
Shanghai Songjiang launched a local 30-episode TV series "G60 Youth Apartment", interpreting the story of youth struggle

Shanghai Songjiang launched a local 30-episode TV series "G60 Youth Apartment", interpreting the story of youth struggle

"At the scene of the G60Logo design competition, Li Yiyi took the initiative to ask Miao to volunteer to help the staff decorate the venue together..." This is the opening content of the 30-episode TV series "G60 Youth Apartment".

A few days ago, the expert symposium of the 30-episode TV series "G60 Youth Apartment" was held in Songjiang District. This is the first long-form TV series in mainland China that uses the development of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor in the Yangtze River Delta as the background to tell young people about starting a business on this platform and exerting their youth.

It is reported that the script of "G60 Youth Apartment" has many remarkable places, which has buckled the ideological hotspots of young people, and also grasped the development hotspots of the times, constructed a relatively wonderful plot story and a plump character image, and presented Shanghai's achievements in reform and opening up and the spirit of Haina Baichuan.

Shanghai Songjiang launched a local 30-episode TV series "G60 Youth Apartment", interpreting the story of youth struggle
Shanghai Songjiang launched a local 30-episode TV series "G60 Youth Apartment", interpreting the story of youth struggle

At the seminar site, experts and scholars from the field of screenwriting and front-line practitioners conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges around the intention, plot, characters, etc. of the script, and put forward pertinent suggestions for revision.

Wang Xiaoyu, a tenured professor at East China Normal University, said that the existing script is both grounded, characteristic of the times, very close to life, and suggested that efforts should be made to highlight the characteristics of Songjiang and strengthen the background of G60; Pan Ru, a professor at Zhejiang University of Media, commented on the outline of the script from three dimensions: "whether there is a strong sense of the present", "whether there is a resonance point that breaks the circle", and "whether there is a topic of social penetration", and suggested that it can be used to enhance the sense of conflict and penetration by relying on the knowledge of psychology and philosophy; Xu Xing, a young screenwriter, said. The three groups of young people in the script have different growth trajectories, showing distinct personality characteristics, especially the contemporary concept of marriage and love that is triggered is worth learning, and the image shaping and growth trajectory of the characters can also be polished to enhance the sense of reality and ideological power.

"We must interpret a different kind of youthful style in the highland of G60 talents, and strive to write the first local long-form TV series script that resonates with the same frequency as the construction of modern Songjiang New Town." Lu Jun, chairman of the Songjiang District Federation of Literature and Literature, said that it is necessary to carefully listen to and absorb expert opinions, promote the revision and improvement of the script, closely focus on the two keywords of "G60" and "youth", take the apartment as the space carrier, find the "drama core", tell the story well, write through the characters, not only to meet the aesthetic needs of modern audiences, but also to meet the spiritual core of the source of the G60 science and technology innovation corridor, so that the G60 science and technology innovation corridor and the young generation can achieve each other and grow together.

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