
Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

author:Director of Entertainment

In 2010, a mysterious man bought a full-page page of Apple Daily.

In order to confess to the "queen of the song world" Xiao Yaxuan.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

Although this confession has aroused the keen attention of the media and the public,

However, there was no response from Xiao Yaxuan himself.

What everyone did not expect was that the following year, the mysterious man actually upgraded the "confession" to "marriage proposal".

He spent a lot of money to hold a grand and grand marriage proposal ceremony in Dubai.

The object of the marriage proposal is still Xiao Yaxuan, the "queen of the song world".

The marriage proposal scene can be described as extremely luxurious, not only the use of private jets,

There's also millions of haute couture jewelry and "romantic to the point" of fireworks...

Such a rare scene, even Xiao Yaxuan himself was moved to tears,

However, moved to return to the touch, in the end Xiao Yaxuan still rejected the mysterious man's marriage proposal.

Although the marriage proposal failed, the mysterious man became the object of various media reports.

His true identity was finally revealed, his name was Jho Low,

A Chinese family from Malaysia is a full-fledged billionaire.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

(Jho Low proposed marriage in Dubai)

For Low, The Queen of Heaven Xiao Yaxuan is just a small episode in his life,

As long as you open Jho Low's "hunting list", I think everyone will be surprised,

The women who have had emotional ties with him are all excellent, such as Victoria's Secret supermodel Miranda Kerr,

Hollywood celebrity Kim Kardashian, Hollywood actor Lindsay Rohan and so on,

A man like him, who is not shallow, I am afraid that the whole world will not be able to find a few.

However, this dashing post-80s billionaire was later wanted by the four countries.

Having become a notorious fraudster, what are the untold stories behind this?

01, "rich three generations" Jho Low was born with a golden spoon and shouldered the mission of crossing classes

Liu Tezuo's grandfather was named Liu Mingda, a native of Jieyang, Guangdong.

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Liu Mingda sold all his family property in order to save his life.

He fled with his family to Penang, Malaysia, where he settled.

I have to say that Liu Mingda was born with a business mind,

After settling down in Penang, he gave everything he could to buy an iron ore mine.

Through the extraction of ore, he quickly accumulated a rich family foundation.

Later, Liu Mingda expanded his career territory to other fields.

He became a well-known rich man in Malaysia and was awarded the title of "Dato".

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

(Group photo of Jho Low and grandpa Liu Mingda)

Liu Mingda, who had a successful career, married a local woman and gave birth to a son, Liu Fuping.

As a rich second generation, Liu Fuping received the best quality education from an early age, and in the 1970s,

He went to england to study at the University of London, and then pursued an MBA.

After returning to China, he officially took over the family business.

Under the escort of his father Liu Mingda,

In just a few years, Liu Fuping firmly sat firmly in the position of heir.

Not only did it successfully hold the family business, but it also carried it forward, bigger and stronger.

In 1981, Liu Fuping and his wife ushered in the crystallization of love, son Liu Tezo,

As soon as Jho Low was born, he was loved by thousands of people, and his parents and people around him responded to his needs.

He has lived an extravagant life since he was a child, and has developed the habit of spending money and spending a lot of money.

These also laid the groundwork for his future life.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

(Jho Low during his student years)

Liu Fuping not only has business acumen, but also is very ambitious,

He hopes that his son Jho Low can lead the Liu family out of Malaysia and achieve a class leap.

To achieve this, he charted a near-perfect growth path for Jho Low.

In 1996, at the age of 15, Jho Low graduated from the Aristocratic School of Malaysia and went straight to Harrow College in the United Kingdom.

Speaking of Harrow College, it is a prestigious school, it was founded in 1572,

It has a history of nearly 500 years, and its admissions system is very strict.

Only the descendants of the celebrities, aristocrats and social elites have the opportunity to enroll in the school, and so far,

This aristocratic school has produced a total of 7 British prime ministers and 3 Nobel laureates.

