
Why does the nurse urge the mother to confirm the baby's gender after giving birth? It is not difficult but scientifically based

Although today's medical technology has been very developed, the matter of having children still makes women feel pain.

After all, it is necessary to bear a lot of pain, especially after giving birth, and the mother is too weak to speak.

But why do nurses have to ask them to confirm the baby's gender at this time?

Why does the nurse urge the mother to confirm the baby's gender after giving birth? It is not difficult but scientifically based

Xiao Li's child has just turned a full moon, and recalling the scene in the delivery room at that time, she still has palpitations.

At that time, because the child's indicators were in line with the conditions for normal delivery, under the advice of the doctor, Xiao Li chose to give birth naturally, but soon she regretted it.

Although the midwife constantly encouraged her in her ear, letting her inhale and exhale rhythmically, no matter how hard Xiao Li tried, the child seemed to be unwilling to come out, and did not move for a long time.

Why does the nurse urge the mother to confirm the baby's gender after giving birth? It is not difficult but scientifically based

From morning to afternoon, Xiao Li had obviously used up all his strength.

Just when she was about to give up the normal birth and want to switch to a caesarean section, she suddenly heard the nurse shouting and saw the child's head.

So I had the strength again, and finally gave birth to a child.

By this time she was exhausted and just wanted to sleep well with her eyes closed.

Why does the nurse urge the mother to confirm the baby's gender after giving birth? It is not difficult but scientifically based

But before her eyes were closed, the nurse came to her with the baby in her arms and asked her to see if the baby was a boy or a girl and determine the gender.

Xiao Li said that he really wanted to ask them at that time, what gender is the baby, can't you see it?

But finally swallowed this sentence, she looked at the baby, and the nurse determined the baby's gender.

Later, she learned that this was not a superfluous move, nor was it deliberately difficult for the nurse, but there was a certain scientific basis.

Why does the nurse urge the mother to confirm the baby's gender after giving birth? It is not difficult but scientifically based

Why does the nurse urge the mother to confirm the baby's gender after giving birth? It turns out that "there is an ulterior motive"

1. Let the mother wake up

Some women have a long birth process or excessive physical exertion, resulting in a sudden break in a tight string in their hearts after the birth of the child, which is likely to put them in danger in an instant.

At this time, the nurse asked them to confirm the gender of the child, just hoping to make the mother cheer up.

I believe that most mothers will immediately cheer up when they see the first eye of the baby, so this is also a way to ensure the situation of the mother.

Why does the nurse urge the mother to confirm the baby's gender after giving birth? It is not difficult but scientifically based

2. Establish parent-child feelings

The child has lived in his mother's belly for nearly 10 months and has already established a deep relationship with his mother.

After birth, the nurse asks the mother to confirm the gender of the child, which is actually an opportunity for the mother and the child to deepen their relationship.

Although children can't express it, when they see their mother, their hearts will be full of security.

This allows them to better establish parent-child feelings with their mothers, which is conducive to emotional communication with their mothers later.

Why does the nurse urge the mother to confirm the baby's gender after giving birth? It is not difficult but scientifically based

After giving birth to the baby, what should the mother pay attention to?

1. Timely feeding

Babies are born with the ability to suck, so when they are born, mothers should feed them as soon as possible.

On the one hand, it can meet the baby's nutritional needs as much as possible, and on the other hand, it can also avoid the accumulation of milk, so that the milk can be discharged in time to avoid causing inflammation or blockage of the breast.

Why does the nurse urge the mother to confirm the baby's gender after giving birth? It is not difficult but scientifically based

2. Personal care

After the birth of the child, the mother is not suitable for bathing, let alone bathing, but this does not mean that personal care is not important.

Because the mother sweats a lot, so the basic cleaning work is essential, you can choose a cleaning wipes specially for pregnant women to wipe the body to avoid the growth of bacteria.

Although it is important to take care of the child, the mother should also pay attention to protecting herself so that she can have better energy to take care of the child.

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