
You' are killing yourself! This is another thing that parents are particularly worried about

author:Xiaoxiang famous doctor
You' are killing yourself! This is another thing that parents are particularly worried about

Health Times

Authoritative health information, trusted by professionalism!

How did your body's organs go by through the day?

The alarm goes off, and people who stay up late into the wee hours of the morning get up listlessly from bed. Casual breakfast, gulped down. Because of eating too quickly, the stomach not only did not become comfortable, but even worse than when hungry.

After eating, greasy food causes organs to suffer, and yellow grease residue is everywhere, even the heart is difficult to avoid. And these are the causes of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

When it was time for lunch, I casually ordered some takeaways. "After a cigarette after a meal, race through the living immortals", after eating and drinking enough, you begin to enjoy the pleasure brought by tobacco, but your lungs are in various harmful substances, and your heart is overwhelmed.

As the heart becomes overwhelmed and dying, other organs begin to become overwhelmed. Because the ambulance arrived in time, with the help of doctors, the organs came alive.

But all this may not attract enough attention from human beings, many times, knowing that the disease is not far away from themselves, but still thinking that maybe the unfortunate person is not me.

However, in reality, there are not so many flukes, it will always come, the organs are used endlessly, and they are not protected and valued, so cancer cells appear, and as the cancer cells spread and the scope of metastasis becomes larger and larger, the organs can no longer function normally, and finally bid farewell to the world.

The above content comes from a 4-minute animated short film in the United Kingdom, "Please Don't Abuse Your Organs Anymore" (aka "Organ Funeral"), and what is even more intriguing is that the short film is obviously not your life, but everyone can see their own shadow in it. ①

You' are killing yourself! This is another thing that parents are particularly worried about

It tells you with vivid pictures that many times it is we who kill us!

All these things you do are "murdering" yourself

One could argue that my life is not what it looks like above, but your "murder" of yourself is undeniable.

Get up in the morning and you may not gobble up breakfast like he did, because you don't even have time to eat breakfast;

Busy during work, I don't even have time to get up to get a water or go to the toilet;

It's hard to get off work time, have a meal with friends and colleagues, and drink some wine;

At night, I was reluctant to sleep when I got home, looked at my phone, and before I knew it, it was early in the morning...

And these lives that you are accustomed to are causing your organs great pain.

1, often stay up late: hurt the brain

Staying up late has become a common thing for modern people, and going to bed at 1 or 2 o'clock in the middle of the night has become a normal work and rest time for many people.

But people's sympathetic nerves should be resting at night and excited during the day, while the sympathetic nerves of latecomers are excited at night. During the day after staying up late, the sympathetic nervous system is difficult to fully excite, which will make people have no energy, dizziness, memory loss, inattention, unresponsiveness, forgetfulness, dizziness, headaches, etc. Over time, there will be more serious problems such as neurasthenia and insomnia. ②

2, often angry, depressed: hurt the heart

Tang Chengchun, chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of the Affiliated Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University, introduced in an article in the Health Times in July 2016 that people's emotions are affected, prone to lack of sleep, mental tension, etc., if you do not develop good living habits, heart disease will be entangled. In the long run, the heart will be damaged, leading to unexpected heart events. Some sudden heart disease patients die suddenly because of continuous staying up late, emotional agitation, tension, inducing neurological dysfunction, coronary artery spasm, sudden heart ischemia and sudden death. ③

3, drinking: hurt the liver

"Drinking alcohol hurts the liver" has been recognized by the medical community. Vicenzo Bagnardi's team in Milan, Italy, conducted a study related to alcohol and cancer and found that people who drank heavily had a 2.07 times higher risk of liver cancer than those who did not drink alcohol or drank occasionally. ④

Wang Bingyuan, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, pointed out in a Health Times article in March 2017 that alcohol is mainly metabolized by the liver, and its main component is ethanol, which is oxidized into acetaldehyde after entering the liver cells, which has hepatotoxicity and carcinogenicity, and excessive accumulation in the body causes serious harm to the liver. Long-term heavy drinking leads to alcoholic liver disease, which usually manifests as fatty liver in the initial stage, and then can develop alcoholic hepatitis, liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, further develop into liver cancer, and when severe alcoholism can induce extensive hepatocyte necrosis and even liver failure. ⑤

4. Smoking: injuring the lungs

Smoking hurts the lungs and is easy to get lung cancer, which is well known to everyone. But many people don't have intuitive feelings.

In 2015, CCTV News reported that South Korea's KBS television station had released a footage of footage recorded by a lung endoscope. At the same time, the lungs of non-smokers under endoscopy and people of different smoking ages were compared.

