
Are financial analysts looking the same? When will the 2022 CFA exam be?

author:Gordon CFA training

Are financial analysts looking the same? When will the 2022 CFA exam be? For those who are engaged in the financial industry, the CFA certificate is a good springboard, and the gold content of the CFA certificate is also very high! In recent years, more and more people have joined the ranks of the CFA exam!

Are financial analysts looking the same? When will the 2022 CFA exam be?

Prospects for financial analysts

The development prospects of financial analysts are not the same, according to their own capabilities, different people have different development prospects, but there are some more general data can provide you with reference.

Fund managers and analysts are the two positions with the most CFA licensee practitioners, but the requirements for financial knowledge based on the CFA certificate are wide-ranging and in-depth, and financial executives, investment bankers, financial consultants, industry analysts, asset management, risk management and other work are particularly fond of the CFA licensee positions. Statistics from data companies show that the average annual salary of CFA holders has exceeded one million yuan.

Schedule for the 2022 CFA exam

The 2022 CFA exam has four semesters, in February, May, August and November. The CFA level 1 exam is held in February, May, August and November, the CFA level 2 exam is held in February, August and November, and the CFA level 3 exam is held in May and November. All three levels of CFA are in English and are tested on a computer-based basis; the 2021 CFA exam will be tested on a computer-based basis.

February, May, August 2022 CFA exam dates have been determined:

February 2022 CFA exam time: February 15, 2022 - February 26, 2022

May 2022 CFA exam time: May 17- May 26, 2022

August 2022 CFA exam time: August 23, 2022 - September 6, 2022

The three levels of CFA exams are not on the same day, CFA candidates can see their exam time clearly before the exam, and don't miss the CFA exam because of their sloppiness.

CFA exam questions

The official website of the CFA Institute has updated the length of the exam and the number of exam questions for each level of CFA level 1, 2 and 3, as shown below.

CFA Level 1: 90 questions in each of the two exams with a total of 180 questions; each exam is 2 hours and 15 minutes (135 minutes), with an average of 1.5 minutes per question.

CFA Level 2: 44 questions in each of the two exams, a total of 88 questions, each exam is 2 hours and 12 minutes (132 minutes in total), with an average of 3 minutes per question.

CFA Level 3: Part I essay questions, the number of questions is uncertain, part II multiple choice questions, a total of 44 questions, each exam is 2 hours and 12 minutes (132 minutes in total), and the average number of multiple choice questions is 3 minutes per question.

2022 CFA candidates should adapt to the changes in the questions in time, which will help them become familiar with the topics of the CFA exam and help them pass the CFA exam with greater certainty.

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