
Glory of kings new hero mirror skill, double damage when used to slash, and can also slash their own puppets to replenish the economy

author:Small tower TT

I believe that the small partners all know that the strength of the new hero mirror that has just launched the experience suit is very high, and with the skills of multi-segment displacement and ultra-short CD, it has become the assassin sister of the current experience suit, and the head is like drinking water. At the same time, because of the special skill mechanism of the mirror, there are some small skills that can improve everyone's sense of experience in the game, now hurry up and take a look!

Glory of kings new hero mirror skill, double damage when used to slash, and can also slash their own puppets to replenish the economy
Glory of kings new hero mirror skill, double damage when used to slash, and can also slash their own puppets to replenish the economy

The most special thing about the mirror hero is that it can summon a mirror image, and in the mirror space, this mirror will make the same action as the mirror, causing double damage to the enemy. However, when the mirror uses the summoner skill, it also has a double effect, such as double the damage caused by using slashing, double the amount of healing when using the treatment, weakening and punishing the same reason, although the effect is not doubled, but the coverage is larger. So, if you use a mirror to walk the way, remember to use this little trick!

Glory of kings new hero mirror skill, double damage when used to slash, and can also slash their own puppets to replenish the economy
Glory of kings new hero mirror skill, double damage when used to slash, and can also slash their own puppets to replenish the economy

In the skill description of the mirror, as long as the mirror walks out of its own mirror space, the mirror will disappear. But there is a small trick here, if it is to use the Trinity skill to displace the appearance of the scene will appear a full-map mirror, no matter how far the body goes, the mirror can make the same action on the other side, although it has not found much use at present, but may have a wonderful role in the game.

Glory of kings new hero mirror skill, double damage when used to slash, and can also slash their own puppets to replenish the economy

Although the mirror is an assassin, it can also be used to fight on the side, although it is a little crisp, but the advantage of the short skill CD makes it impossible to face any hero. What's more, when the Mirror walks out of its mirror space early, the golem will disappear, but the Mirror will also get 72 coins. That is to say, if the side mirror is really suppressed and the economy is backward, then killing your own puppet to supplement the economy can be said to be the strongest resistance to pressure.

Glory of kings new hero mirror skill, double damage when used to slash, and can also slash their own puppets to replenish the economy

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