
He was the first propaganda minister of new China, and in his later years he was appointed to the rank of vice-state, and was imprisoned for 13 years and lived to 90

author:The trajectory left by history

The end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic of China was one of the most critical transition periods, the collapse of the feudal dynasty did not mean victory, for the revolutionaries, there is still a long way to go.

In fact, the most difficult place at that time was not how difficult the revolutionary conditions were, but the people who groped forward, it was always difficult to be sure that their choice was necessarily correct, so those who bravely stood up and pointed out the direction for all revolutionaries were worthy of praise for their courage and strategy.


As the first revolutionary person in the Republic of China period, Sun Yat-sen left a profound impact on many revolutionaries in later generations, such as the early revolutionary Lu Dingyi, who was his staunch supporter.

Who is Lu Dingyi? He was the first propaganda minister of New China, and also the first batch of doers to start a revolution, and his life was full of ups and downs, both as vice premier and as a prisoner, and finally lived to the age of ninety.

He was the first propaganda minister of new China, and in his later years he was appointed to the rank of vice-state, and was imprisoned for 13 years and lived to 90

Lu Dingyi's ancestors were all officials, his grandfather was a Qing Dynasty official, and his father was the director of the Supervision Department, holding a high position of authority. Growing up in such a family, Lu Dingyi had the opportunity to receive a good education from an early age, graduated from Shanghai Nanyang University, and then prepared to study abroad, and then returned to take over his father's position.

However, during his time in school, he came into contact with Marxist ideas, understood the significance of the revolution for China, and resolutely gave up everything to devote himself to the revolutionary forces.

He was the first propaganda minister of new China, and in his later years he was appointed to the rank of vice-state, and was imprisoned for 13 years and lived to 90

As the son of a high-ranking official, he originally had the opportunity to live a rich and stable life all his life, but Lu Dingyi was a young man with ideals and pursuits, if he was born in peacetime, perhaps he would be content to follow the path arranged by his father and become the next director, but he was born in a chaotic world, seeing his compatriots being bullied, he did not want to turn a blind eye, embraced lofty ideals, he took socialism as the goal of lifelong struggle, and joined the revolutionary ranks.


During his time at school, he participated in many patriotic movements and joined the Communist Youth League, quickly becoming a full party member. When he was in college, he chose to major in science, and his grades have always been among the best, but everyone around him knows that Lu Dingyi is also quite good at writing, and after joining the revolutionary team, he once served as the editor of "Chinese Youth", and after a period of experience at the grassroots level, he was organizationally appointed as the propaganda director of the League Central Committee.

He was the first propaganda minister of new China, and in his later years he was appointed to the rank of vice-state, and was imprisoned for 13 years and lived to 90

Later, the Kuomintang violated Dr. Sun Yat-sen's instructions and openly arrested communists, and a white terror swept through China. During this period, Lu Dingyi was not afraid, and published a number of loud articles in succession, which gave hope to many Communists who were trapped in the darkness, and also made them strengthen their revolutionary will.

At the end of 1928, the organizational general Lu Dingyi was sent to the Soviet Union to study, where he further deepened his theoretical knowledge, and two years later he returned to China as the propaganda director of the Central Committee of the League. In 1935, due to the failure of the fifth anti-encirclement and suppression operation, our army was forced to start the Long March.

He was the first propaganda minister of new China, and in his later years he was appointed to the rank of vice-state, and was imprisoned for 13 years and lived to 90

Lu Dingyi was pampered from an early age, but in the revolutionary troops he showed his tenacity and perseverance, under any circumstances he never cried bitterly, and insisted on completing the Long March with the large troops.

After arriving in Yan'an, he became the head of the Propaganda Department of the Political Department of the Red Army, and at this time the central government was already deliberately cultivating him to pick the big beam.


In 1945, Lu Dingyi was promoted to the head of the Central Propaganda Department, he worked in the propaganda department for many years, and he has always been a pen, in fact, the revolution requires not only the barrel of a gun, but also the barrel of a pen.

Under the leadership of Lu Dingyi, the propaganda department of the army has always been a powerful cultural output point of our army, and they have conveyed the correct revolutionary concept to the common people in easy-to-understand words, and also made the image of the selflessness and greatness of the Red Army unit deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the victorious propaganda department of the revolution has made indispensable contributions.

He was the first propaganda minister of new China, and in his later years he was appointed to the rank of vice-state, and was imprisoned for 13 years and lived to 90

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Lu Dingyi was naturally neiding's first propaganda minister, after which he was also elected vice premier. However, during the Cultural Revolution, Lu Dingyi suffered many unfair treatment because of his origins, and even became a prisoner of the order and was imprisoned for thirteen years.

However, no matter how difficult it is, he cannot erase the fighting spirit of this revolutionary fighter, he has always insisted on his faith in prison, and when the Cultural Revolution was just over, he forcibly supported the sick body to send a document to remember Premier Zhou, and at the same time said that he wanted to rehabilitate Commander-in-Chief Peng, and he was the first person who dared to propose to rehabilitate Peng Dehuai under the circumstances at that time.

He was the first propaganda minister of new China, and in his later years he was appointed to the rank of vice-state, and was imprisoned for 13 years and lived to 90

In June 1979, Lu Dingyi's work was resumed, and he was soon elected vice chairman of the CPPCC. In his later years, Lu Dingyi gradually retired from the front line and found his children in 1985.

In order to ensure the speed of the march and the safety of his children when he began the Long March, he, like many comrades-in-arms, entrusted his sons and daughters to the care of the villagers, and only after the founding of the country did he have the opportunity to look for them well. In May 1996, Mr. Lu Dingyi died in Beijing at the age of 90.