
Hollywood directors mourn Black Panther, suffer from cancer in silence, and it turns out that he was saying goodbye 6 months ago

author:Cat's Eye Movie

On September 1, "Black Panther" villain Michael B. Jordan posted a tribute to "Black Panther" Chadwick Bosman on social platforms, and his words were unwilling, and he deeply regretted Bosman's departure.

Hollywood directors mourn Black Panther, suffer from cancer in silence, and it turns out that he was saying goodbye 6 months ago

Michael P. B. Jordan said, "One of those last of those conversations we had, you said we were forever connected. And now, that fact has a deeper meaning for me than ever before. ”

Hollywood directors mourn Black Panther, suffer from cancer in silence, and it turns out that he was saying goodbye 6 months ago

In the movie, the two are rivals, but outside the scene are good friends, and Tate Taylor, the director of "Thrills" who cooperated with Bosman, also mourned Bosman. "Bosman said he was unwell and couldn't travel, and I realized now that he was saying goodbye to me in the only way he could."

Hollywood directors mourn Black Panther, suffer from cancer in silence, and it turns out that he was saying goodbye 6 months ago

And Bosman has been ill for many years not only not to the public, even the director Taylor does not know, he revealed that in March only learned that Bosman was unwell, even unable to travel, but also did not tell Taylor about his cancer, director Taylor is very sad about this, did not know that it was the last conversation.

Hollywood directors mourn Black Panther, suffer from cancer in silence, and it turns out that he was saying goodbye 6 months ago

Taylor also recalled that Bosman said "I love you" that time, which may be Bosman's last goodbye to his friends. Fans also commented that Bosman was a gentle person, quietly saying goodbye to his friends and "silently saying goodbye to everyone."

Hollywood directors mourn Black Panther, suffer from cancer in silence, and it turns out that he was saying goodbye 6 months ago

The death of 43-year-old Bosman is difficult for countless people to accept, in addition to classic works such as "Black Panther", "Captain America 3", "Avengers 3", he has also starred in "Marshall", "God of War: Eye of Power" and other works, and won the Black Entertainment Award for Best Actor for the role of "Black Panther".

Hollywood directors mourn Black Panther, suffer from cancer in silence, and it turns out that he was saying goodbye 6 months ago

Just last year, he was engaged to his girlfriend, and before the wedding ceremony could be held, Bosman passed away, and his friends and audience members did not want to give up his death, but Bosman got rid of the pain, and everyone will always remember him.

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