang Lihong, deputy chief physician of the pediatric gastroenterology department of the hospital, said, but from the appearance, the child was fine at that time, "cheerful personality, told us that he wanted to know what the magnetic beads tasted, ate one found no taste, ate a few more." ”

Doctor Shang Lihong is not as relaxed as the child, she said: "More than 40 hours, the risk is very large, there may be a perforation of the luminal cavity, causing peritonitis, and may even be life-threatening." ”

They quickly found a surgeon to evaluate, "Fortunately, these magnetic beads are in the stomach, because the magnetic forces are gathered into a pile." Despite this, when the operation was performed at night, Shang Lihong invited her colleagues from the surgery to enter the operating room together.

"Kids are happy when they go into the operating room." This impressed Shang Lihong, after the child was generally anesthetized, he began to insert a gastroscope, first cleaned the corn residue that the children ate at noon, and then looked at it, the gastric mucosa next to a pile of magnetic beads had appeared a small ulcer surface that was necrotic due to compression.

X-ray of the abdomen

Three times before and after, the doctors took out a total of 10 magnetic beads. At this time, in the child's stomach, the remaining magnetic beads were separated into a plane and pulled into a long line, and the doctor slowly wrapped the end of the magnetic beads, and then slowly pulled, and took out 51 at a time.

Finally, the results of the re-examination of the plain abdominal tablets showed that the magnetic beads in the child's digestive tract had all been removed.

The surgery lasted about an hour. The next day, Shang Lihong learned from the child's mother that at about 12:30 p.m., the child woke up, "there was no discomfort in the body, but she just asked the mother: 'When can I eat?'" ”

"61, our hospital has never encountered swallowing so many magnetic beads before." Shang Lihong introduced that swallowing magnetic beads is a foreign body condition often encountered by pediatrics, "Surgery has also encountered perforation. ”

Dr. Shang Lihong said that the boy's condition after the operation is relatively stable, he can already eat this afternoon, and he is expected to be discharged tomorrow.

She also said that children will be driven by curiosity to touch and swallow foreign bodies such as magnetic beads, parents should pay more attention when accompanying children, if such a situation occurs, they should seek medical treatment and take it out in time to avoid danger.

The reporter learned that the magnetic beads, also known as buck balls, are a kind of magnetic toys, the material is basically NdFeB, nickel-plated, each with a diameter of about 5 mm. The toy has a large risk, through Taobao search "magnetic beads" can be found, most of the merchants will indicate "applicable age of 14 years or older".

Don't play under 14! The 5-year-old boy accidentally ate 61 magnetic beads fortunately, the "pile" was successfully removed in the stomach

Taobao searches for "magnetic beads" and can find screenshots of web pages suitable for ages 14 and above

Red Star News reporter Peng Liang according to the interviewee

Edited by Yu Manga

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