
Li Mi's office joined the army Zu Junyan, writing a text for Li Mi, and what happened in the end

author:Bright old Don

After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, most of the history written by the latter dynasty was to smear the former dynasty, but the "History of Sui" presided over by Wei Zheng was still very fair, and there was no deliberate belittling of Yang Guang, nor was it praised.

So who blackened Yang Guang? I have to say that a person, he is Zu Junyan, there may be people who do not know who he is? Let's take a look!

Li Mi's office joined the army Zu Junyan, writing a text for Li Mi, and what happened in the end

Zu Junyan this person is very prominent, is the current Hebei Laishui people, at that time belonged to Fanyang County, famous for his talent, very famous in the Shilin, during the Sui Wen Emperor period, was recommended by Xue Daoheng to Yang Jian, he was the northern Qi Shangshu servant Zu Jue's son, because after Zu Jue took power, began to frame Zhongliang, at that time Huo Luguang was framed by him, good at speculating and drilling camps, Zu Junyan had such a laozi, Yang Jian was very disgusted when he heard it, because Yang Jian knew his father's personality, so he did not dare to use his son. Zu Junyan was born for the first time and died without a problem.

When yang guang, the sui emperor, was very jealous of these people with the title of famous soldiers, he symbolically gave Zu Junyan the opportunity to give him the official position of Dongping Shuzuo and inspector of Sucheng Ling.

Zu Junyan always felt that his ambitions could not be carried out, and he often complained in private, he heard that Li Mi was in power in WagangZhai, so he secretly went to surrender.

Li Mi's office joined the army Zu Junyan, writing a text for Li Mi, and what happened in the end

When Li Mi was in charge, he wrote the crusade against the qiwen, and was appointed by Li Mi to join the army as a recorder, and all the clerical work in the army and the qiwen were entrusted to Zu Junyan. Zu Junyan drafted many documents for Li Mi, such as "For Li Mi and Yuan Zi Gan Shu", "For Li Mi and Li Yuan", etc., but the most famous is Hei Yang Guang's Tan Wen, "For Li Mi Luo Zhou Wen": "The bamboo of the South Mountain, the book is not endless; the waves of the East Sea are broken, and the evil is difficult to exhaust." Among them, there is the crime of Yang Guang's father and mother, Yang Guang's black history has begun since then, and the idiom "Xinzhu Is Difficult to Write" also comes from here!

After Li Mi was defeated by Wang Shichong, Zu Junyan was tied to a tree by Wang Shichong, beat him up, and did not intend to kill him, found a doctor to see if he could save him, did not expect that the Lang general Wang Bazhu next to him said that he was a man who played with a pen pole, and he had more than enough to die, and went up and kicked him in the heart socket and kicked him to death! Wang Shichong saw that he was dead, and that was it, it was impossible to punish Wang Bazhu, so he ordered that "corpses be slaughtered and shown to the public" in Yanshi City.

Li Mi's office joined the army Zu Junyan, writing a text for Li Mi, and what happened in the end

So Zu Junyan was brutally killed in this way, although the writing was good, but this personality was obviously the same as his father, because of his unsuccessful career, and resented Yang Guang, such a text also existed in history, such as Yuan Shao's Chen Lin's crusade against Cao Cao' Text, which was also extremely discredited Cao Cao. This is the "curved pen" of the literati! In the end, Zu Junyan also died tragically at the hands of Wang Shichong!

For reference only