
The ball accidentally gave birth to Howard's daughter, and how much compensation did the model Hope eventually get? The numbers are staggering

"Warcraft" Howard, this guy used to be the existence of a single James, he also had the opportunity to attack the best interior line of the NBA, but unfortunately because of the natural attitude and the chaos of private life, Howard did not reach the expected height, and even when James was still holding the maximum salary, Howard was already working hard for the basic salary contract.

The ball accidentally gave birth to Howard's daughter, and how much compensation did the model Hope eventually get? The numbers are staggering

How indiscipline was Howard's private life? According to media reports, Howard had a total of 5 illegitimate children, and these children also appeared as a result of Howard's indulgence, such as Howard and the little model Hope.

The ball accidentally gave birth to Howard's daughter, and how much compensation did the model Hope eventually get? The numbers are staggering

If he hadn't met Howard, Hope might not have had the comfort of his life today. Born in 1988, Hope was a small model before she met Howard, and even had tens of thousands of social media followers. But I have to say that Hope is a very scheming person.

The ball accidentally gave birth to Howard's daughter, and how much compensation did the model Hope eventually get? The numbers are staggering

At a dance, Hope and Howard meet, howard calls on the white beauty Hope, and Hope has another little nine in his heart. So, with the two of them seeing each other and hating each other, Howard also believes that his fame has brought him peach blossom luck, he and Hope recited the night's "Wing Goose", and it is clear that Howard did not have the aftermath of rapper Drake's after-the-fact measures to put chili sauce on TT.

The ball accidentally gave birth to Howard's daughter, and how much compensation did the model Hope eventually get? The numbers are staggering

After a night, Howard thought that he and Hope would never see each other again, after all, it was just a game and a dream, but what Howard did not expect was that in 2010, Hope took a white little girl to Howard's agent and told Howard that this was his daughter.

The ball accidentally gave birth to Howard's daughter, and how much compensation did the model Hope eventually get? The numbers are staggering

In terms of the girl's skin color, Howard thinks that this is not possible, Hope just treated him as a wrongdoer, but Hope is not willing to give up, and even found the media, which also makes Howard have to face this problem, so Howard and the little girl conducted a paternity test, the final result made Howard frustrated, this white little girl is indeed Howard's child.

The ball accidentally gave birth to Howard's daughter, and how much compensation did the model Hope eventually get? The numbers are staggering

Faced with this responsibility, Howard originally wanted to pay up to millions of dollars to buy out the maintenance, but apparently the painstaking Hope did not agree, she filed a lawsuit, and finally Howard was sentenced to pay Hope's mother and daughter $100,000 a month. Hope's non-concession allowed her to get the fee that Howard intended to buy out in a year, and what made Howard even more uncomfortable was that unless he filed for bankruptcy, the maintenance would be paid to Hope's daughter when she became an adult.

The ball accidentally gave birth to Howard's daughter, and how much compensation did the model Hope eventually get? The numbers are staggering

If there is only this little daughter, Howard's problem is not big, but because of the indiscipline of private life, Howard also needs to pay the maintenance of 5 children, which also makes many fans think that Howard is likely to be the next "rain man" Camp who will go bankrupt after retiring.

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