It can be called the birthplace of the global political and economic elite.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

(Group photo of Jho Low and Riza Aziz)

It was at Harrow College that Jho Low met Zaziz, the stepsister of Malaysian Defence Minister Najib Razak,

At first, the two were just wine and meat friends, but under the initiative of Jho Low,

Riza Aziz gradually became trusting of him, and the two became good friends who talked about everything.

After graduating from Harrow College, Jho Low followed his father's advice and chose Wharton.

In fact, according to his background and strength, he can go to Oxford University or Harvard University.

And the reason why their father and son made such a choice, there is only one purpose,

That is, I hope to expand my network and make more valuable friends through Wharton.

02. When Jho Low was in college, he became a "party maniac" to meet the descendants of celebrities and aristocrats

Wharton, though less famous than Oxford and Harvard,

But its influence should not be underestimated, for example, the familiar "stock god" Buffett graduated from the school,

In addition to Buffett, former US President Trump and Tesla founder Musk are also alumni of the school.

It has always been the cradle of the descendants of the royal families and the heirs of internationally renowned enterprises.

During his studies at Wharton, Jho Low became a "party maniac".

Often partying in his luxurious villa,

Invite those students with identity and background to party all night together, and provide them with free wine and food.

On average, a party costs at least tens of thousands of dollars, which is simply unimaginable to the average person.

However, Jho Low's "pay" soon had a "return",

The descendants of the royal family and aristocrats from middle Eastern countries brought him into the top social circle,

And this is exactly what Jho Low ultimately wants to achieve.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

Once, at the request of the princes of the Middle East, Jho Low went to Dubai to attend his birthday party.

It was this trip to Dubai that allowed Jho Low to get acquainted with an important person,

He is The Son of the UAE Oil Minister, Euteba.

In front of Otaiba, Jho Low did his best to show his most perfect side,

After some conversation, the two quickly became acquainted,

Later, at the recommendation of Outaba, Jho Low became acquainted with another "big man, Hal Dun,

Hal Dun is the main person in charge of the UAE's "Mubadala" fund,

He holds tens of billions of dollars in his hands, and his rights are not insignificant.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

(Photo of Hal Dun himself)

Speaking of the working mode of "Mubadala", it is necessary to explain,

The fund is a sovereign fund and was created by the UAE government,

Mainly using the oil in the UAE as a guarantee, to raise funds in the international market,

All the funds raised were used for domestic infrastructure construction, which can be described as "justified".

Such a mode of operation for Jho Low, who is reading,

It was like opening the door to a "new world" and deeply shocked him.

At the same time, it also gave him a new understanding and planning for his future.

03. Jho Low successfully invested US$800 million and became a prominent figure in Malaysian politics

In 2005, at the age of 24, After graduating from Wharton, Jho Low,

Back in his hometown of Malaysia, he rented an office in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.

And registered a stock investment company, officially embarked on the road to business.

However, at the beginning, Jho Low's business did not go well, and it was not until two years later that it ushered in a turnaround.

The man who brought the turnaround was None other than His good friend at Wharton, Riza Aziz.

Riza Aziz told Jho Low that the Malaysian government is ready to launch a project in the Iskandar Development Zone,

Is attracting investment, after learning this news, Jho Low is like a treasure,

He hastened to contact his friend Hardun, who was far away in the Middle East,

Hal Dun was very interested after listening to the project introduction and said that he wanted to invest,

So under the matchmaking of Jho Low,

Hal Dun met with Najib Razak, the stepfather of Riza Aziz,

The two sides eventually reached a cooperation, and Haldun agreed to invest $800 million in the project.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

(Former Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak)

After this cooperation, Jho Low successfully gained the trust of Najib Razak,

He became a "figure" in Malaysian politics.

At the same time, through a series of black-box operations,

Both Jho Low and Najib Razak have reaped great rewards.

Soon after, Jho Low, who had a backer, had a "new action",

He decided to acquire two very promising construction companies,

So a wonderful play of "empty glove white wolf" was staged.

Jho Low first registered a shell company overseas.

