
Don't let "ignorance" hurt your child


Remember the shocking scene some time ago?

A baby who is trained to sleep on his stomach results in suffocation

But then my mother watched in front of the surveillance

So here's the problem

Why didn't the mother find out about the child's problem in time?

Why do moms keep letting their children sleep on their stomachs?

Don't let "ignorance" hurt your child

It turned out that the novice mother mistakenly believed the "teacher" suggestion in the WeChat group, trained the three-month-old baby to sleep on his stomach, and broadcast live in the group, making the baby cry to bake alive. Should a three-month-old sleep on his stomach? What should babies pay attention to when sleeping?

At about 1 p.m. on the day of the incident, the mother began to "sleep training" the baby. At 2 p.m., the baby rolled over, slept on his stomach, and then began to cry. My mother was anxious to ask for help in the group, but the answer was "it's okay if you don't cry." After 10 minutes, the baby stopped crying, there was no sound, and the people in the group said that the baby had been "unlocked to sleep on his stomach", who knew that after an hour, he found that the baby had died.

At present, the official answer is that it is impossible to determine whether the baby's death is related to lying on the stomach, but it is certain that it cannot be separated from the relationship, this incident has triggered a fierce discussion among netizens, there is a criticism of the mother's "ignorant voice", there is a voice that says "report the institution", the biggest voice is still: should the baby sleep on his stomach?

Many parents want to train their babies to sleep on their stomachs, mainly because sleeping on their stomachs is similar to the position of babies in the mother's womb, so they will be more secure when sleeping on their stomachs and more likely to sleep soundly. Studies have shown that babies who sleep on their stomachs develop mentally faster and promote muscle development at the same time. However, the possible risks cannot be ignored!

The American Academy of Pediatrics has said that babies 6 months ago are strictly forbidden to sleep on their stomachs, because their control over the body is still very weak, and it is likely that they will not turn their heads and cannot breathe smoothly when sleeping on their stomachs, and they are prone to suffocation due to the obstruction of their mouth and nose, and even lead to sudden infant death ID (SS)!

Therefore, babies under 6 months are not recommended to sleep on their stomachs, and if the baby over 6 months sleeps on their stomachs, parents must also be next to them, keep air circulation, the temperature is moderate, and do not wear more clothes for the baby.

Finally, I hope that all parents will remember the lessons of this time, do not trust the rumors on the Internet, rely on facts to speak, rely on science to speak, and create a good growth environment for babies.