
Sami's Blood: Keep the Roots

author:Shandong Cable Estuary Branch Company

Original Di Kai Shandong Cable New Audiovisual today

Sami's Blood: Keep the Roots

What I want to recommend to you today is the Swedish documentary film "Sami's Blood" broadcast in the Shandong Cable ON-Demand Zone.

Sami's Blood: Keep the Roots

Sweden is recognized as one of the richest countries in the world, and at the same time, Sweden is a "permanent neutral country" that has not been affected by the war in both world wars. Therefore, in the perception of ordinary people, this country is quiet and peaceful. As everyone knows, the history of this country also has an unknown dark side.

The Sami, also known as the Rapu, are a nomadic people living in northern Northern Europe. The Sámi people have their own language (Sámi) and unique national music and traditional costumes, etc., and live by raising reindeer. When the wheel of history turns to modern times, such a way of life is obviously out of place. In order to assimile the Sami, the Government of Sweden (including Norway) has adopted a series of coercive measures. The film tells the story of the Sami woman Eramaya's adolescent growth experience.

Sami's Blood: Keep the Roots

Decades ago, the teenage girl Eramaya attended a special government school for the Sami with her sister. In school, they are not allowed to use Sámi, but only learn and use Swedish to reinforce their identity with Sweden. Here, their knowledge is rather limited, discriminated against and, more importantly, they do not have access to higher education. The strong and stronger Eramaya can't stand this, and she wants to get rid of her fate as a Sami and learn and live like a Swede. To this end, she had a disagreement with her sister and eventually broke with her own family. After a series of twists and turns, Eramaya lived the life she wanted.

Sami's Blood: Keep the Roots

In her twilight years, Eramaya received news of her sister's death, but the mustard between the sisters had not been opened for many years, and Eramaya behaved very perfunctorily at her sister's funeral. When Eramaya returns to the mountains where she was born and raised, she loses something. She rushed back to the spirit hall and kissed her sister's body.

As some netizens commented, if you want to integrate into the mainstream, you must cut with your original family; but once you cut, you have become a source of water and a rootless wood. However, as bystanders, we cannot blindly blame Aramaya's choice, it is human nature to seek advantage and avoid harm, and she has the right to choose the life she desires — even if this choice will make her regret the beginning.

The film won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2016 Tokyo Film Festival, and the actress who played the young girl Eramaya won the film crown with convincing acting skills.

Sami's Blood: Keep the Roots

If you can't forget your roots as a human being, and you can't make yourself lose your place, this is not the case in art, including movies. One side of the water and soil feeds one person, and one side also raises one side of art. In the familiar phrase "the nation is the world", only by digging deep into the things of one's own nation and delicately restoring can we make a film with infectious power.

This is why Chinese filmmakers often use Western techniques and perspectives to tell Eastern stories, and The Chinese stories told in the West (such as the live-action version of "Mulan") are not recognized by us.

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Sami's Blood: Keep the Roots
Sami's Blood: Keep the Roots