Then rely on their own status and connections to borrow tens of millions of dollars from the bank,

After the loan was successful, he registered several investment companies in Dubai and other places.

Create a "successful entrepreneur" externally, and then with the help of Najib Razak,

In one fell swoop, he won a large construction project in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.

It received a high return of more than $200 million and exploded overnight.

But for Jho Low, this is just the beginning.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

In 2009, Najib Razak was officially elected Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Since he took office, Jho Low's life has completely reached its peak.

In the same year, Najib Razak announced the establishment of the 1MDB Sovereign Fund,

Under his authorization, Jho Low became an unofficial adviser to the fund.

The two worked together to enrich themselves in the name of the fund.

Put the money that should belong to the country and the people into their own pockets,

Live a life of extravagance.

04, love money more love beauty, Jho Low and a number of Hollywood actresses out of the scandal

Sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars of wealth, Jho Low began to set his sights on women,

In 2010, he met Xiao Yaxuan, a diva of the music scene, at a private banquet.

Then he fell down under her pomegranate skirt, in order to hold the beauty,

Jho Low first published a statement, and then spent a huge amount of money to hold a grand and grand marriage proposal ceremony in Dubai.

However, at that time, Xiao Yaxuan was already "famous and had a master", and finally rejected his pursuit.

Despite the rejection of the confession, Jho Low succeeded in attracting the attention of the domestic media and the public.

His "hunting history" has also been exposed and widely reported by the media, which is eye-opening.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

(Photo of Lindsay Rohan himself)

Famous Hollywood actress Lindsay Rohan is Jho Low's first girlfriend,

Lindsay Rohan is a child actress who became famous for starring in the movie "Born a Couple".

With its beautiful appearance and superb acting skills, it occupies a place in the great Hollywood.

On the day of Lindsay Rohan's 23rd birthday, Jho Low bought 23 bottles of precious champagne for her to celebrate,

Each bottle of champagne is worth more than $50,000, and each sip is like drinking "gold", which is extremely luxurious!

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

(Jho Low and Paris M. Hilton photo)

After breaking up with Lindsay Rohan, Jho Low had a scandal with Hilton Group's Thousand Gold Parris Hilton.

During that time, the two often went in and out of pairs, and the relationship was extremely close.

Hilton is a "party maniac" who pleases her.

In two months, Jho Low hosted 15 parties for her.

Each party costs at least a million dollars, the most exaggerated of which was a champagne party in Paris,

At that party, Jho Low waved a big hand, used the precious champagne as an airbrush, and eventually sprayed $4 million.

Deeply moved, Paris Hilton not only gave Jho Low a veneer kiss,

He also danced intimately on the dance floor, and the atmosphere was quite ambiguous.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

(Group photo of Jho Low and Leonardo)

However, as a businessman, Jho Low has not forgotten his job.

While cultivating a relationship with Hollywood actresses, he continued to accumulate wealth through the 1MDB fund.

In 2012, Jho Low invested in the Hollywood movie "The Wolf of Wall Street" under the name of 1MDB.

He claimed to have invested $155 million, but in fact $100 million went into his own pocket.

But that's a story for another day.

During the filming of the film, there was a very interesting thing that happened.

According to the requirements of the film script, a million-dollar Lamborghini sports car needs to be burned,

Originally, the staff had prepared the prop car in advance,

As a result, Jho Low personally sponsored a real car exactly like the crew.

In this way, a brand new Lamborghini sports car was completely burned down in the movie,

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

(Lamborghini sports car burned in the movie)

After this collaboration, Jho Low and Leonardo, the Hollywood actor who starred in "The Wolf of Wall Street", became friends.

When Jho Low learned that Leonardo had longed for the "Little Golden Man" trophy,

He spent $600,000 to buy a real "little golden man" trophy from a collector.

He gave it to Leonardo as a birthday present, and the matter was in a big mess in Hollywood.

