
"Rookie lost and laughed happily"! Hugging Theshy after the game, the 2 had a great time!

Foreword: The 2022 LPL Spring Tournament has been more than halfway, I did not expect that this year's game is more exciting than one, compared to the spring game of 2021, it is clear that this year's spring game is more sufficient, many netizens joked that this year's LPL spring game can have such a good look, thanks to IG and FPX restructuring, otherwise how can it be so wonderful.

"Rookie lost and laughed happily"! Hugging Theshy after the game, the 2 had a great time!

After 1449 days of fighting side by side, Rookie and TheShy met again on stage

The match between V5 and WBG was also the first time Theshy and Rookie had met on stage as rivals after 1449 days of playing side by side. Rookie has been playing for IG since coming to the LPL, never left during the period, and helped IG win the first LPL championship, and Theshy, although Korean, is a player who debuted in the LPL, the first professional game was in IG, two people in a foreign country naturally felt sorry for each other, Theshy faced Rookie like a brother facing his brother, in the IG years, it was also Rookie who has been taking care of Theshy, so after this game The two embraced each other, and Rookie smiled happily despite losing, probably seeing Theshy grow!

"Rookie lost and laughed happily"! Hugging Theshy after the game, the 2 had a great time!

Rookie is unstable, strong when it is strong, weak when it is weak, and chaotic when it is stable!

For the state of Rookie, in fact, the controversy is relatively large, last season's Rookie play is not very eye-catching, which should also be one of the main reasons that led to IG's reluctance to renew Rookie at the original price, and a generation of gods, last season was basically based on the Assassin AD version, so Rookie played generally, and the current spring game is dominated by traditional mages, so Rookie has a bit of a "return to the land fairy realm" feeling.

"Rookie lost and laughed happily"! Hugging Theshy after the game, the 2 had a great time!

Before facing the TES single player, Rookie played very brightly, and this time facing V5 Angel, a stable player, it seems to be a bit passive, when the opponent does not make mistakes, Rookie is very general, there is no way to get a big enough advantage, but overall Rookie played well, looking forward to the next play!

"Rookie lost and laughed happily"! Hugging Theshy after the game, the 2 had a great time!

Theshy met a team that really understood him, and the mentality was getting better and better!

Compared to Rookie, Theshy is actually better, once Theshy in IG although played a lot of famous scenes, the state is also good, but in IG, never saw him laugh so happy, whether it is the official blog documentary, or off-site vlog, have not seen Theshy so happy, now Theshy seems to have found the real team of their own, many times in the interview about the WBG team, said that they are very satisfied with WBG, very happy, It feels like going back to school, the team members are very simple, and that kind of heartfelt smile can't be hidden!

"Rookie lost and laughed happily"! Hugging Theshy after the game, the 2 had a great time!

WBG vs V5 of these 3 games, Theshy's play is actually not too good, Theshy's proficiency in the male gun seems to be somewhat insufficient, the first situation on the V5 single Rich, Theshy's male gun was completely exploded, after being robbed to level 2, Theshy still refused to concede defeat, forced Q soldiers, want to fight back to level 2, but unfortunately to level 2, too late, Rich's Akshan got a blood, the whole innings Down Theshy's male gun played very general!

Summary of personal analysis

At present, as far as Theshy's state is concerned, it can only be said that it is on the upper middle side, and Theshy's mentality has changed compared to before, once Theshy was obsessed with playing alone, and now Theshy has begun to take care of the overall situation, which may be related to the current team style of WBG. And Rookie's state, as far as the current few rounds look down, not bad, after getting the traditional mage, Rookie's performance is not bad, but the current version of the aircraft is a hot single, but Rookie does not seem to like to use the aircraft in the single, so lead to the face of the opponent will be the plane in the single, V5 will appear very passive!

"Rookie lost and laughed happily"! Hugging Theshy after the game, the 2 had a great time!

So the question is, the current state of Rookie and Theshy, who are you definitely better?

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