
The first case in Hubei! The woman "changed her heart" and became a mother after 10 years

Jimu news reporter Liu Xun

10 years ago,

She is in Wuhan Union Hospital

Restart life after "changing hearts";

10 years later,

She overcame many difficulties to care for the fetus in October,

She gave birth to her daughter in Concordia on the morning of 26 January.

When you hear the loud cries of children,

The medical staff who have been guarding all the way have a thousand emotions,

This is another continuation of life after ten years of rebirth.

Be a mother after changing your heart like this,

It is the first case in Hubei.

Jimu News reporter learned,

The female treasure weighs 4.3 pounds, very healthy,

Mom is also in a stable state.

In order to protect the child, find the attending doctor of the year

The first case in Hubei! The woman "changed her heart" and became a mother after 10 years

Xizi, a 27-year-old who lives in Guangxi, went to the Department of Cardiac Androvascular Surgery of Union Hospital for treatment in 2012 due to end-stage right ventricular cardiomyopathy, but her heart failed badly and a heart transplant became the only hope. Fortunately, Xizi successfully waited for a life-saving heart, and was operated by Director Dong Nianguo's team.

After the change of heart, Yuko recovered well, smoothly returned to society and formed a happy family, and the two young people were very affectionate. At the beginning of 2018, Xizi contacted Zhang Jing, the tube bed doctor at the time and the attending physician of the Department of Cardiac and Macrovascular Surgery of Union Hospital, and explained her intentions: "I want a child of my own. This startled the doctor.

It should be known that patients after heart transplantation need to take anti-rejection drugs for a long time, even during pregnancy, but most anti-rejection drugs have a certain risk of teratogenicity and miscarriage; in addition, drugs will also "push up" maternal blood pressure and blood sugar during pregnancy, which is not a small load on the heart. Although there have indeed been cases of successful pregnancy and childbirth after a heart change in China, at that time, Dr. Zhang Jing considered the risks and repeatedly advised her to consider it carefully. But Yukiko has made up her mind and insists on conceiving the baby.

In the end, Professor Dong Nianguo and Dr. Zhang Jing's team respected her choice and formulated a "pregnancy preparation plan" for her, instructing her to monitor her physical condition at any time and adjust the drug situation in time. For several months, Xizi was not pregnant, dr. Zhang Jing was afraid of her heart condition, proposed to adjust the original dosage, and advised her, "My body is critical, let's talk about it later." Unexpectedly, when she was about to give up, Yukiko found herself pregnant and quickly told the experts of the Union Hospital about the news.

Develop a plan to consult many times to protect the safety of mother and daughter

The first case in Hubei! The woman "changed her heart" and became a mother after 10 years

How to let a mother who has changed her heart give birth to a baby smoothly, the expert team of cardiac and large vascular surgery, obstetrics, anesthesia and other experts of Union Hospital has no bottom, this process is challenging, and there has been no successful birth case in our province before.

"Pregnant women are sick and not good for pregnancy." Professor Zhao Yin, deputy director of the Obstetrics Department of Wuhan Union Hospital, said that in addition to congenital thalassemia, pregnant hypertension and gestational diabetes have appeared, and there are also problems such as cholestasis syndrome, and the treatment is very difficult.

Throughout the pregnancy process, the Department of Cardiac Surgery adjusted the type of anti-rejection drug for Yuko and ensured the safety of the dose; the obstetric team continued to test the xizi for the delivery and fetal ultrasound to ensure that the anti-rejection drug had the least impact on the fetus.

On December 29 last year, 31 weeks after Yuko's pregnancy, Professor Zhao Yin organized a general consultation of the whole hospital, including multidisciplinary experts in cardiac surgery, ICU, anesthesia, operating room, neonatology, etc., to evaluate the pregnant woman and fetus together and determine the emergency plan.

Carefully guarding Yukiko until 36 weeks pregnant, considering the safety of the mother and baby, the MDT team of experts made the decision that a caesarean section could be performed!

On January 26, at 8:30 a.m., it was the Southern Lunar New Year, and the experts anesthetized Xizi. After 15 minutes, the obstetrician came into action to begin the operation. The journey lasted only 30 minutes, and the baby girl fell to the ground and cried loudly. After assessment, the child weighed 4.3 pounds, scored 8-9 points, and was healthy. When the medical staff held the baby and Yukiko's face, she instantly blushed, "I finally became a mother!" ”

The first case in Hubei! The woman "changed her heart" and became a mother after 10 years

As of the time of the Jimu News reporter's release, Director Dong Nianguo, Professor Zhao Yin, etc. have just finished checking the room, the mother-daughter situation is relatively stable, the parents are relieved, and the hospital will continue to track the status of the baby and the mother in the follow-up.

Recalling the journey of Yukiko's pregnancy, she did not recommend risking her life, "The desire to get pregnant is understandable, but women with special diseases need to consider it carefully." Zhao Yin said that women with heart disease, hemophilia, hypertension, diabetes, liver and kidney system diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus and other diseases must do a systematic examination before pregnancy, and the obstetric multidisciplinary team conducts a detailed risk assessment, because the pregnancy process is likely to lead to aggravation of the disease, the risk to the fetus is not small, and the serious will also endanger life, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Correspondents: Nie Wenwen, Peng Jinxian, Chen Youwei, Liu Kunwei

Source: Jimu News

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