In addition to sending small gold people, Jho Low also sent Leonardo a lot of expensive gifts,

Including tens of millions of Picasso paintings, as well as some rare treasures,

And the reason why he did this, in addition to wanting to "rub" the popularity and popularity of this international superstar,

The most fundamental purpose is to "pave the way" for one's own future.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

(Photo of Miranda Kerr herself)

In 2014, Jho Low's girlfriend was replaced by Victoria's Secret supermodel Miranda Kerr.

At that time, Miranda Kerr had only been divorced by Hollywood actor Orlando Bloom for less than half a year.

No one would have imagined that Miranda Kerr would throw herself into the arms of Jho Low,

Therefore, once this relationship was exposed, it aroused strong concern from the outside world.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

(Miranda Kerr lying on a $1.1 million crystal piano)

According to media reports, on Valentine's Day,

Jho Low gave Miranda Kerr an 11.72 ct heart-shaped diamond ring,

Worth as much as $1.3 million, this expensive diamond ring later became Miranda Kerr's favorite.

She often wears it on various occasions and earns enough eyeballs.

Soon after, Jho Low bought a luxury yacht for $250 million.

Miranda Kerr naturally became the hostess of the yacht, and the two often partyed on the yacht.

Since Miranda Kerr loves to play the piano,

So Jho Low gave her a $1.1 million crystal piano to his liking.

Jho Low and Miranda Kerr's relationship lasted together for a year,

Foreign media have released news that the two are engaged, but soon after the two still parted ways.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

(Group photo of Jho Low and supermodel Gigi)

In addition to these legitimate girlfriends,

Jho Low has also had scandals with Victoria's Secret supermodel Gigi and Hollywood celebrity Kim Kardashian.

At a dinner party, Jho Low and Gigi acted very intimate.

The two completely ignored the eyes of the surrounding guests and the camera lenses of media reporters.

Hand in hand whispering, like a couple.

When Kim Kardashian married NBA player Chris Henfres,

Jho Low once gave her a Ferrari sports car as a wedding present.

This matter was very noisy at the time,

Later, the media repeatedly photographed Kim Kardashian driving this Ferrari out of the street, and did not shy away from suspicion.

05, the East Window incident, Jho Low's life has undergone a huge change overnight

For Jho Low, wealth is his killer skill in reaching high society and conquering beautiful women.

And tried and tried, but the great wealth he has does not come from the right way,

It means that it is only a matter of time before he is discovered, and he will eventually pay the price for what he has done.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

In 2016, the 1MDB sovereign fund was reported by the media that there was a problem with the whereabouts of the funds in its account.

So the United States intervened in the investigation, and after collecting evidence, completely confirmed Jho Low's crime.

According to the data, since 2009,

Jho Low and Najib Razak illegally transferred a total of $3.5 billion from 1MDB sovereign fund accounts,

They first remitted the money to the charitable foundation under Leonardo,

It is then remitted to their overseas private accounts through a charitable foundation...

Shockingly, after a few years of operation,

1MDB sovereign fund not only did not earn a penny, but also owed $13 billion in debt,

After the East Window incident, this huge debt can only be counted on the head of the Malaysian government in the end, which is really regrettable.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?

In 2018, Najib Razak officially stepped down as Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Soon after, he was charged by the local police with a number of crimes, including embezzlement, money laundering and so on.

As for Jho Low, he is wanted by Malaysia, the United States and other four countries.

The assets of mansions, luxury cars, yachts and other assets under his name were frozen by the bank one by one.

In the end, he returned $700 million in "stolen money" and reached a settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice.

Since then, Jho Low has "evaporated in the world", and there is no news of him again.

However, even if the United States let Jho Low go, there are still many countries that have put him on the "blacklist".

This means that he has lost his personal freedom for the rest of his life.

It is possible to go to jail at any time, and it is really deserved.

From the much-anticipated "billionaire" to the notorious "fraudster",

Jho Low used his own personal experience to prove a sentence to the world:

It's not that you don't report it, the time has not yet come.

Spend tens of billions of bubbles all over the world's actresses, and then be wanted by 4 countries, how did this Chinese rich man do it?