
The world needs you, it needs warmth

The world needs you, it needs warmth

"This World Needs You" | text: Lu Xiansheng

"He told me he was upset."


Many people who have taken their own lives mostly feel discouraged in life, feel that there is no hope, and feel that the world no longer needs themselves. In fact, these people are just caught in the misunderstanding of thinking and have led themselves astray in life.

Not long ago, a heart-wrenching incident occurred in a hospital in the provincial city, when a beautiful female doctor hanged herself. She was only 38 years old, had just been transferred to the provincial city from a hospital in Jining a few years ago, her son was just 12 years old and was in his first year of junior high school; her husband was a weak doctor who always needed her care.

Everyone who knew her felt sorry for her and at the same time couldn't understand what she had done. Graduating from college, working well in the provincial city, smart and lovely son, everyone can't think of any reason to support her to take extreme measures to save her life.

Friends who knew her well said that she could not get out of the grief of her mother's death. Her mother died last year, and their mother-daughter relationship is very deep, since the death of her mother, she is like a changed person, laughter has disappeared from her life, happiness has disappeared, love for life has also disappeared. She went from an optimistic and beautiful woman to a person who was melancholy all the time. In the end, she fell into extreme grief and could not extricate herself, ignoring her lovely son and her family, and went to follow her mother.

Jining is my hometown, and many colleagues in her original unit are also my friends, and they all came to the provincial city to mourn her. When I invited these friends to dinner, everyone was sad about what she had done. Everyone said that she was a very sunny person, the business was great, she was very enthusiastic about people, and she was very popular. However, she did not get out of the grief of her mother's death, and in a text message she sent to a friend a few days ago said that she could not accept the fact that her mother had died.

She followed her mother away, and she was completely relieved from her endless grief, but she forgot the great responsibility of a mother, forgot the great responsibility of a wife, forgot the sacred responsibility of saving lives after she became a doctor, and left the greater sorrow to those who liked her, to her lovely son, to her family.


People's life is ever-changing, who will inevitably encounter misfortune and disaster, when these misfortunes have occurred, has become an immutable fact, we only have to use the usual mentality to accept, to adapt, rather than let those unfortunate destroy their own lives, let their own mental collapse. Because, you are part of this world, and this world needs you.

I had a classmate from middle school, and when I was studying, we were almost inseparable. The two of us were the best students in the class, and naturally received special attention from the teacher, and we were often called to the office or dormitory by the teacher together, when it was called eating a small stove. In contrast, my personality is a little extroverted, and his personality is more introverted. He had very little contact with other classmates, but we talked about everything together. He studied very hard, was very persistent, and had lofty ideals and ambitions. My dream is to become a writer of works, and he is also, hoping to be able to write a legacy like Tolstoy in the future. Later, we were admitted to the same university together, and after graduation, we were assigned to work in the county together.

For the first few years, life was as smooth as we thought. After working in the county for a few years, I went to the provincial city press, and he first went to a township secretary, and soon promoted to deputy township chief, and at the age of 32, he served as a township chief. Holding this position at such an age is rare in the county. His lover was a literary youth who loved poetry and loved to read Pushkin's poems. They had a pair of children, and the children were very cute...

He often took the opportunity to visit me in the province for meetings or errands, and whenever we thought of our ideals, we seemed to feel that our life goals were in front of us. Later, I heard from the leaders of the county that the classmates were already important candidates for the secretary of the township party committee, and it would not be long before they were in charge of the political side. I am happy for my classmates in my heart, and with my understanding of his character and ability, I believe that he can be a good official who truly serves the people.

But soon, I heard some gossip about him from friends in the county. Friends in the county say his life is terrible, and the couple often quarrel over fictitious things. Parents and brothers and sisters, there are some things he does not handle well. His wife often went to the township government where he worked for small things.

When I heard these rumors, I was worried about him, so I called him and asked him to come to me to relax. He told me that he was upset and was trying to hide out for some days, quietly. I said, just come to me, I just bought a big house, there is a place to live, just live here for some days, we adjust our mood.

However, on the night of the third day after our call, I suddenly received a call from a classmate in the county, telling me that he had committed suicide. He was only 35 years old. His parents are still alive, his sons and daughters are still young, and his career is thriving. He committed suicide to prove his innocence in his style of life.

For a long time after that, until now, I think of him a lot. I have never been able to understand, a person, what can be beyond the weight of life? Your elderly parents need your support, your brothers and sisters need your care and support, and your children need to grow up under your care. You are so important in this world, where are you entitled to take your own life? Almost the whole world needs you.

For the world we live in, each of us is an indispensable part, we are very important, when we feel that we are in adversity, we should always remind ourselves: the world needs you!

Image source network, invasion and deletion


Pen name: Lu Xiansheng. At first, I tried to write novels, but then I liked the text of Xue Xiao zen, so I wrote essays and recorded my thoughts.

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