
Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Chorus "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China"

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Instrumental Ensemble "Welcoming Spring"

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Modern Peking Opera "Plains Combat" excerpt "Thunderbolt a Spring Thunder"

Colorful ink, singing the song of the pear garden.

The gongs and drums are sonorous, interpreting the spring warmth of Yimeng.

On the occasion of the 2022 Spring Festival, the 2022 Linyi Spring Festival Opera Gala, sponsored by Linyi Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, Linyi Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Linyi Radio and Television Station, and hosted by Linyi Liuqin Opera Heritage and Protection Center, Linyi Dramatists Association, Linyi Radio and Television Industry Development Center, Shandong Luoxin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. and Linyi Jushan Technology Co., Ltd., jointly sponsored by Linyi City, was a wonderful opening. The strong performance lineup and wonderful program design are inspiring, amazing for the New Year, and impressive.

The second session of the "Yang Nai Shijia" Cup Linyi City Opera Competition was successfully held to witness the blossoming of a hundred flowers in Linyi Pear Garden

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Peking Opera "Spring in the Pear Garden"

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Peking Opera "Wing Mei"

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Modern Peking Opera "ShaJiabang" Excerpt "Chaoxia Reflected on Yangcheng Lake"

In 2021, on the basis of the successful holding of the "Yang Nai ShiJia Cup" Linyi City First Online Opera Fan Contest, our station successfully held the "Yang Nai Shi Jia" Cup Linyi City Second Opera Competition. The successful holding of the two competitions has aroused great concern from all walks of life in our city, and the mass art groups in various counties and districts, major ticket societies, and the majority of theater fans and friends have enthusiastically signed up, and more than a thousand theater fans and friends have signed up to participate, especially some professional theater troupes and professional opera practitioners have also actively participated, which has improved the artistic level and increased the wonderful point of view for this competition.

In this competition, many outstanding and professional artists in our city have come forward to speak, teach, and personally guide and train the contestants, so that the performance of the contestants is not inferior to professionalism and beyond hobbies.

Before the gala began, a grand award ceremony was held for the winners of the Gold, Silver, Bronze and Top 10 Tickets, as well as the Best Organization Award. The two xiqu competitions have provided a stage for Linyi's majority of opera fans who love opera art to show their artistic talents. A hundred flowers bloomed just rightly, and the participation of more than 2,000 people registered for the two competitions and the wonderful presentation of more than 400 award-winning players fully verified the gratifying scene of the thriving opera art and talents in our city.

Intergenerational inheritance

Linyi opera art has been followed by others

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Peking Opera "Noble Concubine Drunk"

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Peking Opera "Flower Field Mistake"

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Peking Opera "Empty City Plan" excerpt "I was originally a loose person in Wollongong"

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Peking Opera "Plains Combat" excerpt "Be a Good Son and Daughter of China"

This year's opera evening is a high-level, high-style evening, the party to love the motherland, love the hometown, praise the new era, sing the new life as the keynote, classic famous paragraphs gathered, makeup Luo Cui debuted, the scene is magnificent, gorgeous, unforgettable.

At this year's party, the old artists in the Linyi opera art world gave way to more young theater fans who were studying in primary and secondary schools. They retreated behind the scenes, willing to pay and dedicate silently to the children's artistic progress and the healthy growth of artistic ideas, and it is no exaggeration to say that this is also an evening party that witnesses Linyi opera to bring the old to the new, passed down from generation to generation, and the opera art is so vibrant and new.

Xue Yun, supervisor of the Linyi Dramatists Association, said: The more people in a nation understand art, the more vitality the nation will have. The more people in a country who volunteer to pursue a career in the arts, the more innovative the country becomes. Contemporary young people shoulder the major historical mission of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and not only need to improve the quality of science and culture, but also need to cultivate their own artistic accomplishment and enhance their aesthetic ability. "Peking opera enters the campus, and opera starts from dolls" is particularly urgent for Linyi, a famous historical and cultural city.

