
Baidu Research Institute released the 2022 Technology Trend Prediction: AI helps deep space exploration and automatic driving become popular

On January 25, Baidu Research Institute released its 2022 Technology Trend Forecast, the third consecutive year that it has released its outlook for cutting-edge technology trends.

The technology trend predictions on this year's list cover the core technology of AI, interdisciplinary and cross-field research, and the industrial and social value of AI, including pre-trained big models, AI for Science (artificial intelligence applied to scientific research), AI-based biocomputing, privacy computing, quantum software and hardware integration, autonomous driving, deep space exploration, human-machine symbiosis, green AI, inclusive AI and other fields.

"Artificial intelligence technology with rapid evolution of core technology, enhanced cross-domain connectivity, and increasingly solid industrial bases has become an important force leading innovation and development." Wang Haifeng, CTO of Baidu and president of Baidu Research Institute, said in the preface, "I hope that in the uncertain era, AI will be used as a lamp to illuminate the road to innovation; with AI as a oar, the boat of development will be paddled." ”

First of all, the core technology of AI continues to make breakthroughs and evolutions, and integration and innovation have become more and more significant.

Taking pre-trained large models as an example, large models perform self-supervised learning based on massive data, and use unified models and paradigms to solve various AI tasks, breaking the dependence of traditional technologies on large-scale annotation data, and significantly improving the effect, versatility and generalization of AI models. Technology paths such as knowledge enhancement, cross-modality, and cross-language activate the imagination space of large models, showing a trend of multi-technology integration and multi-learning methods, and gradually becoming practical.

Second, in interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research, AI constitutes a common variable in scientific research and technological development.

The application of artificial intelligence to scientific research, that is, the emergence of the emerging research field of AI for Science, is expected to bring about a change in the scientific research paradigm; AI-based biological computing will still develop rapidly, and the collaborative innovation of basic research and application scenarios will achieve new breakthroughs; in order to ensure the security of data and privacy, privacy computing technology has attracted attention and will become a breakthrough in the release of data value and an infrastructure for building trust; quantum soft and hard integration schemes have become the mainstream trend, and the real demand accelerates the integration and innovation of quantum computing and various industries.

Third, in terms of industrial and social value, AI is promoting the development of autonomous driving, aerospace, human-computer interaction and other fields, and helping to achieve the goals of "double carbon" and scientific and technological inclusion.

Autonomous driving technology has entered a new stage of unmanned landing, multiple "automotive robots" continue to emerge, connecting technologies and scenarios; AI technology and aerospace technology integration and innovation, promoting deep space exploration to a new stage of intelligence; the new crown epidemic has set up a "social distance" for people's communication, the development of digital technology has shortened this distance, accelerated the symbiosis of people, digital people and robots, the combination of virtual and real and intelligent interaction technology will be quickly integrated into production and life; green and low-carbon more into the AI blueprint, to help achieve the goal of carbon peak carbon neutrality AI is more inclusive and inclusive, and the value creation orientation makes the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises and vulnerable groups get more attention.

This is the third consecutive year that Baidu Research Institute has released its outlook on cutting-edge technology trends. Previously, Baidu Research Institute's predictions on digital people, virtual people will appear in large quantities, and "digital transportation operation" will become a key driving force have been gradually realized.

Attached is Baidu Research Institute's 2022 technology trend forecast (figure):

Baidu Research Institute released the 2022 Technology Trend Prediction: AI helps deep space exploration and automatic driving become popular

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Hu Xiong

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