
NBA's latest rankings! The Warriors chased the Suns in a three-game winning streak, the Lakers took revenge on the Nets, and the Clippers reversed by 35 points

On January 26, the NBA regular season played nine games, and 18 teams played with good and bad intentions, including the Clippers once trailing by 35 points to reverse the Wizards, the Lakers to avenge the Nets, the Raptors to beat the Hornets, the Kings swallowed a 53-point defeat, the Rockets lost to the Spurs by 30 points, and the Warriors beat the Lone Rangers. The Timberwolves relied on Simmons' jamming ball to narrowly beat the Blazers. The pattern of the East and West has also changed a lot, and then we will take a look at the latest ranking of the NBA:

NBA's latest rankings! The Warriors chased the Suns in a three-game winning streak, the Lakers took revenge on the Nets, and the Clippers reversed by 35 points
NBA's latest rankings! The Warriors chased the Suns in a three-game winning streak, the Lakers took revenge on the Nets, and the Clippers reversed by 35 points

Warriors 3 straight wins;

Today the Warriors defeated the Lone Ranger at home, ushering in 3 consecutive wins, in the top of the table of the Sun Hao to win 7 consecutive wins, the case of extreme speed, the Warriors also won the victory of the strong dialogue, the Warriors are currently in the second place in the West, the record is 34 wins and 13 losses, behind the Suns 3 win difference. Dream Green has still not returned, he was injured during clay's pre-match warm-up in the comeback battle after two and a half years, and has not recovered until now. Big Three Clay, Curry and Dream Green don't fit together, but they're still doing well and are expected to hit the championship this season.

NBA's latest rankings! The Warriors chased the Suns in a three-game winning streak, the Lakers took revenge on the Nets, and the Clippers reversed by 35 points

Lakers Revenge Nets;

The Lakers beat the Nets by 10 points on the road today, and although there are not many 8 points after the comeback of the thick eyebrow brother, his contribution on the defensive end is still very large. Westbrook's overall performance still needs to be improved, James' NBA appearances have been equal to Bryant, and his performance is also outstanding, scoring 25+ in 18 consecutive games. In terms of the Nets, in the case of Durant's injury and Irving's absence, Harden single-handedly cut the triple-double data, but because of the large strength gap between him and the Nets with a 360 combination, he regrettably lost.

NBA's latest rankings! The Warriors chased the Suns in a three-game winning streak, the Lakers took revenge on the Nets, and the Clippers reversed by 35 points

Clippers 35-point comeback;

The Clippers reversed today to beat the Wizards, which is the best battle. At one point, the Clippers trailed the Wizards by 35 points, and the Clippers scored just 36 points in the first half, with no hope of a comeback. What I didn't expect was that the second half was turbulent, the Clippers were led by Kennard and others to narrow the gap wildly, and Kennard scored 7 points in 7 seconds in the last minute, including 1 three-pointer, 1 3+1 almost killed the game, and the foul was the Wizards core Bill. In this way, the Clippers won the road with a 35-minute trail, which is also the second biggest reversal of the point difference in NBA history.

NBA's latest rankings! The Warriors chased the Suns in a three-game winning streak, the Lakers took revenge on the Nets, and the Clippers reversed by 35 points

The Rockets lost by 30 points;

The Rockets faced the Spurs today, and they swallowed a 30-point fiasco. This season's Rockets have had ups and downs, winning seven in a row after 15 consecutive defeats, seeing hope of impacting the playoffs, but then the Rockets have not played well, losing as many as 30 points today, which is a big blow to the morale of the team. At the same time, the recent unstable performance of Jaylen Green and others in the list needs to be noted, after all, the Rockets this season have no pressure on the record, and it is also important to cultivate young players.

NBA's latest rankings! The Warriors chased the Suns in a three-game winning streak, the Lakers took revenge on the Nets, and the Clippers reversed by 35 points

The Heat lead the way in the East;

The Heat are currently ranked first in the East, and they and the Bulls have lost the same number of games, both 17 games, but they have won 1 more than the other side, so they are temporarily ranked first in the East. The overall strength of the Heat is very strong, Butler leads the team, as well as Adebayo and other powerful players, this season they are also likely to impact the championship. The Bulls have been hit by injuries and illnesses, which have been greatly affected, including Lavin, Caruso and others. The third-place Nets regrettably lost to the More Aligned Lakers today, losing 2 straight;

NBA's latest rankings! The Warriors chased the Suns in a three-game winning streak, the Lakers took revenge on the Nets, and the Clippers reversed by 35 points

Philadelphia are trailing the top 5;

Philadelphia reversed today to beat the Pelicans, and the biggest contributor to this game was Embiid, who exploded with 42 points, 14 rebounds, 4 assists and 4 blocks. It is worth mentioning that in the last 4 games, Embiid has performed very well, averaging 42.5 points per game, 12.8 rebounds, 4.5 assists and 2.3 blocks, shooting 57.7%, and is a popular player to impact MVP. Philadelphia now have a two-game winning streak, and they are just two wins away from the Heat at the top of the table and one of the top four.

NBA's latest rankings! The Warriors chased the Suns in a three-game winning streak, the Lakers took revenge on the Nets, and the Clippers reversed by 35 points

The Pistons lost 3 straight;

The Pistons lost to the Nuggets by 5 points today, eating three consecutive losses, and the Pistons have only won 11 games so far, and the overall performance is not good. The Pistons' most interesting player is Grant, who has been rumored by a number of teams, and the tough player who has played all-Star statistics in the Pistons in the past 2 seasons has been strong, and whether he can stay in the team is also unknown.

NBA's latest rankings! The Warriors chased the Suns in a three-game winning streak, the Lakers took revenge on the Nets, and the Clippers reversed by 35 points

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