
Reading is invisible, thinking is powerful! The "Popular Good Book List" 2021 Annual Good Book List was released

On the afternoon of the 26th, under the care of the Propaganda Department of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee, the 2021 Annual Good Book list and the fourth quarter list press conference of the "Public Good Book List" under the guidance of the Nanjing Municipal People's Reading Promotion Association and undertaken by the Public Book Bureau was held in Jinling Library.

Reading is invisible, thinking is powerful! The "Popular Good Book List" 2021 Annual Good Book List was released

Since the establishment of the Volkswagen Good Book List in April 2021, a total of three quarters of good books have been released. Among them, best-selling books account for 60%, and the recommended lists of various professions in the industry account for 40%. At the same time, in terms of publication time, quarterly new books account for 80%, and annual new books account for 20%; synchronously, according to the actual sales of the public bookstore physical stores and with reference to the key recommendations of the publishing house and the major authoritative recommendations in the industry, the list is jointly formed.

At the press conference, the 50 good books of the public good book list in 2021 and the list of the fourth quarter were announced. The annual 50 good books include 7 thematic publishing books, 14 humanities and social sciences, 17 literature and art books, 5 popular science life books, and 7 children's literature books. The 2021 Annual Popular Good Books List pays special attention to the centenary of the founding of the Party, the historical memory of Nanjing, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, "Changjin Lake" and other film and television works.

Reading is invisible, thinking is powerful! The "Popular Good Book List" 2021 Annual Good Book List was released

At the scene of the event, the famous children's literature writer Huang Beijia sent a video congratulations, and her work "Pacific Atlantic" was not only selected into the second quarter of the popular good book list, but also won the annual list of the popular good book list. Chen Zhengrong, a well-known media person and author of "Daming City Wall", shared the reading on the spot and sent a message.

The "Popular Good Book List" has been established for nearly a year, and the books on the list have been highly concerned and recognized by the majority of readers. During this period, the chain stores of the Public Bookstore have set up theme book fairs and widely carried out reading activities such as "Reading Jinling - Reading Book Review Collection for the Whole People in the Public Good Book List", and continuously contributed to enhancing the cultural influence of the city, enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the people, and enhancing the people's sense of cultural acquisition and happiness with high-quality cultural supply. The annual list of good books for the public is also a Chinese New Year cultural gift for public readers.

In order to further expand the coverage and influence of the "Popular Good Book List", in 2022, the selection of the "Popular Good Book List" will closely follow the characteristics of the "World Literary Capital" and the famous historical and cultural city, and more deeply and comprehensively understand and meet the reading habits of public readers. At the same time, we will continue to expand the scope of application of the list, continue to promote the series of reading activities of the organs into the foundation, get closer to the public, and contribute to creating a reading atmosphere for the whole people and enhancing the cultural influence and leadership of the city. Yangzi Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Huang Yanwen

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