It is gratifying that this year, the Shandong Dramatists Association invited more than a dozen small opera fans from our city to participate in the performance of the "2022 Shandong New Year Literary and Art Evening Opera Special" in our province, and their one move and one style and appearance have won the unanimous affirmation and praise of the audience and experts.

At this year's Linyi Opera Spring Festival Gala, the children became the protagonists of the stage, they performed the Peking Opera "Yingchun", "Have a Red Heart", "Three Stores", "Mu Guiying Hangs Commander", "Defeat the Wolf of American Imperialism Ambition", "Empty City Plan", "Be a Good Son of China", "Noble Concubine Drunk" and other wonderful singing segments, the children enjoyed the charm of traditional opera culture in edutainment. Xue Yun said: Through artistic practice, children have opened up another spiritual world outside of conventional disciplines, and the cultural heritage in it is unmatched by other disciplines and entertainment activities.

Ticket holders are close to a professional level

The classic singing segment sings Yi Meng

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Liu Qin opera sings "Wang Xiao Rushes Feet", "Buy Melon", "Mu Guiying Hangs Up"

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Opera singing Huang Mei opera "Female Pony Horse" Yu opera "Lifting the Flower Car" Lü opera "Borrowing Year"

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - 2022 Linyi City Spring Festival Opera Gala wonderful opening

Peking Opera "Fishing for Golden Turtles" excerpt "Called Zhang Yi"

Many of the plays selected for the 2022 Xiqu Gala are almost classic and familiar to everyone, although this year's performances are more of the fans who won the Xiqu Competition, but their performance lineup is very strong and has its own characteristics.

In addition to the makeup debut, the Hedong Opera Association and the Lanling County Liuqin Opera Troupe participated in the performance of young actors, their singing and playing have shown a considerable standard, through the unremitting efforts of the artists, Linyi opera art finally ushered in a splendid spring.

Sun Qizhong, chairman of the Linyi Dramatists Association, said that although most of the people who participated in the performance were fans of the opera, their singing was close to the professional level, and the arrangement and design of the live choreography were both the solemn and gorgeous traditional stage and the background of modern lighting, which was refreshing and eye-catching. The perfect presentation of all this is inseparable from the careful choreography of professional choreographers and the painstaking design behind the scenes. With their love for the art of opera, everyone presented the classic singing segments to the people of Yimeng and let the magnificent carols resound in the land of Yimeng.

Teacher Jia Lihua, a famous Peking opera artist in our city and the director of this evening, and her husband Xue Yun grew up in the Peking Opera family, and were influenced by the art of opera since childhood, not only the famous Peking Opera masters in our city, but also the enthusiasm for the art of opera and the development and inheritance of opera culture in Yimeng. The leaders of the Linyi Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature paid special attention to the selection of the repertoire and cast of the evening, and the artists of the Linyi Opera Artists Association participated in it, and they either participated in the performance or personally said the drama for the fans.

The famous Peking Opera performance artists in our city, Mr. Jia Shaolin and Mr. Liu Guiqiu, are the two Peking Opera artists, as the older generation of opera artists, they have contributed their lifelong energy and enthusiasm to the development of Peking Opera art in our city. Every year at the opera party, the two teachers will come to the scene to make up and talk about the actors, which is simply more exciting than they are on the stage themselves.

The pear garden is full of flowers, and spring is worth looking forward to! I wish Linyi opera art more prosperous and colorful, and look forward to the wonderful reappearance in the coming year!

Shengshi Pear Garden Spring Warmth Yimeng - Linyi City 2022 Spring Festival Opera Gala Broadcast Time:

General Channel February 1 (the first day of the first lunar month) 21:00

Agricultural Science Channel February 2 (the second day of the first lunar month) 21:00

Public channel 20:00 on January 31 (Chinese New Year's Eve of the 29th lunar month).

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