You' are killing yourself! This is another thing that parents are particularly worried about
You' are killing yourself! This is another thing that parents are particularly worried about
You' are killing yourself! This is another thing that parents are particularly worried about

The results can be clearly seen that the biggest difference is the black substance attached to the lungs, experts pointed out that these black substances are carcinogens, and it is precisely because of the presence of these carcinogens that the lung cancer incidence of smokers is 25 times that of non-smokers.

5, often drink sugary drinks: hurt the kidneys

Sugary drinks are the daily drinks of many people, and some people even drink only drinks without drinking water.

A study published in the American Society of Nephrology Clinical Journal CJASN found that people who regularly drink sugary drinks are more likely to develop chronic kidney disease (CKD) in people with normal kidney function. The researchers found that patterns of drinks containing soda, sugary juices, and water were associated with a higher risk of chronic kidney disease. The people who drank drinks the most frequently had a 61 percent higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease than the lowest. ⑥

6, eating heavy mouth, irregular: hurt the stomach

Heavy taste has become the most common eating habit of modern people, most people adhere to the principle of "no spicy no joy", no spicy meal has no soul, not only that, barbecue, pickling, smoked food and so on are also the favorite of contemporary people.

Shen Chen, deputy director of the Digestive Center of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pointed out in an article in the Health Times in November 2017 that young people love to eat spicy and greasy foods as the main cause of frequent stomach diseases. This kind of food stimulates the sense of taste, but leads to the body's "damp fever", which will cause the tongue to be thick and greasy, the appetite to become worse, and thus prefer heavy food, and the stomach will be "injured" in the long run. ⑦

There are also some people who either do not eat when eating, or eat too much, irregular diet will increase the burden on the stomach and many people have the habit of not eating breakfast, Hu Liming, deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of the Oriental Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pointed out in the Health Times newspaper in August 2017 that if people are in a state of hunger for a long time, it will reduce the perception of hunger, cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract, and in severe cases can lead to bile reflux, stomach ulcers, etc. ⑧

7. Sedentary: hurts the intestines

Modern people who can sit and don't stand spend far more time sitting every day than they do. But people who sit in the office for long periods of time have a higher risk of colon cancer. Wang Wenling, chief physician of the Department of Abdominal Oncology of Guizhou Provincial Cancer Hospital, said in a health newspaper in 2018 that long-term sedentary, intestinal peristalsis weakens and slows down, harmful components in feces include carcinogens trapped in the colon and stimulate the intestinal mucosa, coupled with poor blood circulation in the abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity and lumbosacral region of sedentary people, which will lead to a decline in the function of the intestinal immune barrier, which increases the risk of colorectal cancer. ⑨

Don't wait until you're lying in a hospital bed to remember to live a healthy life!

Hong Zhaoguang, a well-known cardiovascular disease expert and health education expert, pointed out in an interview with the Health Times reporter in 2016 that a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important conditions for maintaining health, and the most important thing about a healthy lifestyle is the four cornerstones: reasonable diet, moderate exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol restrictions, and psychological balance.

Hong Zhaoguang stressed that some people eat, all meals have to look at the food nutrition comparison table, in fact, the reasonable diet is very simple, take himself, a cup of milk a day, coarse grains, meat vegetarian, dry thin, vegetables and fruits, red, yellow, green, white and black, different nutrients complement each other, everything to eat, moderate, seven or eight points full, nutrition is just right.

In addition, no drug can replace exercise, the elderly do not recommend intense exercise, can walk for half an hour every morning and evening, if the weather is not good, you can move at home.

In addition, the most important thing is the mentality. Hong Zhaoguang has surveyed many centenarians, and their lifestyles are varied, but they all have one common characteristic: a good attitude. Open-minded, kind-hearted, at ease with encounters, without a sentimental, grumpy, small belly chicken intestines. Whether a person lives well or badly is actually a living mentality. Half of health is mental health, and half of disease is mental illness. In all healthy longevity prescriptions, mental balance is essential. ⑩

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(1) "Don't Abuse Your Organs Anymore, Orange Story"

(2) 2016-07-05 Health Times "Staying up late is more terrible than you think"

(3) 2016-07-05 Health Times

④ Marmot M, Atinmo T, Byers T, etal. Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: A GlobalPerspective[J]. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2007.

(5) 2017-03-24 Health Times "The high incidence of liver cancer is the curse of drinking"

⑥ Casey M. Rebholz, etal. Patterns of Beverages Consumed and Risk of Incident Kidney Disease.CJASN , 2018.

(7) 2017-11-21 Health Times "What the Stomach Experienced after the 90s"

(8) 2017-08-29 Health Times "Hungry is really not hungry? 》

(9) 2018-03-20 Health Times "Sitting Out of Cancer"

(10) 2016-02-24 Health Times "The key to living a hundred years old is to have a good attitude"

Editor: Zhang Meng Review Director: Yang Xiaoming

You' are killing yourself! This is another thing that parents are particularly worried about

【Source: Health Times】

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