
Three news from the Winter Olympics: Bach arrived in Beijing, the Chinese curling team lineup was released, and athletes took the oath

On January 27, Beijing time, at the end of the year, many places in the country have begun the rhythm of the holiday, but Beijing is still a busy scene. That's because the Beijing Winter Olympics, which have been in preparation for a long time, are coming, which is a grand event that the people of Beijing and even the whole country have been looking forward to for a long time, when Beijing will become one of the few cities in the world that can host the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. This kind of grand event for the people of the whole country can naturally attract the attention of many people, and many people are also waiting closely for the latest news of the Winter Olympics.

Three news from the Winter Olympics: Bach arrived in Beijing, the Chinese curling team lineup was released, and athletes took the oath

And the recent news about the Return of the Winter Olympics can be described as flying all over the sky, Xiaobian also filtered and screened a part for everyone, and then I will tell you about the three most noteworthy news. First of all, the president of the International Olympic Committee, Bach, has recently arrived in Beijing after many tests, and as the president of the International Olympic Committee, Bach's arrival means that the Beijing Winter Olympics are really not far away. Then there are teams of athletes from all over the world arriving in Beijing one after another, when the people of Beijing can once again see the grand occasion of 2008.

Three news from the Winter Olympics: Bach arrived in Beijing, the Chinese curling team lineup was released, and athletes took the oath

This is the first time that Chinese have witnessed the Winter Olympics on their doorstep, and China's performance in the Winter Olympics has not been particularly good, because many Chinese athletes have less touch on the sports of the Winter Olympics, and there are few venues and places in the country that specialize in training these sports. However, this time the Beijing Winter Olympics is the best opportunity for Chinese athletes to prove themselves, because we have home advantage and a lot of preparation time, as long as we can play our normal strength can achieve good results.

Three news from the Winter Olympics: Bach arrived in Beijing, the Chinese curling team lineup was released, and athletes took the oath

This kind of thing about national honor must not be sloppy, and the best Winter Olympic athlete in China may be Wu Dajing, who also led a group of athletes who will play in the Winter Olympics as a representative of athletes to take an oath in Tiananmen Square. This was on Monday morning, tiananmen Square as scheduled to carry out the flag-raising ceremony, Wu Dajing and a group of athletes after the flag-raising ceremony held high the national flag and took an oath, which is our guarantee to the motherland and their determination to win.

Three news from the Winter Olympics: Bach arrived in Beijing, the Chinese curling team lineup was released, and athletes took the oath

This time, the oath also caused a lot of people to watch, and everyone gave these athletes their own encouragement, hoping that they could get a good result on behalf of China. The next step is still the intensive preparation stage, and the Chinese side has gradually revealed the big list that will play in the Winter Olympic Games. China's curling delegation unveiled their Winter Olympic lineup, and several teams led by Han Yu and Ma Xiuyue will appear on the curling field, which is also the basis for China to attack the championship.

Three news from the Winter Olympics: Bach arrived in Beijing, the Chinese curling team lineup was released, and athletes took the oath

I have to say that this Winter Olympic Games is very important for China, which means that China can once again prove its strength in the Winter Olympic Games, and it can once again show China's strong national strength to the people of the world. However, it is worth noting that China also needs to pay attention to many things at this time, after all, the winter is more contagious, which means that prevention and control should also be more stringent. However, with the strength of the unity of the Chinese people, I believe that the Winter Olympic Games can certainly be held smoothly.

Three news from the Winter Olympics: Bach arrived in Beijing, the Chinese curling team lineup was released, and athletes took the oath

I don't know if you have any other views and opinions on this matter? Feel free to comment below.

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